Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2055: The 2055 Soul of the Soul 5

But look closely, the three babies' mouths are actually hung with two pairs of fangs, which is a strong contrast with the seemingly harmless appearance of humans and animals, and it is very strange.

Zhang Daochang and his own disciples saw this scene, and both eyes were straight. Zhang Daochang asked Liu Si: "How many years have these three children been buried?"

"The shortest time, there are also ten years." Liu Si replied with a trepidation. He heard the meaning of Zhang Daochang's voice: The body that was buried for ten years, actually did not rot, even seemed to be alive than the ordinary dead body. For him, an ordinary person is simply a fantasy.

Zhang Dao sighed and said two words to Ye Shaoyang: "Ghost corpse."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, grabbed the neck of a corpse, and released the suffocating sensation. He found that the body was full of corpses, but there was no soul. Then he stood up and took out the yin and yang disk. He walked around the stone well and examined it. Two banyan trees said: "No wonder."

Turning to look at Liu Si, helplessly said: "You are also a personal talent, the average person wants to arrange this corpse is still difficult to do, just because you buried the body here. Zhang Daochang, you see what this is No?"

Zhang Daochang looked at the two banyan trees and the stone well in the middle and said: "Two ghosts shoot the door?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded: "The ghost door of the second ghost shot..." said to Liu Si and others, "The straightforward point is that there are two banyan trees, and there is a dry well in the middle, forming an excellent corpse. Land, buried here, the ghosts are not scattered, the body is not rot, naturally in the world."

Zhang Daochang came to the front and overlooked the three bodies. Some of them said inexplicably: "Why are the ghosts not one?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "The two ghosts shoot the iron gate bolts, the corpse is three or nine small, can pass through the spirit, five or nine great achievements, at least can achieve the corpse. However, the underground chilly, before reaching Xiaocheng, the ghost needs during the day Exercising outside, absorbing yang, returning to the corpse in the evening, reconciling the yin and yang, can improve the cultivation, so they are not here now, this is just the skin of several ghosts."

When Zhang Daochang heard it, he immediately looked around nervously and said: "Let's dig their corpses, will their souls come to harass us?"

"In the daytime, they don't dare to come, even if they come, how about?"

Zhang Daochang listened and sank for a while and said, "What should I wait for now?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Looking at the dawn, burning the body, and leading them out."

Zhang Daochang and others were shocked.

"Burn the body, can you lead them out?"

"They are ghost corpses, and the cultivation is also the means of ghost corpses. Once the flesh is destroyed, it becomes a real ghost and a ghost. They are all gone. They certainly don't want to give up. Come and talk to us. Bo one."

Zhang Dao looked at him, feeling a little incredible, silent for a long time, still could not help but ask: "How do you know so much?"

"Because, I am the celestial division." Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said.

Zhang Daochang lived.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Don't gossip about it, we have to do it quickly. I have a world of talents. I am the axis, based on the dry position. You take these disciples into two, and divide them into two corners to form a pocket. As long as the three ghosts dare to come, they will definitely not go out."

Zhang Daochang handcuffed his beard and calculated it in his heart. He nodded and said: "The heavens and the earth are three talents. Well, we only have to guard the array. Once they come in, they will never go out. In the daytime, I see how many repairs they consume. Once the repair is exhausted, we will immediately fight back and kill... Ye Daochang, this is a good way."

This is his first time calling Ye Shaoyang called Ye Daochang, which is also an approval, but Ye Shaoyang did not buy it at all, shook his finger and said: "The front is right, the back is wrong."

Zhang Daochang said, "Where is it wrong?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Why are these three evil spirits entangled in this baby?"

"This..." Zhang Daochang wanted to say that it was absorbing yang, but if you think about it, if you are evil spirits, you can find someone to take yang, and there is no need for their "brother" to come from their kinship. Look, there is a reason for being attached to their younger brother.

A disciple next to Zhang Daochang said: "Because this baby is their younger brother, they are jealous, so they want to smother him?"

This point of view, it makes sense to hear it. These three evil spirits died when they were one year old. Later, they saw their younger brothers, enjoyed the care of their parents they had never enjoyed, and a new life. They are also taken for granted.

"You are half right," said Ye Shaoyang. "They are attached to Xiaoshun. Certainly because he is a younger brother, but not because of jealousy, because if that, they should have killed him long ago, and there is no need to wait until now. ”

A few disciples couldn't answer, a female disciple said: "Is it going to torture him? I know that there are many ghosts attached to the enemy, not rushing to kill, to torture people."

Ye Shaoyang said: "You also said that it is against the enemy. This baby is their younger brother, not an enemy. It is just born, the mind is not open, and it does not make any sense to torture him. Their death is not the fault of their parents. There should be no hatred for parents."

He said this, everyone looked at him silly. The female disciple asked: "What do you say for?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "You thought about it, maybe, these three brothers, just want to kiss their brothers?"

Those disciples immediately laughed and laughed. The female disciple said: "I thought I could say something high. Are you amused?"

Ye Shaoyang looked serious and said: "I am not amused, these three brothers, oh, one is still a sister, they just want to be close to this brother, and did not want to kill him."

A few Taoists heard it and were shocked on the spot.

Zhang Daochang vaguely thought of something and said: "Why would you torture your child into such a suffocation?"

"This is not their intention. Ghosts are close to people. They will bring trouble to people. You are a Taoist. You must have heard that there are many people who don’t leave their grandchildren after their death and stay in the dead city. After the festival, I will come to the world to be close to the children. As a result, the child will have a fever and become sick..."

Zhang Daochang was indulged, and Ye Shaoyang said that he had experienced this kind of thing, and he was now sinking.

A disciple asked: "But it is just sick and there is no danger to life."

Ye Shaoyang recognized that he was the one who had ridiculed himself when he was in Liu Sijia. He said with no anger at the moment:

(End of this chapter)

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