Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2077: 2077 time drift bottle 4

At this time, Xie Yuqing did not want to be jealous at all, but wanted to make her happy. After all, they experienced the same pain.

On the phone, Xie Yuqing did not disclose the specific content, only said that she was in a hurry to find her, let her hurry to see herself.

"I am... there is a very important thing to host, and it will start in a while." On the phone, Zhou Jingru was hesitant. "There is something urgent, you said on the phone."

"Important and important urgent matter! I have something to show you, you must come in person!" Xie Yuqing suddenly had a kind of teasing her mind, after all, she was already an insider, and she learned that Ye Shaoyang was fine, she also instantly I am happy.


"No, you must come! Ok, I am going to find you! Give me an address."

Zhou Jingru said the address of the venue, Xie Yuqing immediately drove past. Twenty minutes later, she met Zhou Jingru in the lobby of a splendid business club.

Zhou Jingru was thin and looked very bad. He was wearing a suit and had a light makeup on his face. He had a strong smile.

After seeing Xie Yuqing, she immediately greeted her and said, "What are you in a hurry, hurry and say, I will have a meeting after five minutes."



"I asked you to cancel the meeting and postpone it. After listening to what I said, you are definitely not in a mood to have a meeting."

"That is impossible, this will be very important, it is related to an investment in our family..."

Xie Yuqing smiled and said: "You are so rich, how do you meet and go in person?"

"Of course, important projects, of course, can only be on their own, otherwise the other party will not rest assured. What the **** are you, don't delay the time!" The two are too familiar, saying nothing to worry about the other party's anger.

Xie Yuqing stared at her and said: "I have news of Shaoyang!"

Zhou Jingru trembled a bit, and the attitude suddenly came to a 180-degree turn. He grabbed Xie Yuqing’s hand and said, “Come on!”

Xie Yuqing took the letter written by Ye Shaoyang on the charm to Zhou Jingru.

Zhou Jingru insisted on reading, almost could not stand, screaming in Xie Yuqing's arms. Xie Yuqing was much better. She was touched by her and she cried together.

At this time, a beautiful woman found it in the hall. It was Zhou Jingru's assistant. The meeting started soon. Zhou Jingru said that he saw the individual. He didn't go back for a long time. He hurried out and looked for it. When they saw the two men crying, they suddenly stayed. After waiting for a while, Zhou Jingru was not in the arms of Xie Yuqing. The assistant looked at the time and had to carefully call Zhou Jingru.

"Zhou Dong, sorry, I don't know what happened to you, just... the meeting is about to begin, everyone is seated."

"Can't open it!"

Sure enough, as Xie Yuqing said, Zhou Jingru is now full of Ye Shaoyang's things. Where is the mood to have a meeting? Afterwards, I feel a little wrong. I looked up and said to the assistant with tears: "When you go to the host, you say me. I was born with an emergency, and I will not be able to receive it again."

The assistant was a bit stunned. This is a hundred million yuan project. It is hard to enter the stage of actual negotiation. Actually...

Xie Yuqing waved his hand and said: "Are you an assistant? If you encounter a special situation, this is your chance to play. You can handle it. You see her as it is now. Even if you go, it will make things yellow. The extension is good."

The assistant thought about it too. He turned and walked. Looking at the two people, he couldn’t help but persuaded: "That... I don't know what happened, but I hope you are happy."

Xie Yuqing waved at her and the assistant had to leave.

After a while, Zhou Jingru eased down and did not cry, but still lingered on Xie Yuqing's shoulders and did not let go.

A few people came over and cast a strange look on them, even the waiters pretended to look at them unintentionally.

Xie Yuqing was a little embarrassed and took a shot of Zhou Jingru's shoulder. "Hey, let's loose it first, so others see that we are Lala in the show..."

Zhou Jingru listened to her saying that she had to sit up and the two men read the letter again and again and the mood gradually improved.

Zhou Jingru took a deep breath and murmured: "I knew he would be fine, and sure enough, he was fine..."

Xie Yuqing said: "Yes, but he can't come back now."

"How did he give this letter to you?"

Xie Yuqing told the story of getting this letter, Zhou Jingru listened, shocked. The two analyzed the situation for a while, and felt that they should find the people around Ye Shaoyang. Let's analyze them together and get the information of Ye Shaoyang, naturally tell them.

Zhou Jingru immediately called Zhang Xiaorui and then contacted Lao Guo. Twenty minutes later, everyone gathered in the coffin shop of Lao Guo. After reading the letter of Ye Shaoyang, everyone had mixed feelings.

"It turns out that Shaoyang went to 1922..." Lao Guo was in a daze. "In 1922, what time was that?"

"In the Beiyang government period, the first direct war broke out, and Daixi took control of the regime. At that time, Mr. Zhongshan was in the south, and Xu Tudong was revived." Zhou Jingru’s own history is good. On the way, he used a mobile phone to search for it. That history.

After listening to Lao Guo, he stayed for a long while and said: "That is really a troubled world."

When everyone listened to this, the mood was a bit bad.

Xie Yuqing said: "Shaoyang is a mage. What kind of troubled world has nothing to do with him. His purpose is to find Xu Fu and then find a way to come back."

"The power of the secular is okay, there will be no problem. In that era, as far as I know, it is the last golden age of the magical world. The demon is rampant, and the magical world is also a talented person. Since Shaoyang is a mage, it is inevitable that these people will not Produce a relationship..." Lao Guo is somewhat depressed.

"Guo Da Ge, you are afraid, Shaoyang is not good in that era?" Ye Xiaomeng said. Although Lao Guo is old, but the generation is Ye Shaoyang's outer door brother, he is Ye Tangyang's cousin, can only call his brother, can not call the uncle.

Lao Guo’s cheeks twitched and looked at her and said, “Don’t call my brother, change the title.”

Ye Xiaomeng said: "What's wrong, I can only call your brother, or else you can call you, you can't call your uncle."

Lao Guodao: "It doesn't mean this. You call it a brother, don't call Guo Da Ge, cough, you are not my sister."

"Go to you, old and unfair, beautiful you!" Ye Xiaomeng yelled.

"Dare to take advantage of my aunt!" Zhang Xiaorui punched on the belly of Lao Guo. "And still at this time, you still have the mood to play the girl!"

Zhang Xiaorui was born in the martial arts. When this fist went down, Lao Guo screamed on the spot, licking his stomach and rolling behind the counter. After a while, he said with aggrieved: "I didn't get the news of the younger brother. Are you relieved? Kindly joking to ease the atmosphere, you still beat me!"

(End of this chapter)

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