Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2029: 2029 enters the yin 1

Ye Shaoyang listened, of course, not willing to miss this opportunity, so let Xiao Chen lead the way in front, and flew to Zhao Zhao's home. 3. The fastest time to come outside Zhao Sijia, Xiao Chen listened, there was no crying inside, sure that the person was still not dead, so let Ye Shao two people wait outside, and then go in and explore again, after all, Ye Shaoyang is a stranger Suddenly broke into someone's home, a bit too abrupt, and his motives are really unpredictable.

After Xiao Chen entered, he soon came out and told Ye Shaoyang that Zhao Si could not do it. He had difficulty breathing and it was estimated that it would be an hour. The family has begun to prepare for the aftermath, even the shroud is put on.

"Now, do you want to go in, if you go in, I am afraid that it is not easy to explain to them." Xiao Chen is somewhat embarrassed.

Ye Shaoyang said: "No, you should go first. Since he is really going to die, I don't need to go in."

Cuiyun listened and said: "What do we need to help?"

Ye Shaoyang said no.

Xiao Chen said: "Cui Yunzi can go to my house to sit and drink tea. Mr. Ye will go to my house to find her."

Ye Shaoyang expressed his agreement to let Cui Yun go with him and walk around the house of Zhao Sijia. The building of this era is the same as that after a hundred years. Most of them are facing south and the north is behind the house. There is a stilt there. The ground, Zheng Ye Ye Yang's mind, now hid in, stepped on a sorghum stalk, arranged the altar in the middle, then sat down on the knees, quietly listening to the movement of Zhao Sijia.

After waiting for about half an hour or so, there was a sudden cry from the Zhao Si family, or more than one person's voice, intertwined, the voice is very loud.

To say that crying and mourning is actually a matter of learning: Someone who died at home is of course sad. However, taking Zhao Si’s case, he is sick in bed for a long time. Even if the family does not disregard it, he will already be ready to die. The psychological preparation, really to the moment of death, is not so much sad. But always crying, the more grief you show, the more filial you are.

Therefore, crying in the past is a skill that the daughter-in-laws have no teacher to teach. They even cry and sing, and they seem to be unhappy.

Ye Shaoyang listened to a hoarse female voice and even sang and cried, and took a deep breath, thinking that it was finally dead.

Then I felt that my thoughts were a bit embarrassing, as if I was looking forward to death.

Ye Shaoyang took out a charm, and after igniting, he read a spell.

A figure fluttered from the volley of Zhao Si’s house, and if it was seen, it would be regarded as a dress blown away by the wind.

But no one can see it because it is not a dress, but a ghost.

The ghost of Zhao Si.

Generally speaking, after a person dies, the ghost will be separated from the body, and there will be a period of sorrow. Just like waking up from a dream, seeing his body will be confused first, not sure what is going on, so there is a saying called life. A dream.

After that, the ghost heard the crying of the loved ones, only to realize that he was dead. At this time, he would feel sad, but because he was dead, the soul was weak, and generally he could not make it visible to his relatives and friends. Of course, there are exceptions, such as death with strong grievances, and grievances after death. People will be aware of their existence through some forms.

After sorrow, it is nostalgia, it will circle around your body, and even try to return to your body, but because the soul is weak, you can't attach yourself to the dead body. So after trying a few times, you usually give up. At this time, I realized that I was dead, opened the heavens, and understood the way of life and death and my whereabouts.

At this step, the general ghosts will leave the world, first go to the Yinsi account to report, wait for the Tianzi Hall to sketch the life and death book, determine the life and future life, if the reincarnation, you can stay in the city for a week, waiting for the return to the night and then visit the world. But it’s a matter of heart, then I go to the reincarnation...

Zhao Sigang died. It is said that from the confusion to the awakening, and then to leave, at least half an hour, but Ye Shaoyang can't wait, the one that burned before, is to lead him.

The ghost of Zhao Si flew over and looked awkward.

Ye Shaoyang first posted a character on him, forming a simple enchantment, which can absorb the Sunshine in the sunlight shining on him. Otherwise, he would be a bit unbearable for him.

Ye Shaoyang looked at his face with a stern look, and his left hand was printed, and he clicked on his eyebrows to help him open the sky.

Zhao Siyi was awkward, as if a person suddenly woke up from his dreams, looked around and looked at his house, and stared at him.

Ye Shaoyang stood with his hand and said: "Don't watch, you are dead."

"Dead..." Zhao Si sighed and suddenly burst into tears. "Dead, I have come over in my life, I haven’t done it..."

Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but hear this. "Isn't it, you still want to do it. If you don't do anything that hurts the world, you can reincarnate and fight for the rest of your life."

"Oh... I have been a poor peasant for eight generations. It was a time for the last time, or the Ming Dynasty, because the corrupt army was beheaded..."

Ye Shaoyang smiled. "Where are you blaming?"

Human life, although at the beginning of reincarnation, there are different differences, that is, life, some people are born with the life of the hero, some people are born ordinary people, the so-called heart is higher than the sky, life is thinner than paper, is This means. However, as long as there is no ambiguity in the past life, it is a chance to change the transport in a small area. It is just that many people have not seized the opportunity and are sincere.

After every mediocre person dies, the ghosts will be unwilling, thinking that the future life must be a good struggle, but after drinking Meng Po Meng Po Tang, everything is forgotten, reincarnation, and a new reincarnation...

Zhao Si cried and his emotions eased. The attention was placed on Ye Shaoyang. He opened the world of knowing that Ye Shaoyang was a mage. As a soul, he was also offended. , what do you call me to do?"

"Nothing, let me do a favor for me."

"What busy?"

"I can't explain it for a while, you don't need to know, anyway, I will definitely not harm you." Ye Shao finished, took out a red rope, stringed a copper coin, and then put this simple pendant to Zhao Si Hanging around your neck.

"this is……"

"Nothing, the Master is worth a thousand dollars, this is a thousand gold pendant, which allows you to pass quickly and enter the Temple of Heaven."

Thousands of gold pendants are a kind of master's token. The ordinary five emperor's money is very light weight in the human world. However, it is heavy for the ghosts, but it will not be a ghost. It will only help him fall into the ghost domain. Bentianzi Temple.

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