Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2033: The 2033 brothers help me 1

Since coming to this world, he has been suppressed, unaccompanied, isolated and helpless, and even the mana has only a feeling of loneliness and grievance. He has been suppressed for a long time in Ye Shaoyang’s heart. Today, he finally saw Xiao Yiyun and his loved ones. Recognized, and asked by him, Ye Shaoyang really couldn’t help but burst into emotion in front of him.

Ye Shaoyang and Xiao Yiyun had a very low voice. The Lao Wang and Lao Chen have been paying close attention to this side, but they don’t know what they are saying. At this moment, seeing Ye Shaoyang’s hysterical look, they are all shocked and heartfelt. Forced.

Xiao Yiyun was a bit surprised at Ye Shaoyang's performance. Although he was somewhat shaken, he was still a bit unacceptable for Ye Shaoyang to pass through from the future. After all, this fact is a bit challenging his perception.

His current attitude toward Ye Shaoyang is at best doubtful. Therefore, the situation of Ye Shaoyang's hysteria is very calm. He said: "If you really cross the second from the future, then what do you do with the gloomy?"

"Look at you! Tell you all about it!" Ye Shaoyang replied without thinking.

Xiao Yiyun stunned and said: "Even if I believe in you, after that, what can I do, or what do you let me do?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I don't know. I just hope that you can believe me, think of ways with me, let me go back to my own world, I don't want to stay here, I have very important things to go back. I have to do it."

Xiao Yiyun hesitated and replied: "I am just a **** in the Temple of Heaven. I can't think of anything."

"I don't think about it, just think together!"

"Why help me?"

"Because, you are my brother!" Ye Shaoyang looked at it. The attitude was very serious and very sincere. "After a hundred years, you know, I never like to ask for help, but this time I really have no way." I am unaccompanied here, and there is no acquaintance. If I don’t hide in the jackpot, I can’t even get the yin, I need your help!”

Xiao Yiyun looked at him and his expression became dignified.

Ye Shaoyang looked back at him and nodded hard.

Xiao Yiyun hesitated for a long while and said: "I don't know what to do."

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and understood that what he said to himself had already believed a few points and said: "I want to see Cui Fujun, he is a cloudy child. There may be a way for this kind of thing."

Xiao Yiyun listened, hesitated, and then said: "Then you are waiting here, I personally went to the Fujun adults to see what he said."

After taking two steps and thinking about something, I turned around and looked at Ye Shaoyang and said, "You said before, I am a brother with you after one hundred years?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "The kind of brother who can go to death for the other side."

Xiao Yiyun moved in his heart and saw him for a while, then turned into the Temple of Heaven.

Ye Shaoyang was waiting outside uneasy, thinking about what to say after seeing Cui Fujun, thinking of the world's Cui Fujun, not the same person in his own world, this feeling is very strange.

Ye Shaoyang was thinking about these things in a hurry. Suddenly, a smoldering wind was born in the flat, and it was scraped out from the door of the Temple of Heaven. After passing through the few bad things, there was no impact. Instead, he went straight to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaozhen was unable to prevent it, and was immediately rolled up by the yin wind and flew toward the outside of the city. Ye Shaoyang wants to mobilize mana resistance in the air, only to find the strength of the hurricane, not to mention that he has only one tenth of the mana in the past, even in the heyday, it can not resist this strong yin.

"You are not in the six roads. There is no name on the list of life and death. It is not under the jurisdiction of my yin, nor has it the right to enter my yin! Go to your place, don't be good at the yin!"

A majestic voice, in the ears of Ye Shaoyang, was shocked. He immediately recognized that this was the voice of Cui Fujun. At this time, others had already floated outside the city of Yudu, and a hollow crack formed in front of him. Blowing in, after a short shuttle, he returned to the world, and the soul returned to his body.

Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes, and he was still in the high-pitched land behind Zhao Si's house. He couldn't open his eyes with strong sunlight, and Cui Fujun's words still lingered in his ear. Ye Shaoyang’s heart was awful.

Yin Shi, the Temple of Heaven.

Cui Fujun stood in the back garden and looked at the sky in the south among the trees. Xiao Yiyun stood beside him and looked at the direction like him.

Ye Shaoyang just passed through the void from that direction and was sent back to the world by the yin wind.

Cui Fujun said: "You will inform the guards on Huangquan Avenue later, let them strengthen their prevention, and must not let this person come in again."

Xiao Yiyun nodded in nowhere.

Cui Fujun did not look back and said faintly: "What do you want to know?"

Xiao Yiyun hesitated and said: "Adult, this person said, is it possible to be true?"

"From a hundred years later, through time and space?" Cui Fujun turned and looked at him and said, "This kind of thing has never happened."

"But, what he said"

"Reading the heart of the art, there is something in the past, you think that some things you did not say, others will not know?"

Xiao Yiyun is sulking and not talking.

Cui Fujun said: "He is not a creature within the Three Realms of the Three Realms. No matter where he comes from, he and I must not have any connection, or it may cause unpredictable consequences."

Xiao Yiyun sighed: "What unforeseen consequences?"

"Since it is unpredictable, I know how." Cui Fujun finished, paused, and then said, "Those things outside the Three Realms, even I can not be deduced."

Xiao Yiyun was puzzled and didn't make a sound.

The two were silent for a moment, Cui Fujun said: "You go to the office, remember, you can't go to the world to find him."

Xiao Yiyun said: "The disciples obey."

I took a ritual and turned and walked out of the Temple of Heaven.

From the Temple of Heaven, his gaze still looked at the direction in which Ye Shaoyang disappeared. The shadow of Shaoyang in his mind was lingering and he thought: Is this person really from a hundred years later? Is he really his future brother?

"Brothers who can go to death for the other side." Ye Shaoyang's words are lingering in his mind.

Packing up things in the high-lying area, Ye Shaoyang sat quietly in the sun for a long time and thought about the whole thing.

Since Cui Fujun sent himself to the world with a yin wind, obviously he must have listened to Xiao Yiyun’s remarks, and then decided not to help himself or to see himself, so he would throw himself away in such a simple way.

(End of this chapter)

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