Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2082: Abandoned people on the 20th day

everything is over.

The cold heart of Yu Lengyu was a bit horrible. Instead, he calmed down and turned around and looked around. He found the carved bed underneath, and the glass coffee table and sofa in front of him. There is also a bunch of fake flowers on the coffee table.

Ice and snow, she immediately thought of something, and asked: "These things come from the world?"

"I want to get it, I want to give you the feeling of the world, although I can do very little."

Hou Qing stared at her. "I am against you, cold jade, you know."

After a step, I stepped in from the outside of the jade plate and went straight through the water curtain. I took out a bunch of books from the robes. It was not an ancient book. It was a brand new book that I could buy in a bookstore.

Looked at the cold jade, they are all popular, there are literary classics, but also popular, three-body, kite-flying people, etc., as well as a girl dormitory written by Qingzi, it is terrible to read the cover, it should be horrible. There are also some comics, and there are a bunch of them after they are taken out. It's hard to imagine how Hou Qing put so many books under the robes.

"These are all bought from the world. I don't know what kind of books you like to watch. So I bought a lot of popular ones. I hope I can help you get bored. There are also paper and pencils. You can write something if you like Look at what book, or what I want, I can buy it for you."

芮冷玉道: "How do people bring things here?"

"Of course I have my way. But you are now in a spiritual state. You don't need to drink water to eat. You just have to stay here. For now, only this time is the safest."

Leng Lengyu snorted and said: "To say so much, I am not using my chips, why are you so false?"

After Qing looked at her affectionately, she shook her head gently and said slowly: "The reasons I said before are actually to say to the son-in-law and win the hook. Actually, I just want to save you, just like when you saved me. The same. My heart, don't you understand?"

Looking at the furniture that he brought from the world, and the books that he just threw, the mind turned and said: "The grace of life, you have reported it before, and we are not owed."

Hou Qingdao said: "I am against you, not only to repay, I"

Yan Lengyu knows what he wants to say and shook his head. "I don't believe, you are the corpse. I don't know how many years have existed. I have been with you for a few days. How can you have any love for me, you want I use it to say that it is useless to use these plans."

There was a painful look in Hou Qing’s eyes.

"I have lived for a thousand years, but I have been in this bitter cold, endless battles, killings, no warmth, and the millennium is just like a day, so I will go to the world to rob, I did not expect that I believe in People, being sealed, painful, you saved me, take care of me, the time with you, is an experience I have never had before, cold jade, I don’t believe in any human beings except you”

Hou Qing has never been able to unload defenses and say so many words.

"Now, the empty world, the sinister, the world of magic, the world is chasing you, only I can protect you! Even if the heavens and the earth are destroyed, I will protect your integrity! Cold jade! Believe me!"

Yan Lengyu was really shocked, looking at him silly, and couldn’t speak for a long time.

"What do you want me to do?" After a long time, Yan Lengyu spit out this sentence.

Hou Qing took a step in front of her and said in a word: "Forget Ye Shaoyang, forget the world, let me turn you into a corpse, follow me in the air, and never die!"

The shock in the heart of the cold jade can't be added.

"After the Qing, are you crazy?"

After Qing smiled, "I am not crazy. If you become a corpse, become our own people, the son-in-law will be assured of you, will not guard you."

"Impossible, you also said, I am a reincarnation ghost boy, the corpse is useless to me, I can't do zombies."

"I have a way." Hou Qing seems to have a good chest. "My lord will have a flesh and blood. His blood is a turbid thing in the world. It can pollute all living creatures. Even if you are a reincarnation, once you are a minister, Blood gas erosion will also become a zombie, as long as you are willing."

Yan Lengyu took a breath and said: "If I don't want to, will you use it?"

"No, I will never force you to do anything, so I will wait for you to wake up and discuss with you."

"Then I tell you very clearly, I don't want to be a zombie! I will never."

After Qing looked at him, he said for a moment of silence: "But you can't go back, you can't go with Shaoyang."

"I know," said Leng Yuyu sadly.

"If you insist on this, you can only be locked here, the son-in-law and the winning hook, and you will never be allowed to step out here."

After waiting for a long time, Hou Qing saw that Leng Yuyu did not change his mind. He turned and walked outside and said, "You think about it, next time I will tell you, my military is in the body, I have to go first."

Hou Qing directly passed under the water curtain. Yan Lengyu hurried to keep up, but was blocked again. In a hurry, he shouted: "Dumb."

After Qing’s heart trembled, he looked back and looked at her with anticipation.

On the water curtain, Yan Yuyu looked at him with a look and said: "Dumb, look at the past, I ask you to help me one thing."

After Qing’s eyes went dark, he said: “If you ask me to let you go, I can’t do it. Once you leave the zero world, no matter who you meet, you will die.”

"No." Yan Lengyu bit his lip and said in an unusually firm tone: "I beg you for one thing: kill me!"


Hou Qing looked at her in shock.

In the water curtain enchantment, the operation of any breath is forbidden, and the mana of the cold jade can't be used. She is now in a spiritual state, and she can't do it herself.

"I don't want to be a reincarnation ghost. Since my existence is a threat to human beings, then I want to destroy myself."

At the moment when I was sure that I was a reincarnation ghost, Yan Lengyu fell into deep despair. Although she did not have any memory for the Taiyin Mountain, she came from the world. For 12 years, she felt that she It was a personal class, but the evidence was conclusive, and he also injured Ye Shaoyang and almost killed him.

She was very afraid that she suddenly became the one she didn't know and hurt Ye Shaoyang.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if you can control it does not become like that, but all the world knows that she is a reincarnation ghost child, she can not let Ye Shaoyang to offend the whole world for himself.

For Ye Shaoyang, she can only give up her life.

(End of this chapter)

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