Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2045: 2045, seven sons wear heart 1

Ye Shaoyang and Cuiyun will continue to advance to the northeast of Jiangxi and go to the Yingtan area.

In this broken house, Ye Shaoyang opened the baggage and checked it. Most of the dry food brought in was blistered, and could not be eaten any more. The remaining dried meat and the like were only enough for two people to eat for three days.

Originally, according to the plan, they should enter the county town one day. After purchasing some, they hired a horse-drawn carriage to go to Longhushan, but now... no money, even eating is a problem. There are still hundreds of miles to go to Yingtan. In the past... Even if Ye Shaoyang was not afraid of wasting time, he would starve to death halfway.

Therefore, the most important thing at the moment is to find ways to make money.

Cuiyun, a rural woman, went to the field. Naturally, there was no idea at all. She only looked at Ye Shaoyang’s daze.

Ye Shaoyang has no idea. After all, he is passing through. In this world, he lacks life skills. The only specialty is the spell.

"Let's go here." Ye Shaoyang pointed to a place on the map that was circled with a brush. Cuiyun is illiterate, but the picture can still be seen. I took a look and frowned. "Isn't this the position of Wan Dabo's Yizhuang? Are you going to do it?"

"Catch the corpse."

Ye Shaoyang steadfastly spit out these two words. He listened to Cui Yun’s ears and squatted on the spot. He looked at Ye Shaoyang slyly and could not say a word.

"Catch the corpse to make money." Ye Shaoyang added a sentence and shrugged. "I don't know anything else. I will only do this."

Cuiyun realized that he was serious and hurriedly said: "Catch the corpse, have you ever rushed over?"

"Not over. But it should be fine."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head. The rushing corpse is a kind of witchcraft in Miaojiang. It has a little relationship with the Daomen spell, but it is not really a Tao. It is a side-by-side approach to Ye Shaoyang, who is also a singer. Ye Shaoyang does not understand it. However, among the 368 symbols that he has mastered, at least five or six are capable of controlling the corpse. Even if the mana is not good enough, it is not necessary to use the charm to absorb the innocent show and drive away several bodies.

Cuiyun didn't know these details. He listened to Ye Shaoyang's reluctance. When he was worried, he hurriedly said, "I know that you have some spells, but you haven't rushed through the bodies. Those bodies will move. It is scary to think about it. If something goes wrong, it will not be a success. If you are strong, it is better to go to the nearby county to make a little effort to make money..."

"The hard work will definitely not work." Ye Shaoyang said, "There are so many people living now, the most important thing is the hard work. Even if you find a job, you will give too little money. How long will it take to make a profit? If you rush, you can make money. Not much, it is estimated that a trip will be enough."

Cuiyun did not want Ye Shaoyang to go, but Ye Shaoyang promised that there would never be an accident. Cuiyun couldn’t help him, but he had to listen to him.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the mark on the map. From here to the Gongzhuang Yizhuang, there is almost a hundred miles. If you walk up, it is estimated that it is one or two days. The dry food of the two people is enough to support it.

Ye Shaoyang no longer delays, and he calls Cuiyun to hurry. Along the way, Cuiyun has been swaying for the three yellow croakers that have been robbed, and his mood is very low. He always feels his responsibility. He lost Ye Shaoyang’s wife, and Ye Shaoyang can only comfort her. For the goodness of Cuiyun, it added a little touch.

For the robbed, Ye Shaoyang occasionally remembered, remembering the guy named "three", who did not know what unusual instruments were worn, and the ghosts did not invade.

In ordinary people, there is absolutely no such strength.

However, compared with this incident, what Ye Shaoyang never forgets is what the three did. In a few words, he persuaded his elders and companions to be bandits, and in the face of the companions who fled, he could not hesitate to shoot and kill.

This is a very deep and ardent person in the city. If he does not die in the future, Ye Shaoyang believes that he will definitely become an amazing figure and even grow into a hero.

Ye Shaoyang is very curious about what his name is, and he is more curious about his life experience after he became a bandit. But this has nothing to do with myself.

Because it had just rained, the soil was slippery and the walk was very slow. The two men went all the way to the dark. Following the lights, they walked into a village in the middle of the mountain. Cuiyun went to sleep and opened the door to be an aunt. Look at them only two people, or a man and a woman, very happy to let them in.

Later, Ye Shaoyang knew that although this area is a deep mountain, it is a node of the trend of this generation of mountains. People who walk into the mountains often pass by this village, and the locals are used to it.

This family is an old couple. When Ye Shaoyang and Cuiyun arrived, the two were cooking and cooking. Cuiyun went up to help naturally. He was close to the aunt and soon became familiar with it. After four people ate together. Since entering the mountain, Ye Shaoyang has not eaten the rice cooked by the firewood stove. At this moment, drinking hot rice porridge is really a great enjoyment. It is more fragrant than what I have ever eaten.

Ye Shaoyang swallowed a porridge with satisfaction, looked at Cuiyun and found that Cuiyun was also watching himself. Both of them understood each other's thoughts and smiled.

While eating, Cuiyun chatted with the old couple and learned that the family surnamed Liu, had three sons, one went to work as a soldier, and one went to Guangzhou to go to school. There was only one county town not far from the foot of the mountain to do business, and occasionally he went up the mountain to visit. they.

When asked about himself, Cuiyun lied that he and Ye Shaoyang were both sisters and brothers. He came to Jiangxi to vote for a relative. Because he met a bandit, he had to walk here. When the old couple heard it, they felt that they were pitiful.

Ye Shaoyang inquired about the situation nearby. The old couple said that the village is called Sishen Village. The reason why there is such a strange name, but also from the ancestors of the village, the ancestors of this village, according to a general of the Ming Dynasty Because of the misfortune, I took a family and my subordinates to hide here, open up mountains and rocks, cultivate my own land, and be self-sufficient. I lived like a peach blossom. Later, the Ming Dynasty died. The generals of the generals were used to the mountains. The environment has been proliferating.

Because of the arrival of the guests, plus the sweet mouth of Cuiyun, the old couple are very happy. Liu Laotou excitedly took out the five poisonous wines he had soaked, and let Ye Shaoyang taste it.

Ye Shaoyang knows that it is not a good thing when he listens to the name. Sure enough, after Liu Laotou opened the wine tank, Ye Shaoyang glanced at it and found poisons like scorpion scorpion inside, and his heart was awkward, but he was not thin. The face, had to bite the scalp to catch the glass he handed.

(End of this chapter) (.)

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