Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2069: The 2069 human figure 1

These suffocates crouched in her body and slowly rushed.

There is a suffocation, and it can only prove that she is a corpse, and it is not certain which form of corpse.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment, opened his own bag of sacs, and found the needle box of the 18th needle.

Zhang Daochang and Qing Mingdao, both of them, watched him open the needle box on the side, and saw the large and small gold and silver shiny needles inside. I don’t know what it is, I feel very novel.

Ye Shaoyang touched a golden needle, one hand squeezed the mouth of the female body, stabbed the needle into the base of her tongue, held the mouth with two fingers, and in a short while, a green mucus flowed from the female body. , flowed out along the chin.

Ye Shaoyang pulled the golden needle out of the tongue. The original golden needle was also dyed by the green liquid. Ye Shaoyang lit a magical symbol and baked the needle. After the liquid was evaporated, a strange smell was emitted, which made Zhang Daochang and Qing Mingdao smell. After that, it was a tremor in my heart, I felt bad, and I stepped back a few steps with vigilance.

Ye Shaoyang cleaned the golden needle, put it away, looked up at the doubtful eyes of the two people and said: "This is a human form, people are not stiff after death, and the skin is as ordinary. Fortunately, you can stick her with a corpse, and the body can't be suffocated. Hair growth, or the spirit of a detachment, suffocating, will immediately become a scorpion, much more than the average zombie, not afraid of the sun, scented, smelling, fascinated, want to run can not run."

Qing Ming Dao heard him say this, shocked and took a breath, looked at the female body lying on the ground and said: "Ye Tianshi, how is this shape formed?"

"I was also the first time I met. I saw it in the book before. It seems to say that I want to die without injury..." Ye Shaoyang scratched his scalp. "It seems that there are still conditions. A few things happen together to form a human form." Oh, but for other reasons I forgot."

Ye Shaoyang is very embarrassed, but this thing can't blame him. The knowledge of the spirit is like a sea of ​​clouds. Even if he can't completely remember it, the most important thing is that this person is not a particularly difficult evil. For this kind of general evil, he can't remember every cause of formation. With a golden needle, it can be judged that it is a human form, which is not easy.

"The most characteristic of this kind of human form is that the body is very fragrant, fascinating, and at the same time, the form is like a human being. If a mage manipulates the ritual, it can become a scorpion... Who is this corpse before the birth, how come?"

Qing Ming Dao said with some grievances: "It’s really strange to talk about this. This female corpse is a hook from a mountain in Yongan County. It was a man who came here and claimed that the woman was his little sister. I died because of an emergency, and I wanted to bring it back to my hometown for burial. But the soldiers were in a mess, and the carriages in many places were unreasonable. And the road was far away, and it was rotten when I went back, so I found the hook and gave a big reward.

Doing our business, there are three kills, no suicides, no suicides, no murders, no official kills. I must have heard of Ye Tianshi. ”

Ye Shaoyang nodded. This kind of saying is indeed: suicidal people, the soul is easy to hang around the world, the murderous grievances, the so-called official killing, is the crime of being convicted of being decapitated or hanged, such a dead person is heavy, in short, these three People are the most prone to corpses, and the spells are not easy to hold, so in general, the corpses will not catch these three bodies.

Qingming Daochang went on to say: "The hook was also seen at the time. This female body was harmless and there was no problem, so it was picked up. Later we found that the body had a problem. The inspection found that there was no wound in the whole body. The appearance of the disease, I do not know why?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I said before, the human form is bound to die without injury. There are many ways to die without injury. For example, ‘贴天面’ can be done.”

The so-called stickers are to tie people, then wash the water with parchment and stick it on the person's face. The parchment paper absorbs water and tightens. As people inhale slowly, they will become tighter and tighter. Finally, they will live alive. Dead, there will be no wounds on the body.

When Ye Shaoyang went home to investigate the infant babies, she met Ye Xiaoshuo’s mother, San Niang, who had encountered it. However, she was used to make a piece of paper, and she had to post more than a dozen people to die.

"According to this, this is still a small family of wealthy people." Ye Shaoyang looked at the female body and saw her wearing a deep red cheongsam cheongsam, two white and white thighs exposed, although dead, but Because of the appearance of life, it looks very attractive, plus two groups of bulging chest... Ye Shaoyang could not help but squint a few more eyes.

Qing Mingdao said: "We see that she has no trauma, and Ye Tianshi can take off her clothes and test it for a moment to see if there are any omissions."

I took off my clothes and checked one side... Ye Shaoyang sneaked at the body of a female corpse, secretly swallowed her mouth and said: "Since you have checked, you can't even see the trauma. And this is not important, anyway, anyway. The corpse is here, and you can't take her to the office."

Zhang Daochang said: "As the saying goes, there is no evidence of death, and the newspaper officer is useless. Besides, I am now fighting, and who knows this."

Ye Shaoyang said: "That's the case, but the body is bound to have problems, it is very likely that it was killed by people." After thinking about it, he asked Qing Mingdao: "The person who is looking for your corpse, is there anything to explain?" ?"

Qing Mingdao thought for a moment and said: "There is nothing special. The reward is ten times that of the general corpse. Let us send the body to the place where he said. The only requirement is that you must not let the body Any damage."

"Don't ruin the body?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"Yes, he said that when a family member receives a body there, it will give us another sum of money."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and said: "If you trust me, this single business is handed over to me. I am looking at the face of Zhang Dao's brother to help me. I will not charge you a penny. When I send the body, I will see it. Who is coming to receive."

Zhang Daochang frowned: "What does Ye Laodi mean?"

"I suspect that someone is killing people for cult, or there are other reasons. In short, I have to investigate." Although this is not his own world, although he has only one and a half of his mana, Ye Shaoyang still has a human world. The teacher’s sense of responsibility, if you encounter such a thing, still want to investigate clearly.

Qing Mingdao arched his hand to Ye Shaoyang and smiled: "Ye Tianshi showed so many means. If I still refused to accept it, it would be a small belly chicken. Ye Tianshi, Qing Mingzi served!"

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and finally stopped.

(I have arrived home, thank you for your concern, can't reply one by one, I'm fine, try to update everyone in return. Start two chapters and continue writing.)

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