Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2068: No. 2068 to Yizhuang 3

This nine-story double squad is a simple singular array method that uses the same day gossip. For Ye Shaoyang, it is really just a small skill, and it doesn't care much.

On the way down to Yizhuang, Cuiyun grabbed the arm of Ye Shaoyang.

"What, fear?" asked Ye Shaoyang.

"Well, a bit, here is not the place to park the dead." Cui Yun said.

"With me, I don't have to be afraid of the dead." Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of a very compelling statement, saying, "The dead are more afraid of me."

From the nine songs and double squadrons into Yizhuang, there are already two Taoist dressed people picking them up at the end.

Zhang Daochang introduced that these two are the corpses of Yizhuang. Ye Shaoyang understood it as soon as he heard it. The so-called rocker is to kill the corpse. When the corpse is rushed, the corpse will be escorted in the back, and there must be an open road in front, responsible for ringing the bell.

The rattle is not shaken casually. It must cooperate with the rhythm of the corpse and the spirit of the body. The three are indispensable, and the lead is also very particular. Therefore, the corpses are generally Taoist, but the strength is low. Not enough to catch the corpse, only to kill the corpse.

The two corpses and Zhang Daochang sneaked a few words and learned that he was going to see the Qing Dynasty, so he led the way in the front, crossed the village road, and came to the middle of a relatively tall courtyard. Zhang Daochang did not need anyone to inform. Go directly to the front door.

After the door opened, there was a 60-year-old old man who looked like a thief. Zhang Daochang immediately greeted him warmly and introduced to both sides. Ye Shaoyang knew that this was the head of the Qing Dynasty and the person in charge of this Yizhuang.

"This is a good friend I just made, my little brother, Ye Shaoyang, Maoshan Tianshi."

"Maoshan Tianshi!"

Qing Ming Road looked at it for a long time, and looked at Ye Shaoyang up and down, and looked a little suspicious.

This is also in the expectation of Zhang Daochang. When he first listened to Ye Shaoyang’s self-introduction, he was even stronger than the Qing Dynasty. When he stepped forward, he patted his shoulder and let him enter the room to talk.

After the group entered the house, the head of Qing Mingdao told the people to go to the tea. Zhang Daochang couldn't wait to tell the whole story again. After listening to the Qing Dynasty, although he was shocked, he looked at Ye Shaoyang's eyes still a bit skeptical. He was hesitant and said: "I don't agree, Zhang Dao introduced. My friend, I am sure that I can only believe that the body is not the same. If the scorpion is out, the consequences are unimaginable..."

Although Zhang Daochang blamed Ye Shaoyang for his smallpox, when Ye Shaoyang practiced it, he was not at the scene after all. It was hard to fully believe in listening to other people’s stories.

Ye Shaoyang thought of this and proposed to look at the female body first. This requirement is of course not excessive. The Qing Dynasty Dao personally took them to Yizhuang.

Behind the house where Qingming Daochang lived, there is a simple row of wooden houses built with long rows of windows. There are many windows on the door. Ye Shaoyang knows that it must be Yizhuang.

The windows above are for ventilation, because wherever there are many bodies, the corpse will be rich. If the ventilation is not good, the corpse is difficult to disperse, and it will be easy to change the corpse after a long time. Therefore, since the ancient times, Yizhuang has been built very spacious, with many windows, the wind can blow away the corpse inside, and then dissolve in the air.

Qing Ming Dao used to open the door and asked Ye Shaoyang and others to enter.

Ye Shaoyang saw Cuiyun's face tense, so she waited outside, and she went in with the Qing Dynasty and Zhang Daochang. At first glance, the big room was empty, and there was a straw mat on the ground with six or seven bodies lying on it. In the middle of the room, there is a incense burner, which is used to drive away the corpse in the room.

Ye Shaoyang just wanted to go inside. The Qing dynasty leader gently pulled him and smiled: "Ye Tianshi's method is deep, may find, where is the female body?"

Check me out?

Ye Shaoyang smiled and didn't make a sound. He turned his head and looked at it. The bodies were lying straight and covered with yellow cloth. Even men and women could not tell. At the moment, the yin and yang disk was taken out from the backpack, activated with suffocation, and the pointer was swiped a few times, and the pointer immediately pointed in one direction.

Ye Shaoyang walked up to the front of a corpse and did not hesitate to open the yellow cloth on the body. The body below was exquisite. The key was to have a chest. At first glance, I knew that it was a woman, with a charm on her face.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and rushed to the Qing Dynasty. He smiled and said, "Is it her?"

Qing Ming Dao looked surprised, looked at Zhang Daochang, and looked at Ye Shaoyang, frowning asked: "I used her to fix her corpse, and the corpse is not leaking. How did you check her?"

"What is there, any magical symbol, it is impossible to completely seal the breath, there will always be leaks, just more and less difference. As long as there is a leak, it will be detected."

Qing Ming Road said: "So weak corpse, how do you detect it?"

"For the Maoshan spell, there is no detectable breath." Ye Shaoyang replied calmly.

Qing Mingdao was still in a daze, Zhang Daochang smiled and took his shoulder and said: "I will say, my Ye Laodi, but the authentic Maoshan Tianshi. Although the strength of the injury is greatly reduced, the spell is still deep. of."

Qingming Daochang slowly nodded, and Yang Shaoyang held a fist and smiled slightly: "Ye Tianshi, please look at this body."

Ye Shaoyang squatted in front of the female corpse, opened the magical sign on the female corpse, and looked at it at a glance. Suddenly, she was shocked: there was a charm in front of it, and she could not see anything. Now that she unlocked the charm, Ye Shaoyang discovered that this female corpse is really... The beauty is not normal.

It is not normal, because all people, no matter how good they look after life, will definitely become ugly after death. Muscle stiffness is on the one hand, mainly because the soul is out, the soul is gradually dispersed, which is why the body looks It is always cold and lacking aura.

The corpse in front of me is so vivid that it is the same as a living person. It looks like a person is sleeping, and wakes up in the next second.

"Isn't it? How can it be like this!" Zhang Daochang also saw this female body for the first time and said with amazement.

Qing Mingdao sighed and said: "When I told you last time, I didn't know that it was like this. I thought it was just an ordinary corpse, and it became more and more abnormal these days. Ye Tianshi just happened to see this. What is evil."

Ye Shaoyang pressed one hand on the forehead of the female corpse and felt that the skin of the female corpse was still elastic, but there was no temperature. Pressing the thumb on the forehead of the female corpse, I perceive it with suffocation. The female corpse is full of suffocation. This kind of suffocation is a mixture of corpse and grievance, forming a more evil atmosphere.

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