Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2057: The 20th Soul of the Soul 7

Ye Shaoyang shunned sideways and got up and said, "Then you listened well, they will come later, you will do exactly what I said, only in this way can help them surpass, but also save your son's life. Remember!"

Liu Si promised to come down.

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the two banyan trees and climbed onto a tree. He broke a branch and came to the body of the three babies. He leaned over and said: "The dust is dust, the soil is home, you are dead." I have a rest in this life, and I have to rely on it again. It’s useless for this skin. Without this skin, it’s a good life.”

After that, grabbed the wooden stick and pointed it to the chest of a corpse with a broken mouth. He forced it in. There was blood spurting out, but it was not ordinary blood, but green corpse blood.

"Ah!" Liu Si's wife screamed and turned her face. She dared not look at this cruel scene.

Ye Shaoyang smashed the three bodies on the branches in one breath, then smelt the fire on the ground, forked the tree stalks, and grilled the three corpses on the tree stalks.

Zhang Daochang ordered his two disciples to go to the nearby firewood and put them in the fire.

The flame burned the skin of the three bodies, and the green corpse water continued to flow out, emitting an unbearable stench. When the blood was dried, the black corpse continued to emerge. Ye Shaoyang let everyone stand up to the wind, so as not to absorb the corpse, it is not good for the body.

Even Zhang Daochang also shunned, and fixed his eyes, Ye Shaoyang stood under the body, turned Fushui, treated the corpse, did not evade, and his heart was even more shocked. Where did he know that Ye Shaoyang was a congenital spirit, and he tried his best Lost, still immune to these general evils, do not care.

Ye Shaoyang turned the water into water and poured it directly on the bodies of the three bodies, accelerating the differentiation of the corpse. After the corpse will be sent, the corpse oil is left, and it continues to penetrate and resist the flame.

Ye Shaoyang knows that these corpse oils can't resist for too long. So he made a look at Zhang Daochang and let him and his disciples return to their place.

The three evil spirits who wandered outside felt that their bodies were destroyed and would definitely come to the rescue. Ye Shaoyang estimated that they were coming.

"Uncle Liu, big sister, you stand a little farther and go to the side to stay. Liu Si, do you remember what I told you?"

Liu nodded four times and was sweating nervously.

Ye Shaoyang asked him to do well in front of himself, and then posted a charm on his head and said: "I will do as I said, remember, the three ghosts will beg you to let them go, but you have to Remember, you are good for them, you must break the soul, so that they can safely reincarnate!"

Liu Sigang sat down on the ground soon, and a smoldering wind blew from the north. Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked at it. There was a faint black cloud, like a smog that had not dissipated, and floated from the north.

Come here. Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and smiled.

This is a cloud of clouds that the ghosts use to cover the sun, so that they can calmly practice during the day.

The cultivation of the ghosts is different. The concentration of the dark clouds used for cultivation is also different. It is not easy to arrange the clouds with the three evil spirits.

If it is a ghost above the repair, the clouds are arranged, and even a small piece of sky can be covered, so that the radius is as dark as a few miles.

Zhang Daochang also saw the cloud of the group, and his face immediately dignified, and told the disciples to be all of you, and began to seal the curse.

The clouds are floating, a layer of light, covering the sky above the house, like a thin cloud, three small figures, turned down from the clouds, it is three little ghosts.

The three little devils saw that their flesh was about to be burned, and they were angry with their hearts. Nothing could be taken care of, and they immediately rushed toward Ye Shaoyang.

"Array!" Zhang Daochang shouted, and several disciples worked together. Through the power of the three worlds of heaven and earth, the spiritual power was gathered together in one place, forming an enchantment and supporting three little devils.

"Heaven and earth law enforcement!"

Ye Shaoyang also drank a bit, biting the tip of his tongue, and squirting a blood on the yin and yang mirror in front of him. The yin and yang mirror was attached to an eight-figure picture painted on the ground with cinnabar.

After the blood of the tongue was spit up, Ye Shaoyang squatted with his fingers and wrote a "mountain" on it. The spell was read. The eight-frame picture of the cinnabar pen on the ground suddenly brightened and rotated on the spot to gather spiritual power. On the yin and yang mirror, a beam of light was formed, which happened to be hit by three little devils.

"Ah..." The three little devils made a painful embarrassment, and they were set in the air, and the spirits struggled around, but it did not help.

The power of Tiandi’s three talents could not be underestimated. In addition, it is Jiu Duanguang’s yin and yang mirror. The most important thing is that the three little ghosts are ghosts. After the deity is burned, the soul loses spiritual power. The source of these factors adds up to the inevitable outcome, and the three little devils simply cannot rebut.

Ye Shaoyang had already expected this to be the case. In the mouth, he recited a curse and patted it on Liu Si’s shoulder. The charm on the back of his head burned, and the smoke emitted from the head of Liu Si’s head was rotated around Liu Si’s head. Liu Si With a tremor, he suddenly opened his eyes and saw the three little devils who were set in the air not far away.

Between himself and the three little devils, there are three golden ties that seem to be light, one connected to his chest and the other connected to the three little devils.

"Father, father..."

The three little devils also found him, extended his hands to him and cried aloud.

Liu Si was stunned on the spot. At this time, I thought of Ye Shaoyang’s voice in my ear: "Liu Si, just follow what I told you before, and break the soul! I can only maintain a few minutes in this world. After a few minutes, they are destroyed and no longer nostalgic. It will definitely run, only this time!"

Only this time...

Liu Si took a deep breath and looked at one of the ties that connected himself and the little devil. He bit his teeth and imagined that he had a pair of scissors in his hand and cut it hard...

The soul of the soul is a kind of involvement only in the mutual knowledge of each other. Only the power of the gods can be cut off.


Liu Si’s mind seems to have heard such a voice. Looking at the front, the bond between himself and one of the little devils has broken, and there are two remaining...

Liu Sigang wanted to use his knowledge to cut the bond between himself and the little girl. The little girl suddenly called: "Hey!"

Liu Si’s body trembled and looked at the little girl and suddenly remembered her. It was her second child, a little girl with a pink toot. At that time, I didn't have any patriarchal thoughts. I also liked this little girl. Unfortunately, she didn't live a year old. Finally, I didn't know how to die...

(Three more have been completed. Read the book review to know that there were some overlaps in the chapters sent yesterday, sorry, next time you must pay attention. Try to restore the three.)

(End of this chapter)

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