Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2078: The 2078th minister does not speak over 1

"You just said that you are worried that Shaoyang can't stand on the other side!" Xie Yuqing said.

Lao Guo shrugged. "I just worried, he is my younger brother. As a parent, I am worried about what happened, but rationally, we don't have to worry about him at all."

"What do you mean?"

"Twelve years, seven aunts, Xiu Luo ghost mother, ancient evil spirits, snakes, which are not evil spirits, are not all done by Shaoyang, I do not believe that the Republic of China has something more powerful than the Shura ghost mother? Even if it is Nvwa, can't she kill him?"

Xue Qi's eyes flashed, and she raised the Shura ghost mother. She remembered Ye Xiaoshuo and felt sad in her heart. At the same time, the strength of Shurao's ghost mother is also a source of her heart. That is really... a fierce battle.

Xie Yuqing thought for a moment and said: "It is not the same. These are evil things after all. I am afraid that he is an outsider. He has contradictions with the monks and monks at that time. He is alone, but the other party is a group."

"It may not be a person, Baoye and Wu Jiawei, as well as military teachers and teachers, Feng Yi, if they are together, then there is no problem, there are these people accompanying Shaoyang, even if it is the entire magic world, it must not be How are they?"

The reason why they only worry about Ye Shaoyang is not because they are the closest relative to Ye Shaoyang. Aside from the aspect of love, the four treasures are the same for Lao Guo and others. They are all iron brothers who can give up everything for each other. Everyone is only worried about Ye Shaoyang, because all of this is directed at Ye Shaoyang. The four treasures just mistakenly enter, except that they will not come back, there will be no other danger.

Zhou Jingru said: "From this letter, Shaoyang does not seem to be with them, otherwise it will be written."

Lao Guo thought for a moment and said: "Now it is not together, it does not mean that you will not encounter it in the future. But even if Shaoyang is a person, I believe he can cope with the current situation."

"Oh, if I was with Master, it would be fine! Crossing, Republic of China, think about it!" Zhang Xiaorui's nature of adventurousness does not change.

Lao Guo took the paper of Ye Shaoyang's credit writing and studied it. He said: "No problem, Shaoyang is quite good at that time."

Zhou Jingru immediately asked: "How do you know?"

"His previous charms were provided by me. Although these charms have been going through ninety years, they are not my things at first glance. This shows that he found a place to supply medicines there. Also, Since he has the time to write to us, it means that the situation is definitely good, at least not in any danger."

Everyone thinks that his analysis makes sense, and he is more reassured.

When discussing how he would meet the boss of the "big meat buns" family, I thought that sending letters to them in this way, everyone feels incredible, but it should be an accident to think of it. From the line between Ye Shaoyang, I can see that he is telling this kind of biography. The way of the letter is not very confident. In the future, it will not pay the price and then use this method to transmit letters.

"In addition to determining the safety of Shaoyang, we still have an important discovery." Lao Guo said, "Before the wind is speculative, the era of Shaoyang is connected with our time, or, is A postponed relationship, so the changes he made in that world will affect our world."

Everyone thought about it and put forward a lot of scientific inferences and assumptions about this kind of thing, but because it was beyond their cognition, they simply didn't want to. Finally, Lao Guo summoned the flat head back from the empty world, let him inform the members of the Ghost Federation and tell them that Ye Shaoyang wrote this letter. For them, this is a great news. At least everyone will not have to think about it again, to try to figure out the safety of Ye Shaoyang.

"What we need to do now is to wait for Shaoyang to return." Lao Guo said, "I believe he can do it."

Everyone nodded.

Xie Yuqing said: "I just don't understand why Xu Fu wants to bring him to the Republic of China. In 1922, it is definitely not a random time?"

"That is, of course, there must be a purpose." Lao Guo sinks.

Ye Xiaomeng said at this time: "I think it must have been a major event in 1922. Xu Fu hopes that he will solve some things."

Her words are heard in the ears of everyone, like a flash of light.

Zhou Jingru said: "Through the war..."

Lao Guo immediately waved his hand: "Impossible, Xu Fu can't let him participate in these worldly things, and Shaoyang is a mage. The war thing has nothing to do with him. He can't control it. It must be something related to the magic world, or it is A major event affecting both the yin and yang..."

Xue Qidao: "Is there not a classic in the various sects of the magic world? It will record the major events that have happened in the past, so you can find it."

Lao Guodao: "That is not complete, because the religion was blown down and destroyed a lot of things, but it is really worth looking for. Although we know it is useless, it is better than not knowing it."

Xue Qidao: "If you can find it, don't say anything else."

"Well, I will go to Maoshan tomorrow to find Su Qinzhang, let him show me the classics. In addition... Xueqi, you better go to the valley of the wind, find the wind, bring this letter to him, let them a few Also rest assured, at the same time, think of ways together."

Xue Qi said: "I have not been to the Valley of the Wind, but I can go to the Guagua and let them take me with me."

Lao Guodao: "I will go to Yin tonight, go to a sinister, the last time I went, Xiao Langjun told me that the orange is gathering souls, and there is no resurrection. I don’t know how this happened. I went to visit, just right. Tell Xiao Langjun about things, let him find a way to check the files of the Yin Shi, and see what happened in the ghost field or other space in 1922."

After waiting for a short time, Guagua, they came back from the empty world with the flat head, and read the letter of Ye Shaoyang very excitedly. Everyone was excited again. After that, Guo Guo said their conclusions, they should leave and go separately. It is.

The rest of Lao Guo and others, who had dinner together at night, discussed it again, and then they left and waited for news.

Lao Guo called Su Qinzhang and said that before Ye Shaoyang’s business, Ye Shaoyang did not inform Su Qinzhang to not involve Maoshan. However, Lao Guo still told Su Qinzhang that after all, Ye Shaoyang was missing. Say hello to Su Qinzhang and let him take care of the ups and downs of Maoshan.

"It’s good to teach nothing, then it’s great!” Su Qinzhang listened to Lao Guo’s remarks and was also unstoppable.

Lao Guo went on to talk about his own going to Maoshan. Su Qinzhang listened, and naturally he agreed. "There are a lot of sealed files in the mountain gate. You can come over and check it out. I will help you find it together."

(End of this chapter)

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