Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2036: 2036 journey sinister 2

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When Ye Shaoyang said that she was going to help the mayor's family to catch ghosts, she thought that he was just a **** stick, to defraud the money, although it was understandable, but did not think that he would succeed, and as a result, he actually did.

He said that he would send himself a strange western bell. She thought that he just said it casually, and he actually did it.

Even he casually gave most of his huge rewards to himself. This is a money that he could never earn in his life. He didn’t wrinkle his brow...

I have lived so much, I have never seen such a great person. He is different from all the people he knows. He can use the word miracle to describe it. In Cui Yun’s heart, Ye Shaoyang seems to be a person who does not belong to this world... She does not want to be separated from him.

This thought was lingering in her mind, making her feel uncomfortable and contradictory.

Maybe...he is just a hasty passer in his life. Cuiyun sighed and let himself stop thinking about it.

Early the next morning, Ye Shaoyang got up and packed up things. In fact, there was nothing to clean up in his own things. The main reason was that when he helped the autumn town governor to catch ghosts, Ye Shaoyang borrowed a lot of cinnabar and yellow paper to keep the tools. Used in the future.

After packing it up, I ate the porridge cooked by Cuiyun. Cuiyun made the thing that sent him a big burden. Ye Shaoyang was on his back. When he went out, he encountered several neighbors. Cuiyun explained that he sent his cousin to leave. A few words, the two started, all the way to the town.

Ye Shaoyang also had some sad feelings in her heart, married some things, and promised to see her in the future. Cuiyun just nodded and did not say anything.

The carriage was going to the county seat. After the two arrived in the town, they found a teahouse, had a tea break for a while, and then set off on foot.

All the way to the county, it is already noon.

Ye Shaoyang is still the first time to come to the county town of Shangcai County. It feels similar to the county town of the Republic of China seen in the TV series. It is just a lot of buildings and buildings. Most of them are ancient buildings. There are not so many people, but along the street. Some shops that are not visible in the town.

Ye Shaoyang followed Cuiyun and walked through the town all the way. The thought was that such an original county town of the Republic of China could be attracted to a large number of tourists if it could be preserved for a hundred years, although I don’t know this Shangcai County. Specifically, it is somewhere after a hundred years, but I think about the earth-shaking changes in the future, especially when I walk in the middle of these ancient people. This feeling... is really a bit like the feeling of being separated from the world.

Cuiyun came to the dealership with Ye Shaoyang. It is a very large hall. There are many benches in it. Some people sit on the sparse side. The opposite is the horse. You can see some people feeding the horses and saddles. Ye Shaoyang looked around and it should be the one in the waiting room.

Cuiyun left Ye Shaoyang to look at the luggage and went through the formalities. When he came back, he told Ye Shaoyang that there were two guests who didn't arrive and needed to wait for a while.

Ye Shaoyang was very puzzled and asked: "Do other guests have a relationship with me?"

"Everyone is sitting in a car, people are not there, how can the carriage leave."

Ye Shaoyang groaned and asked: "Would it be a man and a carriage? How can there be other people?"

Cuiyun pointed to the biggest carriage in Ma Rongli. "It’s like this carriage. Eight people are sitting together. You have the same kind of person, but it’s too expensive. I have no rent. The big carriage is on the border of southern Fujian, and people can leave."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her. The carriage was big, but it was very broken. There were four horses, which looked far less beautiful than the little carriages on the side.

Ye Shaoyang asked: "Is the price difference very big?"

Cui Yundao: "Yeah, the big carriage is a big ocean, the little carriage is three, it is expensive."

Ye Shaoyang was helpless and said: "You don't have to save me money. I don't have money now."

Cui Yundao: "You need to save the province. In the future, you have to marry a woman. If you need more money, you can buy more houses and land. It will be better in the future."

Ye Shaoyang is speechless.

"That, after I left, you have to live, if you have any difficulties, go to the autumn mayor, he will definitely help." On the occasion of the farewell, Ye Shaoyang wants to say a few more words, who would like Cuiyun shook his head.

“Hmmm?” said Ye Shaoyang. “You don’t want to be afraid. He promised that I will take care of you.”

Cuiyun grinned as if he had made up his mind and said, "I don't need anyone to take care of it. I decided, I want to go with you."

Ye Shaoyang was on the spot. "Come with me?"

"Yes, go with you. This way is so far away, there is no woman around you to take care of, I am not at ease."

"This..." Ye Shaoyang scratched his head.

Cuiyun suddenly bowed his head and said: "If you don't want to take me, then forget it."

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand and said: "That is not, it is very comfortable with you, you will take care of people, just... this lonely man seems to be a little..."

Cuiyun smiled and said: "What do you want, don't miss me, I want to be your sister, I will treat you as a younger brother in the future. I don't need to think about any care for you."

Sister... Ye Shaoyang was a little surprised, but still very moved inside, nodded and said: "I am no problem, just... What is your house?"

"On a set of broken houses and a few acres of thin fields, don't worry about it. I will accompany you to find your wife. In the future, if you become a family, I can give you a housekeeper. If you don't want me when you arrive, I will come back soon."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "You go with me like this, others will think that you are elope with me."

"Is it. Anyway, I decided." Cui Yun took a deep breath. "I thought about it for one night, I just left, I also want to go outside and see."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is very touched. At the same time, deep inside is the hope that she will leave the town and look at the world outside, so that she does not have to live the life of a widow who is ashamed, let alone Cui Yun is a life-saving benefactor and takes care of himself for so long. At the moment, I stared at Cuiyun’s eyes and said, “I don’t have a sister. From now on, you are my sister.”

Cuiyun grinned.

After the two guests arrived, the dealers began to call them on the bus.

A total of eight guests, except one is a couple, the rest are men, the dress is very simple, before the car, Cuiyun told him that often go long distance, are doing business, put this side The things are sold to the field, and then some of the goods that are unique to the field are purchased and sold back to the locals.

(Three more have been completed. These days have been in the field, ah, not much update, forgive me, I work hard. I am about to enter the big plot: Shaoyang corpse)

(End of this chapter)

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