Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2028: 2028 looking for the dead 2

The mayor of autumn put a table in a restaurant in the town, which is much more abundant than the one he had eaten at his home yesterday. Ye Shaoyang and Cuiyun are just like yesterday, eating and eating. 3. The fastest seat of the autumn mayor is interested in inquiring about Ye Shaoyang's origins. Ye Shaoyang only said that he is a Maoshan Taoist, and the rest are not willing to say more, the autumn mayor does not dare to inquire.

While drinking, the autumn mayor said the follow-up of the incident last night. He started sending people to investigate last night. Later, he learned that the person who was shot dead last night was a foreigner who bought the building. The house has lived for about half a year. I don’t usually talk to anyone. The neighbors don’t know much about him. Regarding the identity of that person, he continues to investigate.

Ye Shaoyang casually coped with it and was completely uninterested in this matter. For him, this is just a small episode. His purpose is to make money. Now the money is earned. As for what the man is, what is the story behind him. I don't want to know.

The autumn mayor noticed that he was distracted by this intention, so he did not say it. He asked the wine glass: "I don't know when Ye Ye started?"

"I suddenly remembered that there is still one more thing to do, and it may take a few days."

"Well, before the Ye brothers set off, be sure to tell me, someone in autumn will personally send off for the brothers."

Ye Shaoyang almost squirted a sip of wine on his face and said: "What to send off, you don't want to talk nonsense, our mages are most jealous of these words."

"Ah, practice, practice! Autumn is a word of disappointment!" The autumn mayor is in a hurry to pay for the crime.

After three rounds of wine, Ye Shaoyang thought of something and asked: "Is the autumn mayor, is there anyone in the town who is going to die recently?"

This next round of autumn mayor sprayed wine, staring at Ye Shaoyang for a while, suddenly realized: "Ye brothers want to give people a practice, I said, that can not earn a few dollars, Ye brother if there is any difficulty, you can follow I said."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I am not trying to make money. I have my reasons. This is really not the case. The key is that you don't understand."

The autumn mayor nodded again and again, did not ask this again, said: "I don't know what kind of dead people Ye Ye is looking for?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I am not looking for a dead person. I am looking for someone who will die. It is useless to die."

The mayor of the autumn stunned and said: "That is really hard to find that only people will die, they will report to the government and sell the case, it will die, and others will not know."

This Ye Shaoyang thought early, the Republic of China is not like his own time, the Western medicine here is still not popular, there is no hospital in this town, it is impossible to die. It is really difficult to know.

Cuiyun inserted a sentence at this time: "What do you do for someone who wants to die?"

Without waiting for Ye Shaoyang to open, she took another sentence: "The old Song next door to my east head has got lung disease. I haven't gotten out of bed for a few months. Now I am going to live, is this the way?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "When can I die?"

"This... I heard the old Song wife said that it is estimated that this month will be two months."

Ye Shaoyang smiled bitterly: "That can't be done, I can't wait that long."

Cuiyun had no idea at the time.

The mayor of autumn thought for a while and said: "Ye brothers, I have a way. We have an old doctor in the town. I have to look for him in the town. Maybe you can ask him if he is seriously ill." ”

Cuiyun also immediately agreed.

So after the meal, the autumn mayor personally took Ye Shaoyang to find the town, and found the medical center where the doctor was sitting. The doctor surnamed Han, is almost 80 years old, but people are not stupid, they are giving people a medical treatment. He heard that the mayor had come, and immediately drove the patient away, so that the disciples could pour the tea, and he was sincere and fearful.

"I have nothing to do with you. This is my brother. He came to ask you for a question. Recently, there are people in our town who are going to die, and the ones that will die within three or five days."

Dr. Han listened to this and stopped on the spot. He looked at Ye Shaoyang and wanted to know what he was doing. He still resisted it. He thought about it carefully: "Zhao Cun of Wangcun, bloating, belly drum Like a ball, it is estimated that it will not last for a few days."

The mayor of autumn said: "A few days?"

Dr. Han’s face was helpless. “Adult, I’m just a doctor. It’s not easy to figure out how long the other’s life is. It’s not easy, I’m not sure when people will die...”

The autumn mayor thought about it too, and turned to look at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang asked Dr. Han: "Is there anyone who is seriously ill?"

Dr. Han thought for a moment: "There are a few serious illnesses, most of them can still be parked for a while, and Zhao Si has already dried up, just dragging the day."

The mayor of autumn asked Ye Shaoyang: "How do you see Ye Brothers?"

"Let's do this." Ye Shaoyang thanked Han Dafu and asked Zhao where he lived and left the medical hall of Dr. Han.

"Ye brother, do you want me to send someone to live in his house, and tell you when you die?" asked the mayor of autumn.

"I don't have time to wait until I die." Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment, and felt that this thing was very troublesome. He didn't live in people's homes. People asked you to do it, and said that waiting for your family to die, I am afraid that Zhao Si If you didn't die, you were killed first.

But I have to stare at it, or wait until someone is really dead and then rushed over, everything is late.

Ye Shaoyang wanted to come and think, there is really no good way. Later, the autumn mayor looked at the address of Zhao Sijia. I remembered that I had a subordinate home and lived next door. I asked Ye Shaoyang whether or not to go to his subordinate family to stay. It is also good to observe.

Ye Shaoyang also feels that this is the only way. So the autumn mayor took them back first, then called the subordinate of Xiao Chen, and made the situation simple. Although Xiao Chen did not know the purpose of Ye Shaoyang, but the order of the mayor, the key is to have the opportunity to please the mayor. Of course, the mouth is full.

Ye Shaoyang thanked the mayor of Qiuqiu and left with Cui Yun and Xiao Chen.

Ye Shaoyang let Xiao Chen go back and say to his family, and he will go back to Cuiyun to clean up.

After separation, Ye Shaoyang and Cuiyun walked home together. On the road, Cuiyun couldn’t help it. Asked why Ye Shaoyang did this. Ye Shaoyang hesitated for a moment and felt that it would be unclear for a while, and promised to wait until the end of the matter. Tell her everything before.

Returning to Cuiyun's home, Ye Shaoyang casually packed up some things to use with him, because he couldn't touch the place. Jade took him to find the past, and all the way to the village where Xiao Chen lived, he saw Xiao Chen waiting at the entrance of the village. Below the tree. Seeing Ye Shaoyang, Xiao Chen immediately ran over and said anxiously: "Mr. Ye, I just went to inquire, Zhao Si can't, so come here to wait for you!"

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