Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2044: 2040 Crawler 4

"We...a penny is gone?" Ye Shaoyang said, looking at Cuiyun.

Cuiyun bit his lip and shook his head while crying. "There are only two oceans left. They are not optimistic about your sister. This is the money of your wife..."

Ye Shaoyang patted her shoulder, unable to comfort her, and her mood was very bad.

Of course, he does not want to live in this world, what is his wife, he needs money, just to solve the entanglement on this road.

As the saying goes, a penny kills heroes. From here to Longhushan, there are still many distances. No money can be difficult, and it is impossible for you to go down the mountain with Cuiyun.

"Well, money is nothing, no money, we want to make another way, I have this ability, I am afraid I can't make any money." Ye Shaoyang all kinds of An Cuiyun, Cuiyun feared Ye Shaoyang worried, and finally did not dare Cry, slowly calm down.

"Breaking money and catastrophic, people are fine, just fine, people are fine." Lao Wan also slowed down, squinted his head and muttered to himself.

Ye Shaoyang turned around and saw that Lao Wan and Chen Maozi looked down on their heads, and they couldn’t bear it.

Lao Wanchang sighed, stood up, looked at the bodies in front of him, remembered the scenes of the previous bodies turning roulettes and culling the soldiers, suddenly a little nervous, said the trembling: "We are going to go, these bodies If we get up again, we can't have a gun in our hands..."

Of course, he did not know that the scam was a ghost of Ye Shaoyang.

Just outside this time the rain stopped.

Several people packed their bags and left the Temple of the Mountain. Cui Yun asked how to deal with the bodies of the two eggs.

Lao Wan and Chen Maozi sneered at the character of the two eggs, and they simply did not want to control his body. Cui Yun felt that the death was great, and Ye Shaoyang helped to clean up.

This wild mountain, Ye Shaoyang has no way to deal with the body, can not take down the mountain, and finally can only find the root branches outside, dig a shallow pit on the rain-soaked land, the two eggs The body was buried in the matter.

The four people went down the mountain, because they were worried about meeting the deserters. The mountain road did not dare to go, but they passed through the muddy jungle. It was very difficult to walk. Finally, they came to a deserted village at the foot of the mountain. The house in this village fell. Almost all, most of them only have some foundation. Ye Shaoyang and his party found a clean place to sit down and discuss what to do next.

Lao Wan and Chen Maozi came to Jiangxi to do business. When they thought that they would encounter such a thing, they really wanted to cry without tears. According to Lao Wan’s theory, if you encounter a bandit, you will be robbed of money, because the bandits It’s just doing this, but it’s been taken away by a group of deserters who haven’t been bandits. Lao Wan and Chen Maozi are really a bit difficult for me to accept, and my heart is dead.

The cost of doing business is gone, and going to the hinterland of Jiangxi is not meaningful to the two. The goods that are brought are still there. The two intend to go down to the mountain and find a county town to sell the goods. At least enough to go back to the entanglement, this 趟 although not making money, it is not too bad, after all, they came to buy goods, long ago the place was bandit, did not bring too much money.

Ye Shaoyang is going to Longhushan, of course, only continue to move forward. Jade followed him. Then four people parted ways at the foot of the mountain. Lao Wan took out his map and gave it to Ye Shaoyang. He explained to him how to hurry. "The places I painted for you must not go. These places are all bandits." ”

Ye Shaoyang carefully recognized it and pointed to a place on the map not far from himself: "Why is this place to be circled, and it is also a bandit?"

"This is not a slap in the face, but a public sect." Lao Wan said, "You can't go anywhere in this place. You must go around the road. Those who have a lot of rules, don't rush into them."

"Catch the corpse?" Ye Shaoyang stunned. "Is it only the Xiangxi area? How come here?"

Lao Wandao: "I don't know. Anyway, I said that there is a public hall. There are several corpses who live there. They are responsible for rushing to the south. You must go around and don't bump into them!"

Ye Shaoyang said thank you for asking the details of the corpse. Lao Wan is not very clear, just heard that there are several corpses who have lived in the Yizhuang for a long time, went to several counties around the county to take business, the so-called business, that is, the dead, talked with the family of the deceased, and then rushed back to their hometown. Be buried.

Regarding the corpse, Chen Maozi also heard about one or two and told Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang added his own understanding and finally understood the general situation:

From the late Qing Dynasty, the Huizhou merchants represented by Hu Xueyan rise, and Weinan is very rich. Li Hefei is also very caring for Anhui in politics. Therefore, there are many people working in Anhui in the surrounding areas. Until the Republic of China, the prime minister is the prime minister. Anhui is his home base, and it is natural to emphasize the degree of development and vigorously develop industry.

Some industries are very dangerous. They often die. In those days, there was no safety awareness. Anyway, fighting is also a dead person. As long as there is a bowl of rice to eat, there will be competition for dangerous occupations. So there are only a lot of people working in Anhui in the surrounding areas, and there are always people who die.

These workers are hard-working people. After the death, the family can't afford the carriage. They transport the body back long distances, and there are no official roads in many places in the south. Even if there is a carriage, they can't get through. However, the tradition of China is to return to the roots. After death, it is sure to be buried back to the home.

After rushing to the body, it became the best way to transport the body back to the countryside. The rushing corpse is used, the cost is relatively low, and at least a few corpses will be rushed at a time. All of the money collected by each family is actually not much, within the acceptance of the families of these deceased.

Because there are people who have died in their hometowns all the year round, several corpses have gathered together to build a Yizhuang village in a mountainous village. The so-called Yizhuang is the place where the dead are parked. Most people in southern Anhui and northern Fujian know that if nearby A dead corpse needs to be rushed, and the corpse will send the corpse to Yizhuang for a while, and will scrape three or five bodies in the same direction, and then rush back together...

Chen Maozi said that when he didn’t go up the mountain, he listened to people in the teahouse and talked about Yizhuang’s affairs. He said that because of the recent war, the road was blocked. Even if they had rich people, they could not send their bodies home through the road. I can only find the corpse, so the business in Yizhuang is very good recently, and the corpse is not enough.

At the beginning, Ye Shaoyang just casually read about it. When Chen Maozi said that the corpse was not enough, he thought about something.

Lao Wan and Chen Maozi had a good birth of Ye Shaoyang, and then four people bid farewell to the place, Lao Wan and Chen Maozi went down to the nearby county town to sell goods.

(End of this chapter)

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