Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2054: The 2054 Soul of the Soul 4

In fact, Ye Shaoyang can't help but they are all below. Although these three devils are all evil spirits, they can't move in the sun for a long time. It is close to noon, the sun is poisonous, and the three evil spirits. When it comes to doing things, it is simply sending death.

Ye Shaoyang and Zhang Daochang moved together to the shade of the trees, watching the group of small Taoist dig wells.

"Wow..." A baby crying, from the mouth of the child in the arms of Liu Si's wife.

Liu Si’s wife panicked as soon as she heard it. She hurriedly took the child to see Zhang Daochang and asked him what happened.

Zhang Daochang looked at the boy and said: "Nothing, it is hungry."

"Hungry?" Liu Si and his wife were all stunned. Liu Si said: "It used to be hungry in the middle of the night..."

Zhang Daochang turned his eyes and said: "Hungry is a good thing. The ghosts of the past have been pestering him. Today, he is not pestering him. His soul is recovering. It is normal now. Go and feed."

When Liu Si’s wife heard it, she hurriedly turned her back and fed the child to breastfeed.

"Thank you for your guidance, thank you Daochang..." Liu Si joyfully slammed Zhang Daochang.

Zhang Daochang took a look at Ye Shaoyang and said faintly: "Thank you for being good, it doesn't matter to me."

Liu Siyi, suddenly stuck, and there is nowhere to know what to say, mainly because of his distrust of his previous attitude towards him, and what he said in front of Zhang Daochang’s words that hurt him, where did he think of Zhang Daochang? At the moment, he has changed his attitude towards him...

Ye Shaoyang said: "Do not thank me either. Fighting has just begun. If you can't beat the three little devils, they will come back to harass your son."

When Liu Siyi listened, he suddenly became nervous and pleaded with Ye Shaoyang and Zhang Daochang to save his children.

Ye Shaoyang comforted a few words and let him wait while waiting.

Liu Laohan also comforted him in the past, patted Liu Si’s shoulder and said: “How do I tell you what to say, I am guilty...mana strong, I am not wrong?” After reading, he also proudly read Ye Shaoyang. A glance. The previous embarrassment and apology have long since swept away.

Zhang Daochang’s several disciples took turns to take a large cut out of the wellhead. Fortunately, this is a stone well. The surrounding walls are made of stone. As long as the upper edge is opened, it is enough to move the stone out.

Moving the stone is an individual effort. A few small priests are sweating and sweating for almost an hour. Finally, most of the stones are removed, and the space of the stone well is enlarged, so that one can move freely underneath.

In this process, Ye Shaoyang did not have a little strength, he needs to save energy. When everything was there, he stood up from the shade and asked Zhang Daochang: "Are you coming?"

Zhang Daochang glanced at the stone well that had been dug, and swallowed and said: "I am older, I am not used to climbing up and down, or you come."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and asked Liu to ask for a few prepared candles, carrying a shovel and jumping under the stone well.

First, use a fire to fold a few candles, insert them in the soil that was dug the rock wall, and illuminate the ground. It is a pile of mud mixed with shingles. There is nothing to say, it is to dig.

In order to prevent a shovel from going down and inserting the bones into two pieces, Ye Shaoyang began to carefully dig up from the far side, and every shovel went down and checked.

It was quite easy to dig at first, but it was difficult to dig the shovel in the back. In the middle of the soil, the roots of the roots were tangled everywhere. Naturally, it belonged to the two eucalyptus trees on the ground. The roots were twisted together and it was difficult to Dig can be moved.

In addition, Ye Shaoyang noticed that when the roots were shoveled with iron shovel, the ends of these roots would seep out blood like blood, which was lighter than blood.

Ye Shaoyang is not strange, knowing that the two banyan trees have become refined, but they are just getting fine, and they have not yet entered the road, that is, they are separated from the wooden body, and they will not move for the time being.

Such a tree root is actually better to deal with. Ye Shaoyang shouted at the top and let Zhang Daochang help get some **** blood. Zhang Daochang immediately told Liu Si to do it. Then Lai Ye Shaoyang went up first, listening to him said the following situation, but also amazed.

"The three evil spirits are not below?" Zhang Daochang asked.

"Of course not, they should be practicing in the outer spirits, and they will return to the flesh in the night."

Zhang Daochang looked at him with a strange look and said, "Where did you come from?"

"I didn't tell you, I am a Maoshan disciple."

Zhang Daochang certainly remembered his previous words and said suspiciously: "Maoshan has no thirty-nine generations of disciples."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said nothing because it could not be explained clearly.

Zhang Daochang only needs to be confused when he has something to do, and he does not want to ask about his origins.

After waiting for less than half an hour, Liu Si came back with a gourd scoop in his hand, which was filled with hot **** blood.

Ye Shaoyang used a chicken blood to draw more than a dozen pieces in one breath. Zhang Daochang looked at his paintings on the sidelines. He was so skillful that he was not comparable, and was shocked on the spot.

Ye Shaoyang took the signs of these chicken blood paintings and jumped down to Shijing again, sticking them to those roots and chanting spells. The charms burned immediately, and the spiritual power that poured out, like a corrosive liquid, melted these roots.

After the roots of the tree have been eroded to a sufficient extent, Ye Shaoyang shovel will open the roots of the twisted tree together, and there is a group of unrooted roots in the middle, wrapped in layers, and there is nothing in it. I can feel the corpse of the silky oozing from the inside.

Ye Shaoyang guessed that the eight things he wanted to find were here, so let the ropes down and do it yourself, hang it up from the well and put it on the ground, it looks like a huge cocoon.

Everyone immediately surrounded me and curiously watched.

Ye Shaoyang pours the remaining chicken blood in the gourd's scoop to the "coconut". After a while, the cocoon is eroded.

Ye Shaoyang squatted in front of this silkworm cocoon and said: "The audience, the moment to witness the miracle is coming..."

As soon as he reached out, he pulled off the top layer of the tree roots, and the things exposed below made everyone shocked.

"Ah!" Liu Si's wife screamed. Liu Si hurriedly pulled her to the side and blocked his gaze with his body. He also picked himself up and dared not look again.

"This... is too scary! How is this possible!" Liu Laohan was so scared that he sat on the ground and wanted to avoid the same as Liu Si and his wife, but his eyes were inseparable from the pile of things.

That is three babies!

It's not a carrion, it's not a cockroach, it's the body of three well-prepared babies: the skin is white and red, the expression is quiet, each body is wearing a belly pocket, and the three people are together and look like they are sleeping.

(At last, I got home and temporarily rushed out two chapters. Please forgive me. I have to take a nap and rest, wake up and start to recover, and walk up!)

(End of this chapter)

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