Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2080: Abandoned Mountain 1 in the 20th day

This is the core of the corporal sphere of influence. There are countless caves on the mountain. The higher the height, the higher the occupant's identity. On the top of the Tianzhu Mountain, there are three corpse kings: Hou Qing, Win Hook, and Nuwa.

A tall man dressed in a robes, dressed in elegance and rigor, walked slowly on the way up the mountain.

Although the battle of the airspace has begun, but as the base camp of the corpse, there are still many corpses guarded, so as not to be squandered by the unruly evil spirits of the zero world.

When the soldiers on the road see the men, they will kneel down and call "the Lord" or "God" in the mouth. He is the master of the corpse and the master of this eternal night empire: Hou Qing.

On the way to the mountain, Houqing met a general of the corpse and asked about the defense of the next day, and then went to the top of the mountain and came to his own cave. Outside the cave is a crystal arch. In the middle of the two doors, there is a turntable with colorful treasures on it. This is not a decoration, but a five-line stone, five stones, different elements, like the gossip. The laws are placed together, which will form the power of the seal and will remain there.

After the Qing hand put it on the disc, gently force the body's power to pour it in. The seal on the turntable, like the fingerprint lock, can identify the source of strength and confirm the identity of the owner.

Then the door opens like a shutter.

The fingerprint lock is equipped with a rolling shutter, which is comparable to the high technology of the world.

After the door is opened, the interior of the Dongfu is not exactly a cave. The four sides of the cave are all horizontal and vertical. The details are inlaid with a piece of stone, and a wall is made every few distances. Inside, there is a round gem in the shape of a longan, which emits a blue light and barely illuminates the cave.

The cave is long and deep.

After Qing went all the way, turned two stone gates, and went into a place like the hall. The hall is very empty. Unlike the cave outside, the whole body is made of blue jade, which reflects the whole hall.

In the middle of the hall, there is a circular jade platform, surrounded by a wave of clear springs, flowing around the platform, the water is constantly bubbling, the formation of water vapor in the air does not remain, far away as a translucent gauze .

In the middle of the jade platform, there is a carved wooden bed, a sofa in front of the bed, and a glass coffee table.

In this ethereal place, these modern pieces of furniture are very out of place, a bit uncomfortable.

Sui Lengyu sat on this carved bed and heard the footsteps. He immediately stood up and looked up. He saw Houqing at a glance, squatting for a while, instinctively rushed toward him, and the result was seemingly weak. The curtain of water is blocked. The water curtain seems to be an indestructible glass, and the cold jade is shot on both sides, and the silk does not move.

"Don't bother, this seal, you can't open it." Hou Qing stood still not far from her, and fixedly looked at her.

"Huiqing, this is where, how can I be here! How can you be here!" Finally, I saw a person, although it was Houqing, Yan Lengyu could not help but yell.

After Qing thought about it, said: "What do you remember?"

"I remember that I went to the Stars Sea with Shaoyang... Later we tried to save Shaoyang... It seems that Su Mo rattles, wants to wake up the wind as a ghost boy's consciousness... Ah, Shaoyang is a ghost boy! How about Shaoyang? It's like it!"

Yan Lengyu instantly remembered these things and began to nervous for Ye Shaoyang.

After Qing’s face showed helplessness, she stared at her for a while and said, “After the things, you don’t remember?”

"I... I don't remember, what happened behind? Why didn't I have any impressions, and, where is this, how can I be here, why are you with you?"

Hou Qing slowly said: "I will tell you one by one. First, the ghost child is awakened, but not Shaoyang."

芮冷玉怔 stunned and grabbed his mouth. "Is it... is the wind?"

Hou Qing shook his head: "Not a wind, but... you."

"What are you talking about, how could it be me!" After the cold jade licked, he said coldly.

"It's really you, or how come you come here, you just woke up, a lot of things can't remember, I will tell you slowly..."

After Qing did not bother to tell her what she had awakened, Yan Lengyu listened in shock, and she was always shocked. After listening to these things, she almost collapsed and her hands pulled her hair. On the ground.

Hou Qing wanted to comfort her in the past, but thought that this was the process she had to go through, and she had to stay silent.

However, the psychological quality of Yan Lengyu is not generally strong. This painful process has not experienced for too long. It has calmed down and began to recall in the heart according to the experience of Houqing. It seems to feel a bit like experience, but no Specific memory.

"I can't think of it. Why can't I remember what I did?"

"Because you just woke up at that time, your anger broke out, and what you did was completely uncontrolled by your mind. Otherwise, how could you hurt Ye Shaoyang?"

"I hurt Shaoyang..." Yan Lengyu reached out and looked down at his hands. Tears couldn't stop falling and slipped from his fingers.

Finally she cried with a sullen face.

Hou Qing thought of her silently and said: "I am telling the truth, I don't have to lie to you, I will never lie to you."

Cang Lengyu cried for a while, wiped a tear and asked: "Listen to what you said, Shaoyang was saved?"

"Yes, an old Taoist priest I don't know, it is very powerful. I used it and didn't know anything. I took it with Donghuangzhong, but I sent someone to inquire. He is not in the world, nor in a place like aristocrat. No one knows where to go. Maybe he is already dead."

"No, Shaoyang will not die!" Yan Lengyu looked at him angrily.

"how do you know?"

"I have the intuition that he is not dead, he will not die!"

It is not so much intuition as it is the belief in her heart. She believes that Ye Shaoyang will not die and must be alive.

"After that, did you pluck me? What is this place?"

"This is my Dongfu. You have been in a coma for a long time. Fortunately, you have recovered." Houqing showed great patience and softness to her, which is quite different from the usual cold and ruthless world in the battlefield. "All the world is chasing you, the world of magic, the sinister, you must kill you, no one can protect you, except me. So I brought you here, this is my cave, as long as I am still alive, This is absolutely safe."

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