Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2058: 2058 saved the predecessor 1

Liu Si still remembers the joy of holding her in her arms and making her laugh. Anyway, always your own daughter...

"Hey, don't leave me, oh..."

The little girl looked at him pitifully and held out two hands, as if to want him to hug.

Daughter... Liu Si also extended his hand.

Ye Shaoyang saw this scene and immediately understood it. He shouted: "Liu Si, don't be deceived! I said, it's actually for her, so she can safely reincarnate!"

Liu Si was a spirit, he woke up, just about to cut, and heard the call of the little girl, and the little boy on the side, that was his third child...

The two called him together and burst into tears. Although Liu Si knew that Ye Shaoyang was right, but faced with the pleading of the two children, he could not bear to smash the soul, trembled and fell into a fierce struggle.

Time passed by, and Ye Shaoyang looked at him. He was also anxious and could only persuade him. Suddenly thought of something, looking in the yard and found a Liu Si wife hiding in the corner of the yard.

Liu Si’s wife was holding her children in her arms and looked at the side in a dull corner. The three little devils did not show shape. She could not see them. Ye Shaoyang also deliberately did not open her eyes. She shouted at her now, hoping she could persuade her. Advise Liu Si.

"Four children! You can do it according to the words of Ye Daochang! Those children are already dead. They are no longer our children. We should go to reincarnation. You send them away, it is for them." Our children are in my arms, it is for Xiaoshun, you must also do it, ah, Xiaoshun wakes up, Xiaoshun gives you two screams!"

Speaking of the child who shook his head. The child also cried very hard.

Liu Si heard Xiaoshun crying, shuddering, biting his teeth, using the gods to cut off the soul between the little girl and then breaking the third...

Liu Siqi is soft on the ground.

"The heavens and the earth are clear, the clouds see the sun, and the spirits come to the east, the soul is gone to the endless!" Ye Shaoyang read the spell once, put a charm on the yin and yang mirror, and pressed the thumb in the face, shouting: "Dise!"

The beam of light that trapped the three little devils in the air, suddenly recovered, and pulled the three little devils together and was taken in by the spirits.

Ye Shaoyang took a belt and grabbed the cinnabar pen. He wrote a "敕" in the spirit, and spit out a sigh of relief, handcuffed and stood up.

You're done...

Ye Shaoyang got up and walked over to Zhang Daochang, handing him the seal of the three little devils.

Everything is over too fast. Zhang Daochang still hasn't looked back, and he looked at the hand's charm, and he stayed for a while.

The disciples around him were also staring at Ye Shaoyang, especially those who had mocked Ye Shaoyang before, but in the process of catching ghosts, although they also cooperated, they couldn’t help Ye Shaoyang to fail. As a result, things were beyond Imagine the smooth, they all felt a burning face, as if they were slap in the face, they had to bow their heads and try not to see Ye Shaoyang.

However, they obviously think a lot: Ye Shao** did not look at them, but did not even think about running on them, although it is a bit pretentious, but the truth is this: this level of Master, did not let him compete Power, even the desire to hit the face is not.

Not to mention them, they are their master Zhang Daochang, Ye Shaoyang also did not look at it at all. After he handed the spirits to Zhang Daochang, he returned to Liu Si in the eyes of the public. Liu Si burst into tears and looked at him with a dull look. The direction in which the three little devils disappeared.

"It's all right. Zhang Daochang will send them to reincarnation, you don't have to worry." Ye Shaoyang sighed in front of him.

Liu Si gradually returned to look at Ye Shaoyang, and looked at Zhang Daochang, saying: "Then my family is Xiaoshun..."

"It's okay, his brothers and sisters will not come to entangle him again, you don't have to leave your home."

Liu Si’s wife heard this and took her son to come over. She took Liu Si and squatted on the ground, and wanted to give Ye Shaoyang a hoe.

Ye Shaoyang has always been reluctant to be rewarded, and hurriedly shunned and pointed to Zhang Daochang: "You thank him, he will send three little devils to the sergeant later."

Liu Si and his wife had to face Zhang Daochang.

Zhang Daochang felt a hot face. He hurriedly picked up the husband and wife, and rushed Ye Shaoyang to make a smile: "Ye Daochang, you are really embarrassed that I am still uncomfortable, but I am broken."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I am serious, the trick is half of the merits. I walked away, there are two eucalyptus trees, which have become fine... Gongde also sent you."

"Thank you, Ye Daochang." Zhang Daochang arched his hand to Ye Shaoyang and said: "Don't leave the leaf, I have two things to tell you."

"what's up?"

Zhang Daochang called a few disciples, went to get some sulphur, let them burn the two trees, and took Ye Shaoyang to the front of Liu Si's wife, pointing to the baby in her arms and said: "Ye Dao, you see This child, full of heaven and slender lines, is a talent for cultivation. The most important thing is that he is such a small baby that he has been possessed by three evil spirits for so long. It is still fine, indicating that his constitution is special and his chances are so coincidental. Doctrines, or have a great creation."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the child for a while and asked Zhang Daochang: "What are your plans?"

"The poor road is the superintendent of Kaiyunmen. Kaiyunmen is the branch of Zhongnan Mountain. When the child grows up, I can send him to the Zongmen Xiudao... If it is really talented, there is a chance to get the inner door."

It turns out that Zhang Daochang is a disciple of the Zhongnan Mountain branch, and he is also a famous man. What he said is correct. Although Zhongnanshan was divided in ancient times, the limelight is not as good as that of Maoshan and Longhushan, but it is also one of the five major mountain gates. The foundation is still there. In such a large school, it is not afraid to learn the true skill, afraid of being a talent. Not enough, not qualified to learn too deep spells.

"Since Zhang Daochang has this idea, I am also relieved. I just don't know if my parents are willing or not." Ye Shaoyang said.

Zhang Daochang immediately communicated with Liu Si and his wife. In the face of the savior's support, Liu Si and his wife certainly agreed to the question. The only concern for Liu Si's wife is: When the Taoist can not marry.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of himself. Listening to Master said that when he was going to accept himself as a disciple, his mother was also concerned about this issue.

Thinking of Qingyunzi, thinking of the mother who had not seen her for many years, Ye Shaoyang’s nose suddenly became a bit sour.

After receiving a definite reply, Liu Si’s wife was relieved, asking Zhang Daochang and Ye Shaoyang to give his son a name. Ye Shaoyang knows what to name, so he pushed to Zhang Daochang.

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