Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2032: The 2032 relatives meet 3

Xiao Yiyun still smiled and played with the Tianshi card. He said absently: "Speak to me."

Ye Shaoyang just wanted to open his mouth and looked around. He said, "You still come to me, there are some secrets, and others have been indecent."

Xiao Yiyun stunned, but he was not afraid of what he was playing, so he went out and went to the place where no one was on the side.

Ye Shaoyang also walked over and whispered: "You are the son of a historical official in the Northern Song Dynasty. You are dissatisfied with the emperor to let him tamper with history, get caught by the emperor, then force you to write, want to humiliate your father, and you are not willing Write, the emperor sentenced you to ask, you and your father are in prison to meet each other, after death, Cui Fujun sees your father and son two people are strong, sentenced your father to the aristocrats, you are written because of the good words, was accepted by Cui Fujun Book boy, later promoted the escort, and lived in the Temple of Heaven, you are the first confidant of Cui Fujun, I am right?"

Xiao Yiyun listened to him saying so much, a little surprised, but then smiled and said: "These history, not only one person knows, I can only say that you inquired quite detailed."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless and thought about it: "You are secretly pointed by Cui Fujun, and once you have been born, go to the world to find"

"Stop!" Xiao Yiyun suddenly drank him, his face changed slightly, and said: "Where did you hear this thing!"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "You told me."

"I tell you myself?" Xiao Yiyun is cold.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Don't say this first, you will say, I said this thing, have you done it or not?"

Xiao Yiyun said a long time and said: "In this case, although there are very few people who know it, it is not that no one knows that unless you can really tell something that outsiders don't know, I will only doubt that you will come with ulterior motives."

Ye Shaoyang really felt speechless, scratching the back of his head, thinking for a long time, suddenly brightened his eyes and said: "There is something, you told me that no one knows the whole yin, but I am not sure whether you lied to me or not. ”

Xiao Yiyun looked at him with enthusiasm and meant to let him go.

Ye Shaoyang said: "You used to have a crush on a girl, no, it should be said that it is a sinister, a stipulation of the speeding department, called Meier, you have gone out with tolerance with her, to be a prisoner, you like her, but If you don't confess, she will reincarnate and reincarnate. You will be rotten in your stomach and have not said anything to others."

When he spoke, Xiao Yiyun still had a look of distrust. He heard him say that behind his face, his face completely changed. After a long while, he suddenly reached out and grabbed his collar. He said coldly: "This is not the case. Maybe someone knows how you know it!"

"It’s still the same sentence, you told me." Ye Shaoyang spit out a breath. "At the time you went to the world, I took you to the Internet. After I went back, you were big to sleep, then I proposed to drink, you find someone from The yin gave you the wine, and forced me to go out and drink with you. Finally, both of us were drunk. You told me about this. You said at the time that the girl was very cold and not for you. Big reason

"Enough!" Xiao Yiyun looked at him with wide eyes and screamed: "Who are you?"

"Ye Shaoyang. Maoshan Tianshi."

"I don't know you, I have never heard of your name, and I have never seen you."

"A hundred years later, one hundred years later, you are a brother with me. I am the thirty-ninth generation of Maoshan. I am the first teacher of the world. The emperor personally gave me a plaque. I opened a doorman in the underworld. The mansion, called the yin and yang division, is the 73rd division of the yin division. It is not the case that the world's magical circles can't solve it. I have a deputy in your Tianzi Hall. What else do you want to know?"

Ye Shaoyang spoke out these things in a single shot. After Xiao Yiyun listened, the whole person was completely stunned, looking at him and shaking his head.

"Neuropathy! You are not crazy! How can a person in a hundred years appear in front of me and travel through time and space?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "You got it right, I really traveled through time and space."

"Impossible!" Xiao Yiyun did not think about it. "No one can travel through time and space, even if you can't do it, not to mention you as a human being."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this and said: "You are right, I can't do it, and I don't want to cross it, but there is one thing, I believe you have heard it."

Xiao Yiyun immediately asked: "What?"

“Shan Haiyin! Shan Haiyin, which was taken away by Xu Fu from the Yin Shi!”

Xiao Yiyun was on the spot and looked at Ye Shaoyang. He said for a long time: "Xu Fu stole Shan Haiyin?"

"You don't know?" Ye Shaoyang was also slightly surprised, and then remembered. The rumor about Shan Haiyin was originally told by Xu Wenchang, and probably not many people know about it. So he said: "You don't know about it, it doesn't matter. Shanhai Yin has always heard of it."

"The sacred object of the reincarnation division is said to have a reversal of the magical powers that pass through time and space," Xiao Yiyun murmured.

Ye Shaoyang took a sigh of relief, finally said this step, with a helpless expression on his face, looking at Xiao Yiyun.

Xiao Yiyun looked at him with disappointment. Although he had heard about the legend of Shan Haiyin, he was only a legend. He had never heard of someone who had successfully crossed by Shan Haiyin. With Xiao Yiyun’s cognition, there is no way to believe that this kind of thing happens. But about all this, the guy in front of me said that there is a nose and an eye. The most important thing is that he said something about his crush on a girl. He really didn’t tell anyone, even the girl didn’t know it. How can you know the guy you don’t know at all?

"I am a little confused now, you let me think about it," Xiao Yiyun murmured.

Ye Shaoyang nodded, holding his arm, waiting aside, not in a hurry.

Xiao Yiyun thought about Ye Shaoyang’s words from beginning to end, then turned around and looked at Ye Shaoyang and said, “You said that you came through time and space. Then you told me, why did you cross it?”

Ye Shaoyang listened to this, and wanted to make a face expression in the WeChat expression, squatting on the floor, smirking.

Xiao Yiyun frowned: "What are you laughing at?"

"I am laughing? I am crying!"

Ye Shaoyang wiped his face and said in a very wronged voice: "You asked me what to do with it. I tell you the truth, I don't know!! Because I don't know why I will cross, I don't know why that silly is better than Xu Fu." Shan Haiyin brought me here! I have a lot of things to do in my own world, and I don't want to come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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