Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2073: 2063 Point Sky Light 2

Ye Shaoyang’s stunned, this horrible, just imagined to be shocking, can not imagine the people who were subjected to such torture, the pain and despair at that time... simply unimaginable.

He turned his head and looked at it. Cui Yun seemed to be cleaning up in the kitchen, not around, or let her hear this kind of thing, it is estimated to be scared.

Chen San went on to say: "It's not just that, in order to make people die, when the long hair is in the skylight, sometimes it will give people a life like ginseng, so that the penalty can last longer..."

Ye Shaoyang’s mouth twitched. “Don’t say this, how is it?”

"After the death of the teacher, those long hairs forced several superintendents to pay the money, and the supervisory school could not get any money, but those who did not believe in the long hair, one by one, some of them were angered and angry. Secretly gave himself a kind of death curse. When he was spotlighted, he used the punishment of grievances. After he died, he became a devil. He was attached to a long hair and hacked the long-haired leader who ordered the sky lantern. And it killed a lot of long hairs, and then because of the death curse, it was also scattered."

Speaking of this, Chen San sighed, and took a few mouthfuls of wine glasses, looking at the distance from the window complexly. Obviously, for these past events, he still has some sorrow.

Ye Shaoyang listened to this real story, and his heart was very emotional. After that, Chen San talked about his own story. In the chaos, he fled the Taoist temple and went down to the Central Plains area. Because there would be a little spell, he started to give people a ghost, but his facts are not very good. It’s just that the Taoist brand has been hung up a few times when it’s catching ghosts. Later, there was Yizhuang here. The Qing Dynasty’s head was looking for people to rush to the body. He went to Yizhuang and became a corpse. Finally, I can live a stable life. In this troubled world, he is very satisfied with this. The present wish is to spend some money to live with his wife.

When he said it, he suddenly looked at the direction of the kitchen, smiled and whispered: "That, did your sister marry?"

Ye Shaoyang had listened to him very poorly. He didn't expect to suddenly come out with such a sentence. He was shocked and looked at the pleats that he smiled. "Where, you actually hit my sister's idea, I am not fighting you." Your age gap is too big to be possible."

Chen Sanxiao smiled. "I just talk about it, think about it."

"Impossible, don't think about it!"

After dinner, Ye Shaoyang and Chen San each went back to the room for a while, Cuiyun went to the dishes and packed things up. When Ye Shaoyang woke up, he found that Cuiyun was sitting in the room and looking at the shoes. He watched him wake up and immediately put down his work, let Ye Shaoyang accompany her to the town to go around and buy something.

"We don't have so much luggage, but also buy?" Ye Shaoyang was somewhat puzzled.

"These are all eaten. I have to buy some needlework cloth, what is easy to use on the road, and then buy some grass paper powder. I don't dare to go alone, just days are not black, you can accompany me."

Ye Shaoyang didn't have anything to do anyway, so she went out with her.

This is a small town in the mountains. Ye Shaoyang learned from Chen Sankou that there are several villages nearby. They will come to the town to buy things, so there are some shops selling things.

After the two entered the town, they found a small street, some shops along the street, but the majority of things sold in farming tools, as well as the sale of animals, there are not many people visiting.

The two walked around the street and found a shop to buy cloth. Cuiyun Laye Shaoyang went in and picked several cloths to let Ye Shaoyang choose one.

"I don't have any clothes." Ye Shaoyang looked down at his clothes, which was the satin gown that Cui Yun helped him buy from the ready-to-wear store.

Cui Yun said: "You are a good dress. We have to go over the mountains. You can't wear this dress. It's a pity that it's a shame. I will give you two sets of durable clothes."

The store heard their conversation and smiled and praised Ye Yang, the wife of the wife, who would hold the house.

"I am his sister!" Cui Yun said with a red face.

Before Zhang Daochang gave dozens of oceans, they were considered to have some money on them. In the end, Cuiyun picked up a few pieces of fabric, bought some fabrics and soles for shoes, needle scissors... When I left, my expression was very satisfactory. And satisfied.

The shopping is approaching dark, the two are going to buy something to eat, find a buns shop, think about going in for a meal, and buy more on the road.

This shop has only meat buns, big ones, and two people. Ye Shaoyang picked up one and took a bite. Suddenly the whole person froze.

"What's wrong, not good, I think it's delicious."

Ye Shaoyang swallowed the buns for a long time and turned to look for the boss. At this time, there were few people in the store, and the boss was not busy, standing leisurely and standing in front of the chopping board.

"Boss!" Ye Shaoyang screamed, "You buns"

"What's wrong?" The boss wiped his hand on the apron and walked over.

Ye Shaoyang didn’t know how to say it at a time.

The boss is a bit puzzled.

Cui Yun asked Ye Shaoyang again: "Is it not good?"

Not waiting for Ye Shaoyang to open, the boss said first: "This is impossible, not my boast, my house buns are a must in the whole of Jiangxi, the meat stuffing materials are all ancestral recipes, absolutely delicious."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the boss and said, "Are you a local?"

"Yeah, the natives grew up, and many generations of ancestors sold buns here. They used to be in the county. In the early years, in order to avoid long hair, they came to this mountain."

Ye Shaoyang heard it, and some of his heart was lost. It should be that he thought more. Although... the taste of this steamed buns is exactly the same as that of Shicheng’s big meat buns. Ye Shaoyang thought he had eaten the same house. He listened to the boss and said local people, I feel here. So far from Nanjing, it is impossible to be the same store. And after a lapse of ninety years, the craftsmanship should not be passed to that time. Although the steamed buns shop in Shicheng is called a century-old shop, most of them should be bragging.

Cui Yundao: "Your house buns are really delicious. It is really aggrieved to open a shop in this small place."

The boss sighed and said: "Yeah, there is not much business in this town, the county is not too flat, I want to pay two dollars, find a big city to open the store."

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he immediately alerted him and asked, "Which big city do you want to go to?"

"For the time being, I haven't planned to look at the current situation. The store is not open casually. In case of war, it is easy to smash."

Ye Shaoyang once again relaxed and grabbed one to eat, but the boss added a sentence that made him bloody: "I have a relative in Nanjing, I always want to let me open the store, wait two years, I will see the situation, maybe past."

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