Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2059: 2059 saved the predecessor 2

"What is your son's son?" asked Zhang Daochang.

"This generation is just the turn of a ‘full’ word, please give the name of the name.”

Zhang Daochang handcuffed his beard and thought about it: "Since the ancient parents named it, the gentleman gave the word, we have no words in the door. I gave him a slogan... How do you know how to realize, realize the realization, and have the enlightenment? ""

Liu Si and his wife quickly thanked.

Ye Shaoyang is licking his mouth and knowing that it is really easy to save. Ye Shaoyang wanted to ridicule Zhang Daochang a few words, and read the child's surname and the Taoist name together. Liu Wude... The smile that had already opened his mouth froze.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Zhang Daochang slyly and took a deep breath, muttering: "Liu Wude, the final Nanshan disciple..."

Zhang Daochang smiled and looked at his babies. He thought of his proud talent. His heart was also very proud. He said: "For the time being, it is not yet, but with his talent, I believe that it is not a problem to enter the inner gate of Zhongnanshan."

"Definitely not a problem..."

At the age of fifteen, he will enter the inner gate of Zhongnanshan. At the age of twenty, he will be promoted to the position of Tianshi. He will be involved in many large-scale operations in the magical world. He is famous for his 70-year-old life.

He is the most famous disciple of Zhongnanshan in the past 100 years. He was a Taoist when he was a teenager. Especially when he was promoted to the position of Tianshi at the age of 20, he was once the fastest record recorded in the magical world. Later he was promoted by a 16-year-old. The person of Tianshi broke the record. This person is Ye Shaoyang himself...

Counting, this Liu Wude Tianshi is a character with Qingyunzi's peers. Qingyunzi is quite familiar with him. He said that this person is very talented. Because he was a child when he was a child, his body was different, and the road of practice was all the way. In contemporary words, it is the star of tomorrow, the original rumor should be in his own, and the promotion of the celestial being one step is not the other day, just because he is too rigid and dare not take this step.

Like the name, the experience of childhood is similar, and they are all disciples of Zhongnanshan...

Ye Shaoyang looked at the baby of Liu Si's wife. It was hard to imagine. It was a coincidence that he saved a post-door and thought that it should be "before" because this guy is his predecessor.

Saved his predecessors... This feeling made Ye Shaoyang feel a kind of disorder.

"You are actually my predecessor..." Ye Shaoyang reached out and touched Liu Wude's face. Liu Wu had to drink milk, and there was no evil spirits entangled. The sun was shining, and people were slightly spiritual, as if they saw Ye Shaoyang. Rushing at him, revealing a standard smile for a baby.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly.

Zhang Daochang asked Liu Si and his wife to take the children back first, and they will go to their homes later. Liu Si and his wife thanked the two men and then left with their children.

"Yin Yin!" Liu Laohan let Liu Si and his wife wait for themselves, and they walked to Ye Shaoyang in front of their eyes, and their eyes were full of excitement. Liu Si’s family did not have to go to wandering. This made him very excited, but he was even more excited that Ye Shaoyang did not let him down. He did not show any material rewards. He only wanted to not lose face in front of the old neighbors. Ye Shaoyang’s office In order to let him face the light, Ye Shaoyang himself is much excited.

"Yin Yin! You first go to talk to Zhang Daochang about the business, I will go home to prepare the wine, just tell the old lady, let her happy too happy!" Liu Laohan muted, has already made Ye Shaoyang a real nephew.

After saying goodbye to Ye Shaoyang, Liu Laohan chased Liu Si and his wife and went back with them. They asked them with a strong command: "How can I tell you, my nephew, is it really mana?"

Liu Si and his wife are grateful, and Liu Laohan is more happy.

After they left, Zhang Daochang looked at the two banyan trees and said to Ye Shaoyang: "Let them end here, let us go, I still have something to ask."

The two slowly walked back to the village of thought, and Lu Yeyang did not speak. Zhang Daochang did not know what he was thinking and did not bother.

Ye Shaoyang was thinking that he had no intention of saving Liu Wude: Zhang Daochang gave him the name of Wu De, and earned income. If there is no accident, according to the trajectory that Ye Shaoyang knows, this child can enter the inner gate of Zhongnanshan. All the way to open, to become a famous master of the world ... himself played a key role in his fate.

Ye Shaoyang began to think, if there is no one, what will happen to Liu Wude’s fate?

Even Zhang Daochang said in a hurry that he saved Liu Wude. If he did not cross or did not save, then Liu Wude’s parents would take him thousands of miles away, but they could not really get rid of it. The three evil spirits are likely to die in the end because they inhale too much yin... So, history has not been realized by Liu Wu?

But the history of his own world, Liu Wude is his predecessor, can not be saved by himself... a little chaotic, Ye Shaoyang shook his head and tried to make this logic simple: he saved Liu Wude, so he saved Liu Wude can become a generation of masters, in his own world, become his predecessors. However, in his own world, when Liu Wu was in a distress, he was not born yet...

So, who saved him at the time?

Ye Shaoyang wants to come and think, there are two possibilities, or yes, if there is no one, there will be others to save him, and then his life track has not changed.

Either... there are two of you, in the world that belongs to you, you have not yet been born, but the later generations have passed through a hundred years ago and saved Liu Wude... as you have experienced before, if you can This world has lived for more than ninety years and should be able to see another one...

This thought made Ye Shaoyang feel a terrible feeling.

He thought carefully and felt that if the former is the truth, then the proof of history can be modified: originally, Liu Wude should have been saved by others, and by coincidence, he was accidentally saved by his own passer.

If it is the second possibility... it can only prove that the history of the whole time and space is a reincarnation...

No matter what the truth is, it will lead to more difficult questions to explain. Ye Shaoyang believes that he has no way to communicate with these issues.

Finally, I still don't want to. The trajectory and truth about time and space are either heavenly or physics. Anyway, it is not a mage to think about. My purpose is to find Xu Fu, where to come from where to go.

Ye Shaoyang comforted himself, and his heart still felt a deep loneliness. At this time, how much he hopes to catch the ghost alliance's friends, even if one person can do it, at least he can discuss with himself, instead of being alone and moving forward alone.

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