Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2089: 2089 female corpse resurrection 4

When the female corpse looked at it like this, she couldn’t help but anxiously said: "Who is Commander Liu, why don’t you do it?"

The three-headed family said: "The lady does not know, this Liu commander is the general scoop of this generation of Sanshan and Wuhu. Even if it is a big master, he must call him a big brother. No way, his relatives, but not good offended. ""

When the female corpse heard it, she looked cold and said: "Even so, Commander Liu is not here. You killed these people. Who knows that you killed."

When the three listened to her, the pupils shrank, and Ye Shaoyang defended this early. He said: "I don't care. I went out this time and passed the letter with Commander Liu. He knows that I have to fight this, or how dare we go. The road of Erlong Mountain? There is only one of you in the vicinity. I am here, and Commander Liu traces it. How do you explain it, but I am his cousin?"

When the family heard it, they immediately dispelled the idea of ​​destroying the dead.

In fact, Ye Shaoyang wanted to say that this female corpse was wanted by Liu, and almost said it. The glimpse of the light, the thought of Liu Shiling’s big bandit, should not do this, and it is easier to lead people to doubt, so he did not say.

The female corpse saw the three hesitant hesitant, knowing that it was impossible to kill, and the reaction was extremely fast. He said: "If this is the case, you tied them up the mountain and sent a letter to Commander Liu to prove that you don't have it."

I want Ye Shaoyang’s reaction to be faster, and I don’t want to take it: “Go and go, stay for ten days and a half, I’m not afraid, let Liu Commander send someone to take it better, I’m afraid that when Commander Liu will say Erlong Mountain It’s a bad rule.”

The female corpse still wants to say something. Three of the family’s hands waved and rushed Ye Shaoyang three people to hold the fist (but the right hand wrapped the left hand, the average person holds the fist is the left hand with the right hand, because the left hand is good, the right hand is evil, the left hand is right hand, is good for First, it means goodwill, but the bandits are different. The original is a bad thing. The right hand is left-handed. It is also a starting ceremony, which explains his identity. The person who knows knows it is a bandit." "The brother misunderstood, since it is Liu Shiling’s family, that is his own family, Liang Shangchang’s grass is high, and Dashui does not rush to the Dragon King Temple. This woman has a relationship with my family. I left, and the brothers invited.”

"Remove!" Ye Shaoyang did not dare to ask for a female corpse, arched his hand, quickly packed up his luggage, and called Cui Yun and Chen San, who were scared of their legs, and did not care about the rain. They read the bodies. The corpse curse, rushed out of the temple door. Before leaving, I peeked at the female body. The female corpse looked at him happily, with a smirk in her mouth.

The three people walked out of the temple, but they couldn't take care of the sun. Fortunately, it was raining and there was no sun. It didn't have much impact on the body. Just rushed to the body and went forward. It took about ten minutes.

Ye Shaoyang drove the body into the nearby woods. Chen Sanyi said with a hurried panic: "Ye Tianshi, let's not go quickly, what are you doing here?"

Ye Shaoyang took the hand of Cuiyun, calmed her, looked at the path outside the woods, and said two words coldly: "Revenge!"

Chen Sanyu lived and said: "What is the enemy?"

"My mother gave birth to me, it is not embarrassing!" Ye Shaoyang said, he is a bit extreme on this issue, mainly because he has no mother since he was a child, and is more sensitive.

In the past, they were joking with the four treasures and the pony. They were wearing a mantra. It was different. It was really pointed at the nose. For Ye Shaoyang, it was the first time. If the other person is an ordinary person, it is a murder. Hemp's bandits, that really can't stand it. Before, because there was Cuiyun and Chen San, he would have already started.

Cuiyun listened to him and said that he immediately panicked. "Shaoyang, don't mess, they have guns, you can't fight them!"

"Sister, you can rest assured! I have a way!" Ye Shaoyang took her hand and comforted, "When did I let you down?"

Cuiyun suddenly stopped. Indeed, although I don’t know much about Shaoyang, what kind of things he did is not unexpected?

Between the words, the hoof was remembered on the trail.

This is in the expectation of Ye Shaoyang: The female ghost is afraid of herself and does not dare to stay in the temple. It will surely let the several bandits rush to send her up the mountain. This place is the only way.

Ye Shaoyang sat down by a tree and said, "You don't want to say anything!"

After closing his eyes, the soul instantly went out, flew out, and on the road, just in time to catch a few bandits riding, there were only three bandits, and the three heads of the family, a bandit happily carrying the female body.

Ye Shaoyang saw this scene and knew that this group of bandits must have been divided into two teams. One team continued to go down the mountain to work, and the other team was led by the three-headed family to give the female body to their big head.

A group of silly, smashed a bomb, and really a baby!

Ye Shaoyang flew in the past, and the soul advanced into the body of the three-headed family. He did not stop for a moment. He directly used his own soul power to shatter the three souls and seven scorpions of the three-headed family. The three-headed family bleeds from the bottom of the house and falls from the horse. Ye Shaoyang wanted to put a few The bandits who killed the goods were killed. When they turned around, the woman’s body was riding on the horse’s back and looking over at her own yin. Obviously she found herself, but she didn’t want to leave the body to deal with herself. After all, she wanted to restrain the human form. It is also very difficult, and it was very troublesome in the last time.

Ye Shaoyang is now in a state of soul. She can't kill her. She has to say to her: "You don't want to be proud. I don't know where you are from the ghosts. Within the three courts, I will kill you!"

"I am waiting for you!" said the female body hate.

Both of them speak with God and others can't hear them. Originally, the three-headed family was riding on the horse and walking in the end. The first few bandits only looked after the road and did not see that the three-headed family had already hung up.

When Ye Shaoyang’s soul flew into the woods, he heard the yelling over there, and the soul hurried back to the flesh. Cui Yun and Chen San saw him suddenly and did not move. I didn’t know what to do. Seeing that he suddenly woke up, just asked him what happened. Ye Shaoyang grabbed them and said, "Don't ask, go!"

At the moment, several bodies were rushing through the woods, and there was a screaming voice behind them. Ye Shaoyang knew that the female corpse had ordered several bandits to catch themselves, but they couldn’t enter the woods, so they couldn’t stop and let Chen San lead the way. I circumvented Erlong Mountain in one breath and succumbed for half an hour. At this time, the rain stopped. Ye Shaoyang proposed to find a hidden woods to rest.

"Ye Tianshi, the three heads of the family" all the way along the way to escape, just did not have time to say a word, and now finally paused, Chen San immediately asked with amazement.


Chen Sanyi is stagnation, "Soul out?"

(End of this chapter)

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