Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1722: Sloppy 2

Suddenly heard the laughter, everyone cold hair upright, scared immediately did not dare to move, turned to look, under the floor in the center of the room, the sound of "笃笃笃", it seems that someone beat below. And the sound of a cat-like sound is loud and harsh.

A few soldiers were very good at psychological quality, and they could hear the movement, and they were terrified. They retreated and pulled the gun up.

Fang Mengna is also in the crowd. She is a girl after all. She has a soft leg on the spot and grabs the arm of Sibao, almost crying out. The disciples of the cabinets also looked at each other and hid behind the four treasures.

"Fast, fast, go out, don't stay here!" The four treasures suddenly returned to God. If the underground thing is really a bad thing, it must be removed, and must not go to the tomb, otherwise There is also a sin in the depths of a tomb. The two sides are pinched and the consequences are unimaginable.

Everyone listened to him shouting, hurriedly ran to the opposite stone gate and drilled out from the hole that was blown out.

The secretaries of the cabinets were not able to work, and they escaped faster than others. They even stepped back and drilled out.

When the four treasures looked at it, they didn't hit one place. They grabbed two priests and threw them behind them. They helped Fangna to go over. Fangna was kneeling on the ground, nervous and trembling, and climbing could not climb. The four treasures also refused to distinguish between men and women. They pushed her **** directly to her, and several soldiers retreated in accordance with the order. After two incidents, suddenly the room rang with a bang, and the four treasures hurriedly moved their hands. I saw the floor tiles being smashed from below and a hand sticking out from below.

One hand of the hair is covered with white hair. The four treasures look at the past and wonder, is it a white-haired zombie? I don’t think so, the zombies won’t make such a strange call.

The two hands are all up, but the monster does not hurry up, but hides underneath, making a strange cry of crying and laughing, without the obstruction of the masonry, the sound is heard more clearly, echoing in the empty stone room It’s just creepy.

The four treasures sucked in the air, the flashlight did not dare to move away, gently waved their hands, let everyone rush back.

Among the few Taoist priests, except for one of the youngest ones, they were pushed to the side, and the others actually rushed to fight for themselves. You pushed me to squeeze and tried to get out early, and the result was half a day, but none of them went out. .

Sibao looked at this scene and really wanted to leave them and ran out.

Although the soldiers were extremely fearful inside, they still maintained the discipline of the soldiers, standing one by one against the wall, holding a gun and aiming at the hands of the two hands on the floor.

Four treasures admire, whispered: "I protect you, don't be afraid, listen to my command, don't just put a gun, take out the power and help me illuminate!"

A few glare flashlights turned on, and the room lit up immediately. At this moment, the thing made another shrill scream, and both hands strummed and jumped up and landed on the ground.

It was really a hair, a white hair, but the flashlight was shining on it. Everyone immediately saw that the cat was not right: the hair on it was very sparse. Under the light, you could see the red flesh. It was full of scorpions, and it looked disgusting, with open mouths, two rows of sensuous teeth exposed, and mucus flowing through the mouth.

After seeing the appearance of this civet-like monster, the hearts of several soldiers immediately jumped up, and the priests were also on the spot, forgetting to escape for a while.

The monster seemed to realize that the Four Treasures were the most powerful opponents here. A pair of eyes glared at him, bowed his body and made a ready-to-attack posture, but did not act.

The four treasures calmed down and found a bodhi, and they smashed at the monster.

"Oh wow..." The monster made a strange scream, and jumped up, and the speed was fast, and it immediately disappeared into the flashlight range.

Several soldiers rushed to move the flashlight and look for targets.

A scream, screaming around, the flashlight immediately moved over, I saw a Taoist tumbling on the ground, screaming constantly, the raccoon cat squatting on his face, one paw stabbed in his eyes, another Only the claws groaned on his face.

The four treasures rushed to the past, but the priest couldn't help but roll over and couldn't lock the target. The four treasures also had a bit of a slap in the face, and it was delayed for a few seconds.

In these few seconds, the raccoon cat blames a tongue on the priest's face, picking up a piece of meat in a sip, making a strange sound in his mouth, inflating his mouth, a virtual shadow flying out from the eye of the priest, being blamed by a raccoon Inhaled into the body, the Taoist trembled and died.

Soul absorbing!

The four treasures did not hesitate, the hands were printed, and the raccoon cats went to the thief, and the raccoon cat groaned, and once again, they disappeared.

Several Taoist priests came back to God, groaning, and once again squeezing toward the exit, the last one suddenly felt a sinking shoulder, turned around and saw two green eyes.

"On me!" The Taoist jumped up and instinctively sealed to fight. The raccoon cat was not hiding. The fingerprint was hit on it, as if it was hit on cotton, and there was no feeling of strength.

"Takakaka!" The raccoon cat groaned and smiled, sticking out his tongue, licking his shoulder, his shoulder immediately numb, completely unconscious, and the four treasures also locked the position at this time, holding the crane light, right The raccoon cat blew out the bodhi fire, and the civet cat suddenly turned back, spit out a thing in his mouth, and immediately unfolded, but it was a ghost, his face was bitter, and it was clearly the Taoist who had just been sucked into the belly.

Was hit by the Bodhi real fire, the ghost of the Taoist priest immediately shattered, accompanied by a scream, turned into a fine, but the raccoon cat blame under the ghost block, squatting on the belly of the priest, the two claws together Cut open the belly and drill straight into it.

The Taoist squatted and fell to the ground. The four treasures knew that they could not save their lives. When they stepped on their stomachs, the raccoon cats moved up the abdominal cavity, got into their heads, broke the door, and jumped out with a **** body. Four treasures are coming.

The four treasures were also prepared, and they took half a step back, blowing out the bodhi true fire, surrounded by raccoon cats, and the raccoon cat screamed, and a face was spit out in the mouth, actually blocking the flame, slamming on the spot, passing under the feet of the four treasures. He licked his leg, his paw scratched his leg, and a painful pain spread immediately on his leg.

The four treasures snorted, and the left hand was printed. They were shot on the head of the civet cat, and they were knocked down, and their palms were also hurt.

After the raccoon cat was shocked, he realized that the four treasures were a hard battle, and they went out on the spot and rushed to the soldiers.

Four treasures touched out a bodhi, and went out, the head of the raccoon cat, the white smoke, and the bodhi shattered on the spot, but the raccoon cat was also shot down on the ground.

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