Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2074: 2074 time drift bottle 1

Ye Shaoyang shuddered and the buns groaned in the throat.

Nanjing...will not... really so coincidental!

That's right! !

It is the same store, the same recipe, the same taste! I will not eat wrong, this shop is the ancestors of the shop where Xie Yuqing often took her to eat! A century-old shop, it really is a hundred years...

I did not expect that I had eaten the same buns before a hundred years ago.

I think of myself and Xie Yuqing who used to eat big meat buns. Without any preparation, Ye Shaoyang’s tears slammed down, and hurriedly lowered his head, screaming at Cuiyun and smearing his tears.

He is not a person who loves to cry, he doesn't even cry at all, but he eats the food of the same shop he had eaten a hundred years ago, or the shop that he often eats with Xie Yuqing... thinking that he is alone. In this world, Ye Shaoyang’s thoughts and emotions erupted, and there was a feeling that things were human beings.

However, if you think about it, it is not appropriate to use the word "human". It is generally described as someone who has lost it. However, his current situation has come a hundred years ago. At this time, Xie Yuqing’s grandparents are still not estimated. Born.

This feeling, Ye Shaozhen can not find words to describe.

"Boss, you must go to Nanjing to open a shop, just rush to the taste of your buns, people in big cities absolutely like to eat. Maybe you can keep going, it will not be a problem for a hundred years."

The boss is very happy to receive such a high evaluation, haha ​​laughed, "Little brother, rushing to you, I must consider this matter!"

"And, you should give your house a name, louder, this is the brand effect."

"Product... 啥子?"

Ye Shaoyang thought that there was no such word a hundred years ago, so he explained: "That is to say, others eat delicious, remember the name of your store, and then once you eat buns, think of your store."

The boss suddenly realized, "Oh right, you are right! But... I am a big old man, I can’t take a good name..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Isn't it simple? You are selling big meat buns. I think it's a big meat buns. It's simple and straightforward. When others hear it, they can remember the taste of your buns."

"Okay! Big meat buns! This name is good, hey! That's called this, I will go to be a signboard tomorrow, thank you this gentleman, you are really my noble!" The boss opened his eyes and smiled at Ye Shaoyang. I sent Ye Shaoyang two cages of buns and confiscated the money.

After eating, Ye Shaoyang left with a deep feeling and looked back at the buns shop. Suddenly, the thoughts in his mind came to me in a flash. The words "big meat buns" were taken by myself, and the boss was happy. Look, it should not be perfunctory, if it is just for the guests to like, there is no need to ask for a meal, that is to say, he really likes these four people, will definitely use it, then a hundred years later, he and Xie Yuqing go The buns shop, the name is actually taken by myself...

Can it be said that it has affected history?

In other words, when I went to eat buns with Xie Yuqing, I didn't know it all, but at that time the buns shop had already called this name... Who was the name at the time?

A similar problem, Ye Shaoyang had actually thought about it before, but there was no such extreme example to think for himself.

Ye Shaoyang let Cui Yun wait for a while, and he stood on the side of the road and thought for a long time. The more he thought about it, the more chaotic he was. He finally gave up, but he suddenly thought of one thing. If the name of this buns shop is really After taking it and spreading it to a hundred years later, it has affected his own time. Then, can other things be passed on to people who are a hundred years old?

Even saying that the changes that you made in this world will be affected and changed in your original era.

Thinking of this, Ye Shaoyang decided to make an attempt. He turned the backpack out, poured out some things, and found a notebook and a ballpoint pen. This was what he had been carrying in his backpack, and he followed it.

Ye Shaoyang took out the pen and thought about it and started writing on the notebook. Cuiyun looked around and was very surprised by the ballpoint pen. He said on the side: "Where is the thing coming, is it bought in Shanghai?"

"Yes." Ye Shaoyang casually agreed.

Cuiyun saw him writing seriously and ignored him.

Ye Shaoyang wrote for a while, thought about it and felt unsuitable, so he found a charm, and casually painted a rune in the inner door of Maoshan, and then wrote on the back: I am Shaoyang, I returned to 1922. I can't find Xu Fu. I don't know how to get back. I am trying to find him. If you can see this letter, it means that the two worlds are related, but you should not be able to contact me.

If there is a way, you can help me to save the cold jade. If there is no chance, I will find a way to go back as soon as possible and save her personally. Take care of yourself, do your own thing, don't worry about me. But you can't contact me either, I don't know if you can see it, so I won't write more. You can rest assured.

I am fine, I will not die, I will definitely go back!

Ye Shaoyang has a thousand words in his heart, but if you think about it, just report a peace. Even if these words, a piece of paper can not be written, Ye Shaoyang finished with five charms, and then rolled up, thought about it, 90 years, maybe the paper is weathered, so I found a bloodstone hanging Falling, the inside is hollow, Ye Shaoyang rolls a few charms together, then stuffed them in.

Ye Shaoyang asked Cui Yun to wait here. He went to the buns shop and found the boss. He said, "Boss, I want to ask you for a favor."

"What do you have to say, sir."

Ye Shaoyang handed him the bloodstone pendant and said, "I want you to save me something."

The boss received the hand and said: "Where, how long will it take?"

"After more than ninety years."

The boss thought he had got it wrong and asked: "How long?"

Ye Shaoyang repeated it again: "After more than ninety years, hand it over to a person."

He said that he took out the money bag that Zhang Daochang gave and touched him with a dozen oceans.

When the boss saw it, he was shocked and hurriedly said: "This gentleman, I don't understand what you mean."

"You don't need to understand." Ye Shaoyang looked at him and looked very earnest. "You can rest assured that I am not a madman. This thing will not bring you any trouble. Instead, I will only collect him for more than 90 years." After that, call him to a person and I will write the address to you."

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