Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2071: The 2071 human figure 煞 3

Ye Shaoyang walked over the corpse of the wall and came to the first body. He pulled out the ink fountain from the backpack and put a copper coin on it, tied it to the neck of the body.

Qing Qing Dao and other people saw him doing this, some puzzled, but did not dare to ask.

After putting the red thread on the neck of the corpse, Ye Shaoyang began to draw a character. He first painted a character with a purple charm, wrapped a large amount of money for the casting mother, and then painted six yellow characters, which were respectively attached to the bodies of several bodies. Each body was covered with a red rope tied with five emperors on the neck. Only the special female body, the red rope was more than a few times, and then three dead bodies were drawn, respectively, on her forehead and on both sides. On the shoulders, seal the three big ghosts, lest the body be topped by alien evils and get into her body.

After doing all this, Ye Shaoyang turned to Chen San and said: "I am corpse, you ring the bell in front."

Chen Sanyi took a moment and nodded ignorantly, meaning I saw how you got corpse.

Qing Ming Dao and Zhang Daochang looked at each other, but also a confused face. Ye Shaoyang's approach is completely different from that used by the corpse, even if it is a Taoist spell, they have not seen any spells that can drive six corpses together at the same time.

Ye Shaoyang took out his own yin and yang mirror and used a cinnabar pen to draw a rune. Then I will find a bowl of water, and I will recite the spell in the mouth: "The heavens are clear, the seven sons are connected to the heart, the sacred things are all, and the people are bright! I am the curse, I am the Emperor of Ziwei, pass me mana, hurry. Like a law!"

A shake of the charm, the volley burned. Ye Shaoyang throws the magic symbol in the water, the spirit is not extinguished, drifting on the surface of the water, not long after a while, even a bowl of cold water boiled and evaporated.

Zhang Daochang and others still saw this bizarre spell for the first time. They couldn’t help but look forward to it. It was discovered that the cold water was boiling, not because the charm was burning, but the middle of the casting mother was red and red, and it was constantly rotating at the bottom of the bowl. , evaporate the water.

When a bowl of water is completely evaporated, the mother's big money is also dyed black by water. Ye Shaoyang carefully took the big money of the casting mother and blew it a little at the money. He shouted: "Get up!"

A golden light flashed from the mother's big money and was divided into six bundles, which fell on the charms attached to the faces of the six bodies. The golden light flashed away. Then the magic happened: seven bodies that had been leaning against the wall, suddenly stood up together, then turned, and the two arms bounced and bounced straight, and jumped toward the door. .

"Ah!" Cuiyun screamed in a scared mouth.

This call, let the Qingming Daochang return to God, seeing the front of the body is about to go out, hurriedly shouted: "Remove!"

The two Taoist priests standing outside the door also woke up, hurriedly one by one, grabbing the two sides of the threshold and removing the threshold.

The threshold of Yizhuang is very high, so that if the corpse changes and the body wants to jump out, it may collapse on the threshold. Once the body has to be driven, the sill needs to be removed and the body can jump. Go out.

After the door was removed, the seven bodies all jumped out. Chen San reacted that his work had begun. He chased him and took the lead and shook the bell.

Ye Shaoyang held a fist on Qingming Road, smiled, and then pulled up a face of Cuiyun, and walked toward the door.

Qing Ming Dao and Zhang Daochang immediately chased them out and sent them down the mountain. The two people were very surprised to ask Ye Shaoyang to rush to the corpse. Ye Shaoyang explained to them that he used the corpse, and the one that was burned before was the mother. Attached to the face of the seven bodies is the sub-character, Ye Shaoyang burns the charm, only need a mother symbol, you can control the seven bodies through the seven-character.

This is a kind of Maoshan inner door spell. Ye Shaoyang does not bother to display it. It is only that he has limited mana, and he is afraid that he will exert too much force. Therefore, he uses the purple symbol to wrap the mother's big money, and turns out the water, burning and evaporating water vapor. In the process of the process, the spiritual power of the charm is absorbed into the big money of the casting mother, so that the magical power of the casting mother can be used to achieve the effect of casting.

This is a means of combining the instrument and the spell. It sounds complicated enough. Zhang Daochang and Qing Ming Dao have limited mana. In terms of understanding the spell, it is more like a child than Ye Shaoyang, so I only admire it. The share.

Now, the corpse has already played its role. Ye Shaoyang only needs to recite the curse and issue orders to the corpses. They will execute them. The spiritual power of the mother-in-law will drive several ordinary corpses, and there is no problem at all. Even if it was a human figure, because Ye Shaoyang firmly sealed the body with the red line and the three corpses, it would be no different from ordinary bodies without breaking the seal.

This is Ye Shaoyang thinking about it for a long time, from his own spells to find a relatively easy way to drive away the body, as long as the casting mother is in the hands of money, he can now order these bodies to do anything, even if attacking people can, of course, The more complex the action requires to consume more mana, even with the spiritual power of the cast mother, in terms of his current strength, it is impossible to do things that are too complicated to control a few bodies, that is, the most Simple way.

Chen San rang in front of the bell, the bell is specially made, it can be regarded as a musical instrument, the sound can produce a certain degree of stimulation to the corpse, so that they can follow the rhythm of the ringtone.

Although Ye Shaoyang does not use the usual means of catching a corpse, it is a corpse after all, and it is the same in this respect.

Under the leadership of Chen San, seven bodies hopped down the path, Ye Shaoyang and Cuiyun followed. Cui Yun was very scared at first, and he was still shrinking behind Ye Shaoyang. Later, he gradually became numb. See these bodies. Just hurrying, nothing else would be like, so the courage also slowly grew up, and asked Ye Shaoyang to ask the West.

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the starry sky in Nagano, the bright moon in the sky, could not help but sigh and shook his head and smiled. My own friends who are in a hundred years later must not have imagined that they were engaged in the ancient occupation of corpse in a mountain a hundred years ago, in a place they did not know.

After spending half a night, three people and seven corpses, down to the foothills, Chen San told Ye Shaoyang, there is a small town in the foothills, there are wooden houses built by them in the town, you can rest for a day, be the first to rush One stop. At the same time, some small sales in the town can add to the consumption of food on the road.

Under the leadership of Chen San, the three people rushed to the town with their bodies. At this time, it was near dawn, there was no light in the town, no one was outside, even if there was, the ringing of the corpse would be far away.

(End of this chapter)

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