Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2035: 2035 journey of danger 1

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Before because there was no money, plus my own physical weakness, it was generally porridge. Today, I finally tasted the craft of Cuiyun. Ye Shaoyang had a very happy meal.

Cuiyun also burned a pot of wine, personally poured wine on him, sat on his side, watching him eat and drink, and she insisted on eating with Ye Shaoyang.

"I bought you a few sets of clothes and shoes, packed in the baggage, the road is far, definitely used. There are some potions, I bought it from the town, said it is a Western medicine, can control the damage, You can't help but touch it on the way."

"There are some dry foods, dried meat or something, it should be enough for you to eat all the way, remember to eat some hot meals when you live in the store, don't eat dry food..."

Cuiyun said slyly, Ye Shaoyang listened carefully, unable to nod, and his heart was warm.

Although he only got along for a few days, he could feel that Cuiyun was a kind and simple girl, and he was very good to himself. He was lucky enough to be saved by her, and it was a fate to get along with these days.

Ye Shaoyang looked at her in the gap between her words and said, "What are your plans?"

Cuiyun shrugged his shoulder and said, "I can have a plan for a widow in the country. It is like this."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Do you not consider what to marry?"

Cuiyun shook his head. "The people in the town are superstitious. They say that I am dying of my husband. No one dares to say goodbye. I don't have that mind. Fortunately, I don't have a in-laws or children. I have a good person. ""

Ye Shaoyang said: "Yeah, you don't have a in-laws and children, so young, why move, and find someone to marry?"

Cui Yundao: "A fool, although I am a widow, but I am married, my family must not go back. Not to mention the foreigners, I am able to support myself in a few acres of land where I have husbands. I went to live in the field and lived in the scorpion. Besides, I have lived here for a long time. The people in the town are familiar with each other. Some of them can help each other and they are used to it."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "I am happy anyway."

Cui Yun said: "You, have you booked a family for you?"

One sentence evoked Ye Shaoyang's thoughts and said: "There is no family at home, but I have a girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Cui Yun didn't understand the word.

"Fiancée. In fact, basically it is almost a marriage, and then there is a change, she... she went far away."

Cuiyun looked at him and said, "Why don't you go find her?"

"Look, I will go find it."

Cuiyun suddenly thought of something and said: "When you go to Jiangxi this time, are you going to find her?"

"I am looking for her, but she is not in Jiangxi, how can I say... I am looking for her clues."

When I said this, the faces of Xiao Jiu and Yan Lengyu were floating in his mind, but the "she" in the words was not aimed at who, whether it was to save the little nine, or to save the cold jade, he himself You must first find Xu Fu and return to your own world.

Cui Yun said: "You must be very beautiful if you are not married."

"It's very beautiful, it's very tall..." Suddenly thought of something, took out the wallet, and took out a photo of herself and Yan Lengyu to show her.

Cuiyun did not look at the people on the photo, but instead came across the photo. "This is... painted up?"

"This is a photo, and it shines out." Ye Shaoyang thought that there might be no camera in this era, and she didn't know how to explain it to her. Cuiyun himself cried in surprise: "Photo, this is the photo!"

"Hey, you know?"

"I heard from people who came back from the south in our town and said that there is a place in Shanghai that specializes in taking pictures of people, called..."

"Photo Gallery."

"Yes, the photo studio, there is a machine. If you take a picture of you, you can draw your own picture, just like a real person!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and wanted to explain that it was photography, not painting, but there was no explanation.

Cuiyun held the photo and looked over and over. "It's really beautiful, but it's so weird. It's all the time, how are you wearing such ancient clothes?"

The photo is Hanfu, and the cold jade is ordered from the Internet, and the Hanfu is completely restored.

Of course, the Republic of China did not wear this style of clothing. In his own time, wearing such retro clothes was a new trend. In the eyes of the people of the Republic, it turned into true classical. Ye Shaoyang is also speechless.

"Is this photo taken in Shanghai?" Before he answered, Cuiyun glanced at him with a smile, and then said, "I know, you are not the ordinary person of us, you really have been to Shanghai. ""

Then I began to inquire with him about Shanghai. Ye Shaoyang knows what Shanghai is like at this time. Just talk to her on TV and books, and talk about her phonograph nightclub rickshaws. Cuiyun has never been there. Shanghai, listening to the glimpse, full of yearnings.

After dinner, Ye Shaoyang wants to help Cuiyun to clean up the tableware, and Cuiyun sternly refuses. In the local area, the man at home will never do this kind of work, and the guest will be even worse. Ye Shaoyang had to give up and went back to the room to continue to breathe.

In the past, he used the world's only big Sunday to vomit his heart, and only needed to sneak two days a day, but after the destruction of Dantian, Ye Shaoyang began to madly vent, hoping to recover faster. Although the effect is not too great, these days, it is only to repair the broken Dantian. As for the restoration of mana, he judged himself. At his current recovery speed, he wants to restore the mana of the heyday, at least A few months.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have trouble, and only comforted himself to come slowly.

After Cuiyun had finished scrubbing, she went to the yard and fed pigs and chickens and went back to her room to lie down.

There is no entertainment in this era. Women have less entertainment. After dark, the lights are still too expensive. Usually they are lying in bed early.

This man is leaving tomorrow...

Cuiyun was lying on the bed, thinking of this matter, there was a strong disappointment and uncomfortable in her heart. She also felt very surprised by herself. After all, she only got along for a few days.

Cuiyun feels a little embarrassed about his performance. I was just thinking about saving a person's life. I didn't think of anything else. Even some hesitation will not break my reputation because I took him.

She has been widowed for a few years, living alone, although sometimes it is a bit lonely, but it is also like a water stop, and did not think too much, but more than Ye Shaoyang's these days, her heart ... is indeed happy.

She thought about it carefully, and she liked this stranger who suddenly broke into her life. But more... It seems to be a kind of psychology similar to admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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