Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2043: 2043 Crawler 3

However, just when everyone thought that everything was over, suddenly a scream, from the mouth of a soldier, everyone hurriedly turned to look at it, a soldier screamed, a man hanging on his leg, his head buried in On the calf, the teeth bite a piece of meat and bite the blood.

A closer look, the person who bite him is not a living person, but the two eggs that were previously shot by Xiao San. The group only pays attention to the three dead people in front, but ignores the existence of this dead person.

Xiao San rushed past, the rifle was shot at the head of the two eggs, smashed his head, and then did not look carefully, shouting loudly: "Everyone is withdrawing! This place is weird, quick withdrawal!"

After I finished talking, I couldn’t take it outside and it was still raining. I took the lead and rushed out.

Wu Lianchang and others followed closely and ran away like an escape. The soldier who had been holding the Cuiyun also put down her. At this juncture, whoever can take care of the girl.

They are all soldiers who have been killed by soldiers, and they are determined to be a bandit. They are basically not afraid of fear, but they are really afraid of ghosts. The things they have encountered have greatly challenged their bottom line. The result is naturally Fleeing and fleeing.

"Corporate, I..." The soldier who was bitten by the calf chased out. The result was only a shot back to Wu Lianchang: the corpses were turned into zombies in succession, and Wu Lianchang and others were brought to the shadows of the heart, for fear of being zombies. The bitten soldiers will also become zombies, one chasing them, and they will be solved with one shot.

The sound of the soldiers running away gradually, leaving only the rain outside.

The temple was restored to silence.

Lao Wan and Chen Maozi had been scared for a long time and sat down on the ground. Cuiyun was the first to return to God. He rushed to Ye Shaoyang’s body and picked up his head. He just wanted to open his name. Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes and took a heavy breath and smiled at her. .

A stone in the heart of Cuiyun fell to the ground, clutching his hands and saying: "Is it your ghost?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded and then closed his eyes weakly.

During that time, he was not asleep, but the soul came out, attached to several bodies in turn, manipulating the body, making a series of horrible actions of terror, and finally scared the dry soil.

The soul is out of the body, it is nothing to him, but now he has only one tenth of the mana in the past, this series of practices, is also tired enough, now lying on the legs of Cuiyun, gasping, tired Can't climb, but fortunately the ending is very good, the only fly in the ointment is that the insidious guy named "Little Three" did not die, survived.

When they first discussed the fact that they were going to be bandits, Ye Shaoyang knew that his own lives were not guaranteed: this group of deserters who are determined to be bandits will never let them witness the process of converting them from deserters to bandits. There were a few people who left their lives. When I wanted to come and think about it, there was no good way. Although he would have Maoshan’s body skills, it would be no problem to deal with these dozen soldiers. However, people have guns and one person’s hands. a gun. Ye Shaoyang did not dare to act rashly.

When the gunshots sounded, even if they could hide, Cuiyun and several of them would follow the adventure. When Ye Shaoyang’s eyes fell on the soldiers who were killed, he immediately had an idea, so he whispered with Cuiyun, telling her that she would go to sleep, let her not be nervous, and don’t be afraid of these soldiers, they have a way to deal with them. they.

After the soul was separated, Ye Shaoyang had a chance to move on the little three, borrowing his gun to kill his companion. As a result, he had a very powerful spiritual object to protect his body. Ye Shaoyang tried it. He couldn’t get it for a short time. For the sake of the overall situation, he had to give up. He was attached to the dead bodies according to the plan...

Everything is his performance.

Ye Shaoyang took Cui Yun’s hand and smiled. “It’s okay, the bandits are running.”

Cuiyun clung to him, "Shaoyang, you can scare your sister!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Is it thought that I have to be arrested to be Mrs. Zhaizhai?"

Cuiyun nodded. In that case, he couldn't think of any way to escape the bandits of the bandits. At that time, his heart was in a state of disappointment. I didn't expect... Ye Shaoyang actually did it.

"I said nothing, there will be nothing." Ye Shaoyang patted her back and said firmly.

Cuiyun smiled. "Well, my sister believes in you, what will be said in the future, I will listen to what you say."

Ye Shaoyang lay in her arms and sighed and said: "It’s a pity that they ran. I thought about killing at least half of them. As a result, none of them died."

Cui Yun said: "They just ran away, at least we are all right, Wan Laozi, they are fine."

What the two thought of, and turned around and looked at the body of the two eggs. Cuiyun remembered the things that he had done to himself before the two eggs. As a fellow villager in the same village, he actually sold himself. After that, he died, but he was also taken by himself, but he also said The fellows and their peers, Cui Yun saw the tragic death of the two eggs, still a little sad, sighed.

Ye Shaoyang just wanted to persuade her to say a few words. Cuiyun suddenly stopped and then squatted on him, and wowed and cried. This crying is frightening Ye Shaoyang, thinking that she is sympathetic. After all, the two eggs and her fellow villagers, how to watch him die, may not accept it for a while, so patted her shoulder and said a lot like " Words such as death cannot be resurrected, and "sacred sorrows change". In the end, Cui Yun squatted on his shoulder and told the truth that she was crying and screaming: "The gold bars were taken away..."

Ye Shaoyang squatted on the spot, his mouth twitched, and he dared to comfort himself for so long. People are not sad because of the death of the two eggs?

The gold bar is gone... Ye Shaoyang asked in a hurry: "A few pieces were stolen?"

"The three have been robbed, and there is a pack of oceans, hey, we have no money..."

This is really a sad thing. Ye Shaoyang rubbed his forehead with one hand, and even wanted to cry a lot.

Before the autumn mayor gave a total of four gold bars, he gave Cuiyun three roots, and his own roots were replaced by the current ocean in the town. After Cuiyun learned, he asked him to spend the first ocean, as for the three gold bars that gave her. She also doesn't want to help Ye Shaoyang squat and keep her wife in the future.

Because Cuiyun also planned to go, she would not go back. Therefore, the three gold bars and most of the oceans were sewed on the cloth belt wrapped around her waist. I thought that was the most intimate and secret place. I thought... I was robbed by a few deserters. In addition to the three gold bars, the little three said that the thickness and weight of the cloth were wrong. I knew that there was something inside, and the soldiers were taken away.

(End of this chapter)

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