Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2053: The 2053 Soul of the Soul 3

However, in terms of the Master, only the Master of the Daomen Master and the Master of Buddhism can perceive the existence of the Soul.

"The Soul of the Soul!"

Zhang Daochang repeated it again, looking at Ye Shaoyang, his mouth slowly opened and said: "How can you perceive the existence of the soul?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "I said it before. I am a heavenly teacher and said that you don't believe."

"But your mana is at most a alchemist."

Ye Shaoyang didn't want to explain to him because he couldn't explain it clearly. He turned his face to Liu Si and said, "You only have this son in your family. Before you gave birth to him, have you ever had any other children, but you haven't raised your premature death?" ”

Liu Si and his wife heard this and were shocked on the spot. Liu Siyi stared at Ye Shaoyang with a big eye and lost his voice: "How do you know, you?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled. For him, things are obvious:

The soul of the soul, in addition to parents and children, between the three lovers, between brothers and sisters, sometimes there will be a soul. This baby was born less than a year, naturally it is impossible to meet any three lovers, parents are also alive, since he perceives the soul between the three evil spirits and the baby, there is only one possibility: these evil The ghost is his brother and sister. But the premise is dead.

Liu Si glanced at his wife and then screamed: Originally, before this son, the two had had children when they were young, and they had three births, two men and one woman. The result was no exception. I was born less than a year old and died. I was also looking for a gentleman. I said that it was a husband and wife who had seven lives and was destined to have no children. I wanted to feed a son. I only had to eat fragrant incense, do more good things, and accumulate yin. Ten years later. Maybe there are children.

The two acted in this way, and sure enough, they had been born last year and gave birth to such a baby son. I didn’t expect that I hadn’t been there before, and I had this evil thing.

After listening to Ye Shaoyang, he looked at Zhang Daochang and said: "Exactly three."

Zhang Daochang naturally knows what it means, his face is hot and he nods slowly.

The truth is clear. The three evil spirits that entangled the boy are the ghosts of the three children born before the Liu Si couple, that is, the younger brother and sister of Xiaoshun, so they will have a soul between them. The presence. As for why the souls of the three dead children did not go to the sinister report, but stayed in the world, and attached to the "brother", although it is not clear for the time being, there are traces to follow.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while and said, "Where have you buried the three dead children?"

Liu Sidao: "It is in the stone well outside the old house."

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "Ishii?"

Liu Si nodded hard and said: "Yes, our rules, if the child before adulthood is mourned early, can't enter the ancestors, can't make a grave, can only find a place to bury, and then feel that it is easy, go Throw it in the stone well of the old house and cover it with earth."

Ye Shaoyang looked at Zhang Daochang and Zhang Daochang said: "Where is Shijing, take us there."

Liu Si hurried nodded and looked at the child again. He wanted to ask the child what to do.

Zhang Daochang was also afraid that the three evil spirits came to hurt the children, so they turned the water to feed the children, and then let the couple hold the children and go with them.

He is also a real person after all. Ye Shaoyang saw him in the water, and did not compete with him. He walked over to the face of Liu Laohan, who was dull, and smiled at him. "I didn't lie to you, I just started."

Liu Laohan looked at him silly.

Liu Laohan and Liu Si and his wife, at first, he failed to catch ghosts, and the words that Zhang Daochang said after he came, let them all think that Ye Shaoyang is just a fledgling little priest, because his own smashing almost killed Xiaoshun, while I almost died. Liu Laohan is even more sloppy, regretting to listen to Ye Shaoyang's words, bring him over, almost missed things.

As a result of his analysis, I thought that Zhang Daochang would ridicule and refute. Who thought that Zhang Daochang actually believed, and with his actions, this strong reversal was not only for them, but even Zhang Daochang’s disciples could not turn around. The few who had ridiculed Ye Shaoyang before, even felt that their skin was burning.

Liu Si led the way to the old house of his home. Ye Shaoyang and Zhang Daochang walked side by side with him. Zhang Daochang’s heart has always been able to discover the soul of Ye Shaoyang, and finally could not help but ask him.

"I said that I said that it is a heavenly master, you do not believe." Ye Shaoyang still returned this sentence.

Zhang Daochang also wants to say something. In front of Liu Si has come to the front of a dilapidated yard and stopped, indicating that the front is the old house of his own family.

Ye Shaoyang and others followed and walked in. As Liu Si passed through the house that almost collapsed and left only four walls, he came to the backyard.

Ye Shaoyang looked up and saw two large banyan trees in the backyard, which were leafy and covered almost half of the yard.

"That well is here." Liu Si came to the middle of the two trees and said that he was kicking a well.

Ye Shaoyang and Zhang Daochang looked at each other, and they felt helpless in their hearts. There were clouds in the magical world, and two ghosts and two ghosts. I buried the bones of my loved ones in such a place. It’s really... it’s hard to think of strange things.

Ye Shaoyang walked to Shijing and looked down. The well was deep and the bottom was dark.

“Is there a flashlight?”

After Ye Shaoyang asked, he didn’t respond for a long time. Looking up, everyone looked at him with a blank look. Then he realized that he had said the wrong thing again. He shrugged his shoulders and touched a magical sign. The volley fluttered and burned. Throw into the well.

The charms fell to three or four meters deep and were extinguished on the soil.

"There is no water below?" asked Ye Shaoyang.

"This well has been abandoned for many years, and there is no water, so I will bury the dead child under this."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly and said: "Open! Excavate the body!"

Liu Siyi was blinded and turned to look at Zhang Daochang.

Zhang Daochang handcuffed his beard and said with a sinking look: "Open!"

He and Ye Shaoyang thought the same thing. Since the three evil spirits stayed in the world, they must be related to their bodies, not to mention that the bodies are so buried and so strange, they must be dug up to see. The wellhead was too small. When Liu Si threw the body into the well, it would not cost anything, but now it is not so easy to dig up the body.

Zhang Daochang asked Liu Si to go home to take Yang Lan and the iron shovel. He laid four copper nails around the wellhead, wrapped them with red lines, and arranged a seven-star knot. This was done to seal the wellhead, so as not to be in case. The three evil spirits were below, and they were wounded when they dug the well.

(End of this chapter)

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