Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2038: 2038 journey sinister 4

A lot of carriages were parked at the official road, and the driver of Ye Shaoyang’s car went on and inquired, bringing back a frustrating news:

At the junction of the two provinces, several warlords were entangled together, and the main force of the squadron was transferred to Beijing to fight, took the opportunity to commit crimes, and made a fire with some of the defenders who remained in Anhui.

This kind of war has no major impact on the lives of the people. But the coincidence is that the place where the two sides exchanged fire is the county seat where the carriages pass the official road. The army has now martialized the county, any vehicles and people. Can not go out of town.

To catch up with this kind of thing, everyone can't do anything, so they stayed in the county seat and waited for the situation to improve.

Ye Shaoyang took Cuiyun to find an inn to stay in the county, and found that everything is still the same, there is no sign of war, but the city gate is closed, there is no rumbling sound from outside, and the place where the snoring is outside the city .

This county town in southern Anhui is similar to Shangcai County, which lived in Cuiyun. However, because it is closer to Xuanzhou, it sells things like the four treasures of the study, but there are many things to buy, but not many on the street. There are still many displaced people who are dragging their families and begging on the street.

There are also some uniformed officers and men who are swaying around the county town and arbitrarily checking, in order to prevent enemy agents from entering the city to destroy. Ye Shaoyang was also checked once, but fortunately, he had a resident card. This kind of resident card was equivalent to an ID card at that time. There was a government stamp on it, which proved that it was someone who lived there.

Ye Shaoyang, the traverser, originally had no such thing on the body. However, after helping the autumn town’s family to catch ghosts, under the reminder of Cuiyun, the autumn town mayor opened a resident certificate, and the address was filled with Cui Yunjia. . The mayor of autumn is a parent of a parent. It is only a matter of raising a hand to issue such a resident certificate. In this way, Ye Shaoyang has a legitimate identity in this era.

Ye Shaoyang, a person who stayed in this county for a few days, Ye Shaoyang was in a hurry, but there is no way to think about it.

By the fifth day, the coachman who sent them couldn’t wait, saying that he couldn’t spend it here and had to go back. The passengers were dumbfounded and almost slammed the coachman. However, the coachman’s attitude is very determined, and he is willing to withdraw part of the toll, and has already helped them inquire. From the county, there is a way to leave Anhui and enter Jiangxi. They can walk from this mountain road. After Jiangxi, they will hire a horse-drawn carriage. To their respective destinations.

Everyone has no choice but to accept the refund. Then Cuiyun took the lead in negotiating with the coachman and finally returned almost half of the toll.

Before the driver drove the carriage away, he specially followed them. The road he inquired was very easy to find, but there were bandits on the hills outside the city. You need to be careful when crossing the road. Don't bump into the bandits.

After the driver left, eight passengers discussed together. There were frequent passengers coming and going. They were familiar with the surrounding situation. They knew how the road was going, but just like the driver’s office, there were a few nests of bandits in the nearby mountains, which was a little risky. Everyone discussed, and immediately three passengers said they could not go.

Ye Shaoyang knew that Cui Yun didn't want to go back. He thought about it and said: "Otherwise, you will stay in this county and wait for me. I have done things myself. I will definitely come back to you when I have finished."

"No, I am following you!" Cui Yun is very determined.

"This... are you not afraid of bandits?"

Cuiyun bit his lip and shook his head. "No one takes care of you on the road, I don't trust."

Ye Shaoyang was helpless and advised her, but Cuiyun’s attitude was very firm, and Ye Shaoyang was very helpless. Finally, she thought about it and agreed.

He is not particularly worried about the safety of Cuiyun. After all, although he has lost his mana, his fists and feet are still there. It is really a problem to deal with ten or eight. It should not be a problem. The most important thing is that the well-informed old gentleman told them that although it is possible to encounter bandits, the chances are still very good. Moreover, the bandits in the Mainland are not as rampant as the Northeast. They are generally seeking for money. If they encounter it, as long as they give up some of their belongings, life should be no problem.

"Just..." The old gentleman looked at Cuiyun's face and said, "Forgive the old man to take the liberty, and the scorpion grows handsome, in case of encountering bandits..."

He didn't go down, but the meaning was obvious. Ye Shaoyang thought of a term that was slightly pleasing to see from TV: Mrs. Zhaizhai.

Cuiyun smiled and said: "Do not worry about this, I have a way!"

After confirming that he had to go this mountain road, everyone had an appointment to meet here after an hour, and then they went back to their inn to arrange their luggage.

After Ye Shaoyang packed his luggage in his room, he went to Cuiyun. As a result, Cuiyun let him come for a while. When Ye Shaoyang waited for almost half of it, she couldn’t help but find her. She couldn’t help but go to her. Waiting for a while outside the door, the footsteps sounded in the room, and then the door opened. Ye Shaoyang thought it was Cuiyun. He just wanted to open his mouth and squatted. In front of him was a middle-aged, dark-faced, freckled middle-aged man. Women.

"Auntie, you..." Ye Shaoyang wanted to ask where she came from. Suddenly she felt a little familiar. When she looked closely, she was happy. "I rely on it, I almost didn't recognize it!"

Cuiyun laughed and said: "Is it true?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at it for a while, and it was really difficult to see that it was a makeup. It was awkward and asked how she did it.

"My family used to live in a revolutionary party. It was a sister. She was very young and beautiful. But when she was inconvenient, she made herself a very ugly look. I thought it was fun. I learned this technique with her. It is not difficult. These freckles are crushed by black beans and mixed with water. They are pasted with yellow rice juice. When the yellow rice juice is dried, it will peel and look like wrinkles."

"So you just went to the street to buy miscellaneous grains, is this for this?" Ye Shaoyang felt very funny, her eyes fell on her bloated waist, and said: "How come the waist is thick?"

"It's even simpler. I wrapped my blanket on my waist and wrapped it in a cloth strip. That's it."

Cuiyun smiled at him and said: "This time you let go, my middle-aged woman who is not beautiful, the bandits will not be able to see."

Ye Shaoyang thinks that although most of the bandits are single dogs, the requirements for women are estimated to be lower, but they will not like such an aunt.

After leaving the inn, Cuiyun bought a square scarf and **** a hair. It looked more like a middle-aged woman. She wore the cloth that the most ordinary women wore. It looked like a humble eye. Good-looking middle-aged aunt.

(End of this chapter)

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