Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2034: The 2034 brothers help me 2

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Ye Shaoyang has been pondering that after Cui Fujun listened to Xiao Yiyun's words, whether it is a letter or not. From the fact that he has driven himself away in this way and said such a passage, it should be believed, at least as doubtful. However, the most difficult thing for Ye Shaoyang to think about is why Cui Fujun did not meet with himself to seek evidence, but to rush himself.

Why did he do this?

Ye Shaoyang thought for a long time and couldn't think of it, but these are actually not important. The ending is the same: people don't want to see themselves. From the last words he said to himself, Ye Shaoyang felt that he might not even have the chance to go to the Yin Shi.

Originally, he still wanted to think about what method to go to a sinister, to find Xu Wenchang or black and white impermanence and other people to help, now it seems that there is no need at all, Cui Fujun’s attitude is almost equal to the attitude of others, and then he is now even the sinister Can't go, thinking about these is simply superfluous.

The plan failed...

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the sky and sighed. He was very disappointed with this result, but there was no despair. Since the road of the Yin Shi can't get through, I will continue to plan and go to the real person! Although he can feel that the hope of doing so is not great, and he does not say that Daoyuan real person is very likely to not believe in his identity, step back and say, even if he believes, whether he can help himself is still the same thing.

However, I really don't have the rest of the way to think about it. I can't do nothing. Just wait for Xu Fu to find myself.

If he does not come for eight or eight years, can he still live in this world for ten or eight years?

The idea was inquired, and confidence was strengthened. Ye Shaoyang got up and walked toward Xiao Chen’s house to find Cuiyun.

After receiving Cuiyun, Ye Shaoyang thanked Xiao Chen and went home with Cui Yun.

On the road, Cuiyun asked him to go dry. Ye Shaoyang had a mood to say that the key to him was an ordinary person. Even if she said that she did not understand, Ye Shaoyang also randomly found a reason to pass the past.

"Cui Yunjie, I still have to go to Jiangxi to find my relatives. I want to go today." Ye Shaoyang successfully brought the topic to this.

Cuiyun was on the road. Hearing his words, he stopped and said something, "Go away today?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "I have to go anyway. I don't have to live here."

Cuiyun bit his lip and said, "How do you go?"

"I... I don't know." Ye Shaoyang discovered that he had been walking around. In fact, he did not really think about this problem: this time the train planes needless to say, this small place, it is estimated that there are no long-distance buses. I can't go to Longhushan with my legs.

Cui Yundao: "I still hire you a carriage. The carriage is very fast. Most people can't afford it. Fortunately, we have money now. But...what are you talking about in Jiangxi?"

"Just in the south of Anhui, neighboring provinces, you don't know?" Ye Shaoyang was a little surprised, he was already geographically slag, and he knew the approximate location of Jiangxi.

Cuiyun shook her head. "I have never been to Anhui, the farthest is to Xia Cai County, or I sent my in-laws to find a younger brother that year, and then they all died there..."

Cuiyun whispered about the past, suddenly thought of something, frowning on Ye Shaoyang said: "I heard that a province is now a superintendent, and it is a bit troublesome to go out of the province, and I heard that the southern situation is not good, always Snoring, what’s wrong with you? You...you can’t go.”

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "Never go."

Cuiyun did not say anything, let Ye Shaoyang stay at home, go to the streets to buy food.

Ye Shaoyang cleaned up his own things, then began to vomit and continued to repair the strength of Dantian. After three weeks, Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes and found that the sky was already dark. The kitchen came to cook the rice and pull the bellows. The cloud is cooking, so I took a look at it.

Cuiyun was pulling the bellows and looked up at him. He smiled and said, "Let's go outside and wait, I will cook two more dishes and I will be able to eat it later."

Ye Shaoyang went up and took the handle of the bellows from her hand and said, "I will give you a hand, and you can cook with peace of mind."

Cuiyun was a little embarrassed at the moment. "Oh, how can you make a man cook, you get up soon."

Ye Shaoyang said: "It is not normal to help you, what a fuss."

Cui Yundao: "The kitchen is a woman who enters. You are not a cook. You can't do this kind of work."

"The points are so clear and dry."

"No, we are all this rule. Men are never in the kitchen. Isn't your family over there?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I am not your man."

After saying this, Ye Shaoyang realized that he was a little bit stunned and looked up. Cuiyun’s face was reddened by the fire.

Cuiyun was very polite with him. He saw that he really wanted to help, and he had to go to the side to wash vegetables and cut vegetables.

Ye Shaoyang pulled the bellows and couldn't help but say: "A few decades later, there will be something called a blower that will replace the bellows. It is much better than the bellows. The key is not to do it."

Cuiyun smiled and said: "How do you know after decades?"

Ye Shaoyang couldn’t help but smile. "Yeah, how can I know after decades?"

"It’s so stupid." Cui Yun looked at him like this. He couldn’t help but smile and said, "This is what you are like. You don't have to do it, how can you get out?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Use electricity."

After Cuiyun listened, she even disagreed and said: "Electricity, isn't electricity used to light the lights? I saw lights in the county, and that things can be brighter, much brighter than kerosene lamps."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Electricity can not only illuminate, but also can do a lot of things." Looking at the firewood burning in the stove, he said: "But in a few decades, the blowers are also used less. At that time, they were induction cookers, gas stoves. There is no need to burn wood at all."

"The more you say the more outrageous, the firewood is not used for cooking."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and did not explain this time. He knew that even if he explained it in detail, Cuiyun could not accept technology for decades or hundred years.

Ye Shaoyang has once again developed a sense of loneliness in his heart. This loneliness is not directed at Cuiyun, but the world in front of him. For the world, you are a stranger, and perhaps the only stranger.

Cuiyun is a farmer's little daughter-in-law. She doesn't do any big dishes. The dishes don't look like any patterns and colors. They are all homemade dishes. Ye Shaoyang tasted it and the taste is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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