Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2039: Enemy of the 2039 future 1

After meeting in the agreed place, the three passengers saw Cuiyun, and they all stunned. Ye Shaoyang explained the situation to them. The three people expressed their understanding and also praised Cuiyun's makeup means.

According to the previous agreement, the older man rented a horse and collected the money from everyone. He put all the big gifts on the horse back, then took the horse and set off together.

A total of five people, except Ye Shaoyang and Cuiyun, the other three, the leader of the old man called Lao Wan, there is a middle-aged man, called Chen Maozi, the other is the same guy with Cuiyun village, called two eggs.

Before the departure, Lao Wan agreed with them. In case of encountering bandits, everyone will fight for the money to buy the road. No one can swear. Generally, the bandits will not take away all the money for the long-term plan, but if the bandits really want to confiscate all Money, everyone must cooperate, and must not resist, or annoy the bandits, everyone will be in danger.

Everyone naturally promised to come down.

Five people slipped out of the west gate of the county and passed through a field. At first, I could hear the sound of gunfire from the south gate of the county. After an hour or two, the sound of the gunfire was not very audible. After five people in several villages, they finally walked into the mountains and began to climb over the mountains.

It’s been dark until the wilderness, the inn is not there. Five people found a deserted village on the mountainside of a mountain, and found a few relatively complete houses and lived.

Although Lao Wan knew that there was no bandit in this area, but cautiously, the five did not have a fire, and each took out the dry food and settled the dinner casually. When Ye Shaoyang sat with them, they thought of a hundred years later, they were sitting here and rushing on the mountain with a group of people from the past. There is really a wonderful feeling that can't be said.

I spent the night safely and continued on the road the next day. After all, Cuiyun is a girl. She usually works in the same place at home, but after all, she is more than a man in climbing the mountain. Ye Shaoyang looked in his eyes, and immediately took some surnames Li himself to carry, let Cuiyun go to the horse, others naturally have no opinion, Cuiyun resigned and agreed.

According to Lao Wan’s plan, they need to walk in the wild for about three or four days, bypassing the ground at the junction of the two provinces, entering Jiangxi Province, and then entering a county in Jiangxi, and then trying to rent a horse and go to the place where they want to go. .

On the third day, the weather suddenly turned cloudy this afternoon. The five people didn’t feel good. They were looking for a place to hide from the rain, but they didn’t wait to find a place. The rain went down, although it was not particularly rainy, but in The field was drenched for a long time, and several people were almost drenched.

Fortunately, Ye Shaoyang used to pack those medicinal herbs such as cinnabar, which are impervious cowhide bags. Otherwise, these medicines are really ruined.

The five had to rain in the mud, looking for a place to hide from the rain, and finally found a broken temple on the mountain, so they went in to hide from the rain.

This is a mountain temple. It has been in disrepair for a long time. Some houses have collapsed. Only the main hall is quite complete. It is so good that it can hide from the rain. Five people find a place to sit down. They are all soaked and look very embarrassed.

Everyone wants to find something to heat up. As a result, there is no firewood in the house, and it is raining outside, and it is impossible to find it. Two eggs and Chen Maozi fell their eyes on the mountain **** statue. This mountain **** statue is made of wood. Some places have already rotted, and the two eggs have not been used. Go up and get the gods down.

Lao Wan was shocked and advised him not to let him know after his intention.

The second egg is a hoe, not listening, and wants to find something to open the statue, was stopped by Ye Shaoyang, said: "We borrowed the rest of the place, it is already disturbing, and then smashed the image of others as firewood, too inappropriate ""

The two eggs laughed and looked at the group and said: "I said everyone, this is the Republic of China, and still so superstitious, what kind of gods are deceiving!"

Of course, everyone would not let him be jealous, lest the mountain gods sin, and they would be arguing with each other. They were arguing. A sudden sound came from outside. Five people were shocked and looked up. A bunch of men came in.

Each one is wearing a uniform and holding a gun. They are all soldiers. They did not know that there were people at the Temple of the Mountain. They also came to hide from the rain. They saw Ye Shaoyang and others, and they all stumbled one by one. They walked in one by one, and a soldier with a goatee and looked like a leader said: "Family Where are we coming?"

"Back to the boss, we are on the road." Lao Wan rushed forward to make a smile, want to give them a cigarette, take it out, the paper bag wrapped in tobacco leaves is also permeable, and had to explain.

These soldiers did not care, they found a place to sit down, followed them five times, I felt that they were ordinary passers-by, and did not care much. Several eyes looked at Cuiyun, Cuiyun buried his head in the In the middle of the legs, pretending to sleep, a few people saw her thick waist, and there was no interest.

The dozens of soldiers found a dry place to sit down, immediately took off their clothes and twisted them, and then, like Ye Shaoyang, they looked around at the firewood and saw the mountain gods that fell to the ground. These soldiers were all over. On the battlefield, there was no scruples. The long knife with the open knife opened the idol, just like the filled straw in the middle of the statue. At one point, more than a dozen people, regardless of the presence of women, directly stripped their clothes and roasted on the fire.

When the nature of the soldiers is unbearable, Lao Wan and others look at each other and do not dare to speak.

Ye Shaoyang sat in front of Cuiyun in front of her, silently looking at these barbaric soldiers, and there was a bad feeling in my heart.

These soldiers not only burned the mountain gods, but also removed the windows and burned them. They tossed them for a long time. They finally baked their clothes and dried them. After they put them on, they sat down to discuss things.

"Wu Lianchang, you said that we are going to do this, and if we are caught by the warlord, it must be awkward," said a soldier to the chief of the goatee.

Ye Shaoyang heard this sentence, and his heart stunned. This group is actually a deserter.

Wu Lianchang thought for a moment: "At this time, the return is not going back. The brothers have to find a way out. Do you have any good places to go?"

A dozen people discussed it, and one person lowered his voice and said: "It is better to go to Heiyun Village"

The gang suddenly did not say anything.

Wu Lianchang gloomy face and said to the man: "Small three, you let me go to be a bandit?"

Xiao San Baoquan said: "Wu Lianchang, we are all brothers who have rolled over together. I ask everyone, do you want to live?"

(End of this chapter)

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