Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2072: Day 2072 Sky Light 1

Chen San took them into a house. Just like the corpse in Xiangxi, two huge doors were open. Ye Shaoyang rushed to the back of the door to avoid being exposed to the sun. If it was exposed to the sun for too long, The body absorbs too much yang, is prone to decay, and can no longer be driven away.

No one lived in the house, but there were pots and pans. There are two rooms in total, which are prepared for the corpse and the corpse. Ye Shaoyang makes Cuiyun sleep in bed and thinks of his own way, but Cuiyun distressed Ye Shaoyang for a night, excusing himself to fear, leaving Ye Shaoyang in the room, two People sleep with a bed, Cuiyun is a bit shy, lying against the wall, Ye Shaoyang certainly will not harass her.

After walking all night, both of them were very tired and soon fell asleep.

Ye Shaoyang wakes up and wakes up. The sky is already bright. He gets up and goes out to see it. From the sun, it is already noon. In the kitchen next door, there was a jingle sound. In the past, Cuiyun was cooking in the kitchen. When she saw Ye Shaoyang, she greeted me and complained that the pots and pans were not clean. I washed myself from the well. All over, this began to cook, let Ye Shaoyang go to wash first, and later to open the meal.

Although she complained on her mouth, Ye Shaoyang could see the happiness on her face. As a woman who lives at home, she is best at doing housework. She thought she was useless, she was able to cook for Ye Shaoyang, and she felt very good. Satisfy.

Ye Shaoyang first went to the back of the courtyard to check a few bodies, which are all good end, so rest assured.

Chen San was still asleep in his room. Ye Shaoyang heard a loud snoring outside and went to the kitchen to help Cui Yun to fight. Although there are pots and pans in this house, there are no ingredients. Fortunately, the two have made a lot of dry food from Zhang Daochang. Cuiyun finds rice and cooks rice, steamed some bacon and sausage on it, and the rice is still not cooked. It smells the scent of meat and rice.

Chen San smelled the scent in his room, and hungry. After the meal was finished, Cuiyun helped them to eat, and they all gorged.

Chen Sanzhi, Quacui Yunxianhui, said that every time he rushed to the body, they were two big men. No one would cook. When they met a place without an inn, they would directly dry the grain and never eat it so well. Eat the food.

Cuiyun was very happy to be praised by him, and he felt that he also played a role.

After the three people finished eating, Chen San took out a bottle of wine, and with Ye Shaoyang, he was holding bacon and sausage, and drinking wine, the two chatted. Ye Shaoyang inquired that he was actually a Taoist before, and he was a true Taoist. He was a Kanto native. He had long hairs in his early years. Generally speaking, no matter whether it was an officer or a soldier, after occupying a place, in addition to pulling a strong man, let the ordinary people cool down. It is not going to really make people look like.

First, there is no need. Second, whether you want to occupy a place or want to encourage the people to rebel, you must get the support of the people. In modern history, only the Mongolian iron rider and the Manchu scorpion were slaughtered by the people. The Han people were not taken seriously, and they were holding the psychology of grabbing a ticket. It doesn’t matter what the people are unpopular.

However, even the Mongols and the nephews will basically not move to a kind of person. That is the peace and harmony. The Mongolians were trusted by Genghis Khan because of Qiu’s mission in Mongolia. Although they failed to prevent the invasion of the Mongolian army, Genghis Khan himself. Belief in Taoism basically does not let soldiers destroy Taoist views.

The Scorpion believes in Buddhism, and the Shunzhi Emperor is a devout Buddhist. Therefore, when he entered the customs, when he went south to attack Nanming, he also respected the Taoist temples along the way, and generally did not make it difficult to leave the family.

Chen San is a Kanto person. He is very embarrassed. When it comes to this, the words turn and say: "There are only long hairs, all of them are mad, not right, they are locusts, and everything is robbed! After occupying our local area, the men and women were taken. All of them live separately, even if they are husband and wife, they say that God does not allow them. All who sneak up meet, all spanked."

Ye Shaoyang listened and snorted and said: "What is the spanking?"

"What, Scorpio, you haven't caught up, the spanking is hit with a stick, and the meat has been ruined all the time. There are only two leg bones left. The people who beat it would rather not be willing to be beaten again. The rotten meat is just like the sausage we eat, it’s broken."

Ye Shaoyang was holding a piece of sausage in his mouth and heard Chen San’s words. The chewing action immediately stiffened, and the look of the hook was strangely looking at Chen San.

Chen San looked at him and understood that he knew the wrong words. He smiled and said: "You eat what you eat, you eat sausage, not human butt."

He doesn't say that the **** meat is okay. When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he could still eat it. He spit out the sausage and gasped. He looked at the red sausage on the plate and no longer had an appetite.

Chen San is not polite, eats meat, drinks Xiaojiu, and continues to tell: "These long hairs are really not things. They searched the people, and even our Taoist temples also occupied them. We asked for money to teach us. Still chaos, there is no money in the Taoist temple, all for them, not enough for them to sew the teeth. The long hairs said that we are hiding the money and refused to give it, and gave him the sky lantern in a rage. ”

Ye Shaoyang listened, frowning said: "Point the sky lantern, is to open the head, pour into the lamp oil and wick, and then burn people to death?"

Chen San snorted two times: "You can die after burning for a while. The long-haired sky lanterns are more cruel than this. It is said that they were invented by the Father. They cut the whole body up and down the wound, then soaked in One day in the tank, let the lamp oil immerse into the human body, and the bubble that came out, the white flower and the red flower fluttered. "At a glance, I saw the bacon on the table, and said brightly, "The color is like the steamed bacon."

"your sister!"

Sausages can't be eaten, Ye Shaoyang is chewing bacon. Hearing this sentence, he couldn't help but worry. "I said that you are a heart-warming thing, killing people is such a painful and serious thing to torture, you don't always think like me!"

Chen San embarrassedly sneered: "I am not afraid that you can't hear enough."

"I don't have to listen to it really, I know what's going on! It's not killing me or killing me. I know that it's really dry! You are going to say, if you mess up again, I don't listen!"

Chen San had to go down and say, "After people are soaked in lamp oil, they will hang up and dig two holes in the sole of the foot. Put the wick into it and you can order it. At this time, people are like an oil lamp. It will burn all the time. It is said that the average person burns to the calf and dies. But we have been burned until the thighs are dead. Now I think of the picture, I am still shaking."

(Sorry later, three chapters are served)

(End of this chapter)

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