Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2046: 2046, seven sons wear heart 2

Liu Laotou poured him a cup of five poisonous wines, but he said that he couldn't drink this kind of wine when he was old. He went to another tank and drank some rice wine to drink himself. Two glasses of wine were under the belly. Liu Laotou was in a good mood and proudly said: "To name the village "Sishang Village" is the meaning of missing the Lord. After the birth, can you know which one of our ancestors?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head.

"The ancestors of our village were the generals of the Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty. They were surnamed Liu Mingtong. In the same year, they helped Jianwen to defend the city and made great contributions."

"Oh, great." Ye Shaoyang complimented, and the appearance of Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunwen appeared in his mind.

"I told you that Jianwen Emperor did not die in the past. Listening to the sayings left by my ancestors, Jianwendi ran to the south, then crossed the ocean and went to an isolated island, where he was dying..."

Ye Shaoyang smiled. These folk rumors and wild history are always far from the true history. If you have never seen Jianwen Emperor, you may still believe it. However, just before you came to this world, you also followed Jianwendi. Fighting side by side, not to mention the first time I met, I also beat him to the soul, and killed his wife.

These old past events, now I think it’s a bit like the feeling of being separated from the world, but it’s still in sight, as if it’s in front of me.

Regarding the whereabouts of Jianwendi, Ye Shaoyang certainly would not say it, so as not to be regarded as a neuropathy by Liu Laotou. But... he suddenly thought of the fact that the Jianwen Emperor of this era was still in the ancient tomb... If he had enough strength, he could even release him.

Suddenly I thought that Jianwen Emperor is also an old man in this world. If he releases him from the ancient tomb, he will definitely help himself, but Ye Shaoyang still dispels this idea, nothing else, just There is a bronze corpse in the ancient tomb. It is not what you can do now, let alone a murderous bronze corpse.

Ye Shaoyang no longer thinks about this. He continues to listen to Liu Laotou’s talk about the village. During the centuries of reproduction, some people have left the mountain village and lived in the city. At present, there are many in the mountains, but now they are catching up. In the troubled times, some villagers who lived under the mountain returned to their homes on the mountain. Everyone was very fortunate that living here can be completely free from interference from the outside world and they do not want to go downhill.

However, because it is not far from the county seat, the villagers will go down the mountain for ten days and a half, sell the mountain goods collected in the mountains and the pheasant hare that they have hunt, and buy some daily necessities, so the real world gap with the Yamaha Not big, just more leisurely and quiet, although life is light, but because of self-sufficiency, it is more comfortable than the people in the chaos of the mountains.

Ye Shaoyang is curious that this mountain village is lonely in the mountains, why there is no bandit harassment. Liu Laotou hesitated for a moment and said the truth. There are several small bandits in the vicinity of the village. There is no other reason why it is not to disturb the village. It’s just because there is a cow in the village. The character, called Liu Zhenyun, was a martial artist in the late Qing Dynasty. He was in charge of military power in Zhangzhou, and later he followed Yuan Datou’s soldiers. After his success, he was rewarded and he was considered a personal thing.

Later, Yuan Datou’s death, the forces of all parties fought, and Liu Zhenyun also participated in the melee. Later, he defeated and fled, and with his own remnant team fled into the mountains of the hometown. He wanted to retreat, waiting for the opportunity to come back, and then slowly Just started the bandit.

Although Liu Zhenyun was in the mountains at the time, there were only a small number of remaining troops, but there were more people than the few small bandits around him, and Liu Zhenyun’s troops were regular troops, guns and ammunition were also abundant, not at all. Compared with the bandits, the village of Liu Zhenyun has become the largest bandit in the radius of a few years. The locals smelled cold and did not know.

Ye Shaoyang heard this and could not help but praise: "This person is so powerful, great!"

Liu Laotou sighed: "It’s great, but it’s really a bandit. We are all ashamed of him in the village. He sent people to give us gifts, let us throw them all out, and He made his name from the genealogy. He was self-defeating and he did not return to the village. But after all, it was his home. He was still very cared for. He was there, where did the bandits come to the door?"

It turned out to be the case.

Liu Laotou took a sip of wine and sighed and said: "Speaking, this commander Liu is still the scorpion of my close door. Before he fell into the grass, all of us in the village are proud of him, but now..."

Ye Shaoyang didn't understand it at first. If you think about it carefully, you will understand that in the era of one hundred years later, there is no such thing as a "bandit". You don't feel anything when you hear the words of the bandits. However, the past is not the same. The so-called grass is awkward. Even if it is spicy and spicy all day long, it is still being cast aside. This is why Song Jiang always wants to recruit.

While Liu Laotou was drinking, he talked a lot with Ye Shaoyang and asked their destination. Ye Shaoyang certainly did not dare to tell the truth. He only said that he planned to go out.

Liu Laotai talked very well with Cuiyun. After dinner, he went to Zhangluo to boil water and bathe them. Because the two said that they are sisters, it is impossible to live in a room. Although the old couple’s family is large, there are no extra beds, only two beds, so Liu Laotai sleeps with Cuiyun, and Ye Shaoyang sleeps with Liu Laohan. .

Liu Laotai found out her son’s old clothes and changed it after Ye Shaoyang took a shower. Cuiyun put on her own clothes. They both ate and drank, and put on clean clothes. They were comfortable under their bodies. go to sleep.

Ye Shaoyang followed Liu Laotou to go to a bedroom, a big wooden bed. Liu Laotou finished drinking the wine, but instead of talking, he lay down on the inside of the bed, half a bag of smoke was not finished, he hit Rushing.

Ye Shaoyang saw that Liu Laotou was asleep, and he sat on the bed and spit it up. Time passed by, and after two weeks ended, it was already in the middle of the night. Ye Shaoyang perceived the comparison. His own suffocation in Dantian was a little more than the original. If he had only one mana before, After these days of voicing and cultivation, there should be more than half of the increase. This speed makes Ye Shaoyang feel a little gratified.

With his arms folded, Ye Shaoyang lay quietly on the bed, couldn't sleep, and thought of many people and many things.

Xie Yuqing, Zhou Jingru, Ye Xiaomeng, Zhang Xiaorui... There are also partners in the Ghost Federation. If the time on both sides is the same, then it will be a week since I disappeared from that time. Have they found themselves this week? What are they doing at the moment?

In such a late night, are they also missing themselves?

(End of this chapter)

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