Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2079: The 2079th minister does not say that the king has passed 2

Originally, a foreign disciple of Lao Guo was not qualified to see these files, but Lao Guo’s identity was special, and this was to teach Ye Shaoyang, and Su Qinzhang certainly cooperated.

"Exactly, Brother Guo, I have something to discuss with you. Do you know that the disappearance of the teacher has spread in the magic world?"

"There is such a thing!" Lao Guo was very surprised.

"Yes, I sent someone to inquire, probably because of a few major gates, all of which have a relationship in the airspace, and the battle of the airspace, the news can not be held, some people have heard the incident, it is said that they still want to find a teacher Asking sin, but if you go away, it’s good, and you have a lot of trouble.”

Lao Guodao: "How do you say this?"

"They said that they are in charge of the reincarnation of ghost children, and they are against the yin. They have to teach to give an explanation. Now that they are missing, they can’t do anything. This matter, Maoshan did not participate, and we could not find us."

"Oh, this and no matter how they toss."

Su Qinzhang said: "I am not talking about this. Recently, Longhushan Zhangzhang taught the Fatie and invited me to go to the Dragon and Tiger Mountain to discuss the matter, to rebuild the spell guild, to elect a leader, to dispatch the entire magical world, and to support the Air Alliance. ""

"What the hell!" In the mind of Lao Guo, he took out the words "the martial arts lord" and immediately reminiscent of Yue Buqun, hurriedly stopped and listened to Su Qinzhang.

Su Qinzhang said: "I called Zhang Zhang to ask, listen to him, they have a file in Longhushan, saying 'Ghost children, the world is chaotic', once the reincarnation ghost child appeared, the whole magical world entered the end of the law era When the robbers come, they must fight together and kill the reincarnation ghosts. Therefore, the magical world must unite and cope with each other. It’s just that the magical world is now scattered, lacking such a charismatic character, so several major sects advocate choosing such a person together. Everyone is completely obeying his management, Guo Brother, in dealing with the catastrophe. I can say that you can understand?"

Lao Guo thought for a while and said: "Isn't the end of the law era a statement? How come it is **** with the robbery?"

Su Qinzhang said: "Dao Yuanzheng Zhanzhen knows that the two things are one, just the reincarnation of the ghost boy appeared, everything is right, now the magical world supports this view."

"Oh, to put it this way, the person who is recommended must be a tyrant? He is the oldest, the longest in his life, and his strength is almost the strongest."

Su Qinzhang said: "Not so. Listening to the teachings of Zhang Zhang is to choose a second-generation disciple. This will lead the magical world to go further. After all, this day robbery should be on the second generation of disciples. The battle, and this time the Stars of the Sea, a lot of people offended, Zhang Zhang teach also said that this election, originally did not want to pull Maoshan to participate, as the result of the disappearance of the teacher, they think that Maoshan should be away from the church Jurisdiction, reintegration with the spell world"

Lao Guo sneered, suddenly thought of something, and asked Su Qinzhang: "What do you think?"

"I firmly support the teaching." Su Qinzhang is unquestionable. "It’s just that I’m not teaching now. Some things I don’t dare to decide. Guo’s brother is very knowledgeable and can only talk to you.”

Lao Guo said: "Su boss, I ask you a question. What do you think about Shaoyang’s reincarnation of ghost children?"

The phone was silent and said: "I don't know what a ghost boy, I only know, Yu Gong, that is my wife, I am private, that is my nephew."

Lao Guo was very satisfied with the answer of Su Qinzhang, and then asked: "Then I ask you, if Shaoyang is guilty of your scorpion, offending the world, and even enemies with the whole magical world, where are you going?"

Su Qinzhang was silent for a while, saying: "Since the ancient ministers have not spoken, the teaching is to teach, I obey the command, and there is death!"

"Ha ha ha ha, happy!" Lao Guo laughed. "Su boss, you look at the weak and weak, but there is also a bone, but Master did not choose the wrong person, my Maoshan is so unreasonable! !"

Su Qinzhang did not have such a passion for Lao Guo, and sighed: "It is a pity that there is no education. Otherwise, no one of the second generation of disciples is qualified to fight with him."

Lao Guodao: "I think Zhang Wusheng suddenly raised such a thing. There must be a lot of articles inside. Let's meet and talk. I will go to you tomorrow."

Hanging up the phone, Lao Guo was in deep thought. The flat head was by his side at this time. He also heard their conversation and said, "Why do they want to be a master of the magical world?"

Lao Guo said with a cold smile: "I still don't want to levy the identity of the first disciple of his door. Everyone knows that among the second generation of disciples, no one has the strength of a younger brother, killing Ling Yuxuan, hanging a battle, a star, and a small battle. The younger brother is out of the limelight, but he also offends people. Now he is for the cold jade sister."

Speaking of this, Lao Guo sighed. "I really didn't expect that Lengyu is really a reincarnation. Now, Master is really prescient, and does not let Shaoyang take charge of the mountain gate. Otherwise, this time it will really hurt the mountain gate." ”

Biantou said: "Uncle, are you really afraid of the mountain gate?"

"I am afraid!" Lao Guo said seriously. "Maoshan's millennial heritage can never be destroyed in the hands of our generation. Fortunately, although Shaoyang seems to be rebellious, the truth still understands, so deliberately does not return to the mountains, everything is fighting. I don't want to let the mountain gate intervene. You remember, the mountain gate can't fall, it's not just me, even Shaoyang and Daofeng think so."

Speaking of this, take a deep breath and say: "But for the sake of Shaoyang, I will not hesitate to offend the world, and I will be broken!"

The flat head nodded.

Zero is different from the empty space next to the world. Here is a land of nothingness, there are mountains and water, but there is no sun and rain, only black clouds floating around, and endless sea water, if anyone can go from far Looking at the past, it is like an island surrounded by clouds.

On this huge island, zombies are not the only creatures. There are countless evil creatures in the jungle and in the sea, but most of them are inferior and unwise, so the corpse is an intruder. They soon ruled the entire zero world and became their home base, but the struggles of big and small have never ended, and they are constantly staged in this exiled land.

Blood, killing, cold.

In the middle of the land, there is a mountain that towers into the sky. Black cloud. It is the highest mountain on this continent. The corpse is called Tian Abandon Mountain. The origin of the name is the same as that of the empty desert. This shows that it is a place that God gave up.

(End of this chapter)

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