Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2083: No. 2083 ask for death

There is no other way to go. Although she was reluctant in her heart, she told her that this was the best result.

If he is dead, Ye Shaoyang will suffer for a while, but he will not have to protect himself. All the troubles will be solved.

Now, she just regrets that she did not spend too much time with Ye Shaoyang. However, when she thinks that Ye Shaoyang will forget her in the future, the time she should use will be shorter, and her heart will feel a bit sour and sour.

After Qing guessed her intentions, her face was chilly, then sighed and said: "I will not kill you, there is me, no one can kill you, you stay well, I will come back later."

After that, he resolutely walked out of Dongfu.

Sitting on the ground, the emotions broke out and cried into tears.

All this, everything, Ye Shaoyang does not know. He is still struggling to realize his thoughts. Now, he is rushing to the body.

Ye Shaoyang three people, every night to hurry, live in the rushing corps along the way during the day because the public hall Yizhuang often rushed to the body, whether it is to the east and west of the country have a few frequent walks, count the foot, will contact some mountain people, open Similar to Xiangxi's kind of corpse inn, some places have no people, they will build a scorpion to park the body and rest, in short, the body must not be exposed to the sun for a long time.

In the first three days of the corpse, everything went smoothly. The old driver of Chen San led the way, and Ye Shaoyang controlled the corpse. The cooperation was very good. Cuiyun followed Ye Shaoyang. When he walked the night at night, he was a little scared. Later he became accustomed to it as a long-term farmer. As she said, her physical strength is no problem. The only inconvenience is that the road is convenient. Cuiyun didn’t dare to go to the grass alone. Later, he couldn’t help it. He had to take the charm of Ye Shaoyang and go to the grass. I am used to it slowly.

Chen San estimated that if all the way went smoothly, there would be three or four days to go to the destination, but on the fourth day, the things that made them most unwilling to see the card still happened.

When the day was fast, they rushed to a place where Yizhuang took the road and stayed. They planned to stay here for one day and then hurry at night.

Ye Shaoyang rushed all the bodies to the side of the mouth of the scorpion, standing in a row, and then the three were sleeping on the outside.

After three nights, the three were very tired. As a result, it didn’t take long for them to wake up.

The rain is very big, the storm is violent, and the feeling of the scorpion will be boasted. The three had to move the futon inside the scorpion, a little closer to the bodies. Because this kind of rainstorm couldn't last for too long, I didn't expect to go down until the afternoon. Although the rain turned small, it didn't stop.

No way, the three had to stay in the scorpion, cook with a simple earthen stove in the scorpion. After eating, they sat and chatted, hoping that the rain would stop early, so that when the road was at night, the ground could be slightly dry. Otherwise people are okay, there are many places where the body is not good.

After the rain, the sky turned cold, and all three people found out a slightly thicker clothes and sat in the blind to watch the rain.

"Mr. Ye, I heard that you Maoshan has always been divided into two north and south?" Chen San took out a tube of dry smoke, sat on the futon and snorted, chatted with Ye Shaoyang, and said for a long time, found that Ye Shaoyang said nothing. Hair, expression dignified, staring at the outside, could not help but say: "Mr. Ye, what's wrong with this?"

"There is something." Ye Shaoyang's eyes are closely patrolling in the opposite forest.

"What!" Chen San hurriedly stood up and looked out at the outside, and found nothing.

"Dirty things." Ye Shaoyang spit out three words.

"Ah!" Chen San sucked in the air and looked at it again. He still found nothing but scared his tongue. "Where, where, how can I not see?"

"I can't see it, but I feel it, it's around."

When Chen San heard him say this, he panicked at once, and the corpse was most afraid of encountering ghosts and ghosts, because the corpse is now physically and soulless. For these lonely ghosts, it is just a Containers, once the corpse is revived, the benefits of cultivation are quite numerous. In the wilderness, there are definitely ghosts and ghosts, but the charms of the corpses posted on the bodies will cover most of the corpses, so as not to be discovered by these lonely ghosts. If they really meet, they have to. If you drive away, you can’t go, you have to fight.

This time is the means of both sides.

Chen San heard that Ye Shaoyang said that there were ghosts nearby, and he immediately became a big man. After all, among the corpses they rushed to, there was a corpse that was different from the others. Once there was a ghost attached to it, the human form was not a joke.

I saw him take a small leather drum from his backpack and walked to the front of the rafter. He sang on the side of the scorpion and sang in the mouth: "The big river has a small river full of water, the river has no water, and the water is rising." It depends on the west wind to blow the drums. There is a saying that money can make the ghosts push, so that the passers-by are difficult. My family's ancestors eat the royal grain, and the eight road gods have their fate. Green water meets well"

After Chen San sang, he took out a bucket from the house and found a large amount of prepared paper money, which burned up in the pot.

Cuiyun shrunk behind Ye Shaoyang. She had heard of haunted ghosts. She was completely scared. After listening to Chen San’s singer, she was gradually attracted. She looked at him curiously. One wanted to listen to him and continue to sing. a feeling of.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is also amazed, but there is no time to ask, continue to perceive the surrounding, there is no feeling of being sneaked by evil elements. Did this section of Chen San sing play a role?

"It seems to be gone, we are alert." Ye Shaoyang said.

Chen Sanqi smiled and said: "It is estimated that it is a lonely ghost who has passed by. I was scared away by my nephew."

"What is this way of singing, why haven't I heard it?" The crisis was lifted and Ye Shaoyang's curiosity came up.

Chen Sandao: "This is the 'An Soul Song' sung by the corpse singer. It is sung to the ghosts of the lonely soul. After the rituals, let the other party measure their strength. Generally, as long as they are not real evil spirits, they will take paper money and leave. ""

"What kind of soul song, are you inventing yourself?"

"Where can I, I am also taking a gourd painting, and learning from others. I heard that the earliest source of this soul song is the group of shamans who danced in the northeast. They were learned by the corpse and changed. The word is the one I just sang."

Shaman is a kind of sorcerer in the early years of the popular language in the northeast. Ye Shaoyang has generally heard of it. It is said that the origin of the shaman is earlier than the Taoist two.

(End of this chapter)

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