Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2030: 2030 into the yin 2

This is a tradition between the human master and the yin. On the Huangquan Avenue, the ghosts must check the body of the soul entering the yin. If it is a golden pendant on the neck, it is verified by the mage, generally It is the intricate relationship with the body that needs to be quickly reported to the Temple of Heaven.

Ye Shaoyang’s daughter-in-law is hanging on Zhao Si’s body, not because he has something special, but he hopes that he can quickly clear the customs and mix himself into the Temple of Heaven.

Ye Shaoyang let Zhao Siqian stand still, and sit down on his knees. After the practice, the ghosts go out and dig into the golden pendant, and the mantra activates the mana of the golden pendant.

At the time, under the spiritual pull of the golden pendant, Zhao Si’s figure quickly fell into the void

This is the way Ye Shaoyang thinks of entering the Yin Shi!

Since all the spells related to the yin can not be used, it is not good to go yin, Ye Shaoyang thought for half a night last night, finally thought of this slightly strange way!

Since he is not qualified to go to the sinister, find a qualified soul, find a way to hide on him, and go with him to the yin.

Ye Shaoyang himself felt that this method must be feasible. So he will look around for people who will die.

As long as he got to the yin, he was not afraid of seeing Cui Fujun.

After a while in the void, Zhao Si finally went to the ghost domain. He reached out and touched the golden pendant on his neck and walked instinctively toward the gloomy.

After passing the ghost gate, I entered the Huangquan Avenue. There are many people, just like the market, everyone is moving in one direction. These are the souls of human beings who have just died. They came to report on the world.

Some of them came by themselves, and some of them were detained from the world by ghosts, crying and crying, and they were driven away all the way. Zhao Si was caught in the crowd, and he walked down the road. He walked all the way down to the city of Shudu. Under the gate of the city, the two teams were separated by a row of ghosts. They stood behind a row of silver-ghost warriors, and they looked at the soul of the passing road. I swept over the body, for fear that there will be any evil spirits mixed into the city.

When it was Zhao Si’s turn, a ghost found a golden pendant on his neck, and glanced at him. He did not check more and released it directly.

When the ghosts in the city were enough, the silver-ghost warriors immediately drank the souls behind them, and a group of ghosts sent them to the city to go to the Temple of Heaven.

"The ** division, entered the capital city." Zhao Si snorted. Ye Shaoyang hides in the golden pendant, naturally does not dare to speak, his purpose can be mixed as much as possible, can directly see Cui Fujun better.

"What do you say, who do you talk to?" Ghosts heard Zhao Si secretly, and asked with a vigilant question.

"No, no one." Zhao Si did not dare to talk.

Fortunately, the ghost did not ask again, just glanced at him, continued to drive them, all the way to the Temple of Heaven.

When I arrived at the Temple of Heaven, it was much stricter than the previous inspection. I needed to queue up and then report the name. After two tests, I can go in.

When it was the turn of Zhao Si, the two Gong Ca saw the golden pendant on his neck, and did not ask more. He said: "When you enter the door, go to the right and go to the Soul Hall."

Zhao Sigang had to step forward, and a Gongcao suddenly realized what he was doing and stopped him and said, "Wait, there will be a taste of life in your body."

Ye Shaoyang was in a thousand gold pendants. Hearing this sentence, he complained that his own mana is limited. Although he is hiding in a thousand gold pendants, there is still no way to completely hide his breath. Before that, he would have been in front of those ordinary ghosts, in the Temple of Heaven. Gong Cao is not good here.

Two Gong Cao came forward and sniffed on him carefully. He looked at each other and said: "Yes, there is another soul in him!"

A Gong Ca immediately shot, grabbed Zhao Si's hair, mentioned himself in front of him, and asked him what happened.

Zhao Si’s body was so scared that he could not speak. That Gong Cao checked up and down, could not find another place in his body where the soul was hidden, his heart was wondering, another Gong Cao suddenly thought of something, and reached out and grabbed the golden pendant on his neck, pulled it down, Tightly held in his hand, he perceived it, smiled, recited a curse in his mouth, and released a blue aura in his hand, constantly squeezing the five emperors on the golden pendant.

Ye Shaoyang immediately felt a suffocating pain. He didn't want to, but he had to leave the golden pendant and land on the ground. He just got up, and the two Gong Cao had already taken the body. One side, pinching his shoulders.

Two suffocating moments broke into the body in an instant, and Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt painful and resisted. But now he has only 10% of mana. It is not the opponent of the two emperors. The body's suffocation is quickly dissipated, and the painful grin.

These two Gong Ca see his low mana, and he relaxed himself. One loosened him and sneered: "I have also had a powerful person who dares to arrogate the Temple of Heaven. It turns out that these two sons are really big enough. Let's say, where did you come from, isn't the spy sent by Taiyinshan?"

"The old man is angry, angry!" He was detained by himself. Ye Shaoyang did not dare to come to the hard. He had to say good things first, and bowed his hand and said: "The poor man misunderstood, I am from the world, I am Maoshan Di Maoshan. Teacher Ye Shaoyang."

He originally wanted to say that he was the thirty-ninth-generation descendant. He suddenly thought of the experience of being regarded as a liar by the dragon and tiger disciple in the world. Although the emperor of the emperor did not go to the world, he did not want to go to the big school like Maoshan. I may know nothing about it, and if I say it, I will be treated as a liar immediately.

"Tianshi, hahaha, are you Tianshi?" That Gong Cao laughed. "As for your strength, I can't even see the alchemist. I dare to call myself the gods. I also said that it is a Maoshan disciple, boy, you think Is Maoshan Tianshi so worthless?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at him, and his heart was not counting. I thought about what the Heavenly Master was. I was a spiritual fairy a few days ago. However, no one believes that this is said now. Ye Shaoyang had to say goodbye and said: "I am really a master of Maoshan. I have a Tianshi card on my body."

I reached out and touched the Tianshi card in my clothes and handed it over. That Gong Cao suspiciously picked it up, checked it up and down, and checked it with mana. Tianshi card immediately turned out a blue soft light in his hand, and Cao Cao fixed his eyes. Tianshi brand was crystal clear and above. The shape of the maple leaf is golden and looks very conspicuous.

"It is true" Gong Cao was paralyzed on the spot. The Tianshi card is the identity symbol of the celestial division. This is absolutely impossible to do, but with the power of Ye Shaoyang, it is impossible to be a celestial division.

That Gong Cao stunned for a long while, and said a sentence to let Ye Shaoyang spurt: "Is this the day you are stealing or winning?"

(End of this chapter)

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