Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1721: Ma Huzi

Secondly, the Xuan Tie chain is engraved with seals and seals. Eighty percent of them are made by Maoshan North School disciples. The former organs may also be the northern disciples. The two north and south disciples are somewhat related, in case they encounter The North-related spells and the like, how much is a bit of a bottom, and it is easier to follow the four treasures.

The four treasures did not object, so the two sides allocated a bit. The ancient tomb is in jeopardy, Ye Shaoyang does not worry about putting the expedition team here, and with the urinary nature of Professor Sun, he likes to drum up everywhere. If he swears out any evil things, he is not in front of him. It is estimated that he will see a dead body. It is.

So Ye Shaoyang let them split into two teams, half followed by four treasures, and half followed themselves. The disciples of the cabinet also split into two groups, followed by two teams. The people of Zikun Road hang the fish-sword sword, fearing that they would be robbed by the other party, insisting on taking shortcuts, and Ye Shaoyang did not expose it, let him follow himself.

"Army, you go to those caves to find the exit, whether you can't find it, come over and tell us."

Lin Sansheng listened to Ye Shaoyang’s words and promised: “Shaoyang, if you are in danger, remember to ask for reinforcements.”

Ye Shaoyang knows that he is talking about oranges and nodded. This is his most powerful support group. They are not called at present. They mainly do not encounter the danger of not being able to cope with it. Besides, the tomb is narrow. If they come over, they will not show up. Open your hands, if you really can't solve the trouble, you won't let them idle.

After the four treasures were gone, Ye Shaoyang and others studied the iron fence door in front of him. Because of the mysterious iron chain and the seal on the top, the zombies below the corpse did not dare to touch, but this door is for humans. In fact, it is not a hindrance.

The soldiers checked the strength of the fence door and proposed to use a gas torch - this time the tomb, they took two gas torches. Ye Shaoyang listened to their plan and felt that it was feasible. Let them start, and they and Cao Yu and others retreated to look around.

"Mr. Ye, if you add a stone gate here, aren't we trapped? Why use an iron fence?" Cao Yu asked inexplicably.

Ye Shaoyang said: "The black iron chain must be attached to the metal, so that the whole body can be integrated into one, and the effect of the seal can be produced. If the stone door is used, these zombies can completely hit the chain without breaking the chain. As for the fence, Probably to ensure air circulation, the corpse of the corpse can flow down the cemetery."

Ye Shaoyang is also a brainstorming move. I think of this, and the existence of the corpse is a two-pronged one.

Ye Shaoyang activated the soul print of Guagua, and waited for a while, Guagua also gave a response, the distance is farther than before, Ye Shaoyang did not know where it is, doubts in the heart, do not know why the melon stayed on the ground until now Come down.

"Mr. Ye, well, trouble to get some water, there is water...we don't dare to go." Liu Kai came over and said in a distressed way, before seeing a few ugly zombies coming out of the pool, in the hearts of a few people , has left a shadow.

After taking a convenient bag that Liu Kai handed over, Ye Shaoyang walked to the side of the pool, hit a bag of water, and walked to the front of the fence to see the red line of the bottom row of fences that had been fired by a squirt gun.

"So it's so splashing?"

"Yes, quenching will make the iron strips quickly oxidize and become brittle, Mr. Ye started."

Ye Shaoyang poured a bag of water against the iron bars. The red iron bars were stirred by the cold water, and the white steam appeared. Several soldiers immediately went forward and smashed them with military boots. The cockroach broke, and there was space in the middle that could make people drill.

“Great!” Ye Shaoyang sincerely praised, saying that he can leave. Before he drilled, he suddenly thought of something, let them wait, and took out a pack of pre-prepared incense ash from his backpack and put it in the porcelain bowl. Inside, then pour the water, add a few flavors of the medicine, stir into a paste, and use the hand to smash into the shape of the Dan Pill. In addition to the Zi Kun Dao, one person is divided into one, let them eat.

"This is..." Cao Yu pinched the pill, and hesitated.

"Aphrodisiac Dan." Ye Shaoyang replied.

"Aphrodisiac..." Cao Yu was stunned.

"Where do you want to go, strong is yang, after eating, within an hour, no ghost can go to your body, in case of encountering evil spirits, there is also a precaution."

In this environment, Ye Shaozhen is not afraid of encountering zombies: zombies are tangible, walking slowly, and the tomb is narrow, as long as you are stuck in front, you can do it all the time, the ghost is not the same. The speed is not fast, but you can also wear the wall. If you attach it to someone, you just want to save it.

I heard that it is good, everyone has to eat it. Seeing that they finished eating one by one, Ye Shaoyang took the lead in drilling the fence door, letting them keep a distance with themselves, listening to their own passwords, and then folding a three-color lotus lamp again, igniting it and putting it in the hand, The tomb goes down...

On the other side of the Four Treasures, they also led everyone to the stone room in the shape of the gossip. There was a door directly opposite the stone room, and there was a channel hovering down. The four treasures did not rush in, let everyone stand outside the stone and go all the way to the body. The jars under the feet were broken, and all the insides of the jars were covered with a layer of black things, which were as slippery as oil.

Sure enough, it was a corpse oil... but it had a stinking smell that masked the original taste of the corpse.

The four treasures hesitated, and put down the seven standing corpses, and greeted several soldiers to come in and let them cut off the necks of all the corpses with folding shovel.

“Really cut off?” The soldiers looked at each other.

After getting the confirmation of the four treasures, several soldiers no longer have scruples, picking up the sharp engineering shovel, brushing a few times, cutting all the heads.

Four treasures stepped on one, holding the rosary, pressing the back of the corpse, for a moment, and actually spurting a suffocating suffocation from the cavity.

"Weird, why do you live one, these are not living?" Four treasures were surprised, decided to scribble the roots, and then put the remaining six zombies in the air, this is assured, looked at the middle of the room The masonry surrounded by the trough can now be sure that there must be something underneath, and it is definitely not a general evil. It has not been moving. It is likely that, like these zombies, certain special circumstances are required to activate. I am still sleeping in peace.

Although Sibao is curious about what will be underneath, it does not mean to wake it up. It can hide or hide. Otherwise, if you get out a sin that you can't fix, it is really troublesome. After all, there are still a few beside them. Individuals need to be protected.

So I quickly walked through the room with the crowd and walked to the opposite tomb. After the temple, I just walked through the door and suddenly heard a "pong" laugh, coming from behind.

(Today's knowledge: 殄 (tian) text, real existence, you can search for relevant information.)

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