Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2090: 2090闯山1

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

Chen Sanyi spent a long time. After checking a few bodies in the past, it was confirmed that there was no abnormality. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the side of Ye Shaoyang, feeling a little bit of what happened before.

"Fortunately, Ye Tianshi is smart, otherwise we really have to explain it there."

Cuiyun is still in shock, the scared hand is cold, and Ye Shaoyang has been holding her hand to comfort her.

"It’s a pity that the female body was possessed by a ghost and was taken away by the bandits. This is very troublesome."

Ye Shaoyang said: "What trouble?"

"I can't explain it to the bitter Lord. I lost the body of the dead body. This is really true."

"The bitter Lord is not a good person. I still want to find him in trouble." Ye Shaoyang said with a deep sigh. "You are like this. Since the human form is gone, you should catch these ordinary bodies alone. It should be no problem. These bodies are driven away and then wait for me."

Chen San and Cui Yun listened to him and said that he was all awkward and asked him what he was going to do.

Ye Shaoyang explained: "This female corpse is a human form. Once it is unsealed, it will be suffocated, and it will soon become a scorpion. The female ghost thinks that she has a good body. In fact, it is not leaking, it will wrap the occupation. The soul of the body, when the female ghost wants to leave the body, the human form is not smart, but like the general zombies, there is an instinct to kill blood. When the female ghost will become a beggar, it will be infected by suffocation, killing blood everywhere. To cultivate. I am a mage, this kind of thing makes me meet, it is impossible to leave."

Chen San looked at him stupidly and said: "You mean, she will kill these bandits?"

"This is the case. Once the human form is formed, plus the intelligence of the female ghost, it becomes a ghost corpse. The strength is greatly increased. The ordinary guns and ammunition are useless to her. Those bandits will die."

"This Ye Tianshi, forgive me, these bandits are all gangsters who murder and set fire to the house. Even if they die, it doesn't matter. Do you still want to save them?"

Ye Shaoyang glared at him and said: "What you said is like she killed the bandits. She killed these bandits and will definitely go down the mountain to find other living people to **** the blood. Strong, it will become a scourge for the evil, and it is not easy to annihilate it."

Chen San suddenly realized, "What, Ye Tianshi, what are you going to do?"

"I secretly went up the mountain and looked for a chance to destroy this ghost. You first rushed to the corpse to pay for work. As for this kind of human suffering, you said that because of this evil spirit, there are more powerful wizards to come over and let him wait. I will pass for a few days, at least three or five days later."

Cui Yun asked: "What about me?"

"You go with Sanye, go to the place to wait for me, you can rest assured, I will never have something, I must go to find you safely."

Cuiyun advised him to go together, but Ye Shaoyang Xiaoyi had great meaning, and Cuiyun had no choice.

"Then I will stay with you! I am your sister, where are you going?" Cuiyun said with a bite.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart moved, pinching her hand and said: “Sister. It’s not that I won’t let you stay. I’m going to go to the bandit, it’s inconvenient to have you, my sister, you can rest assured, I’m going to find you. When did I let you down?"

This is another sentence. Cuiyun moved in his heart, looked up at him, and finally looked at Chen San on the side and said: "I don't want to be with him."

Ye Shaoyang remembered that Chen San had a little meaning to Cuiyun before, and he gave his courtesy. Cuiyun certainly felt it. So he went to Chen San, and put a hand on his shoulder and stared at him. He said seriously: "I put My sister has given it to you, I believe in you, you will not bully her, otherwise"

Chen San listened to him and said, immediately said: "Ye Tianshi, although I am a bit unconcerned, but we are also suffering, they are all brothers, can I do this kind of thing, I promise Bring the Cui Yun sister to you, in case something goes wrong, I will come to see you!"

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and said that his heart was also very touched. Chen San’s character was really reassuring. He immediately patted his shoulder and said: “No, you don’t have to go wrong, go to the place and wait for me. ""

Chen San took out a map and painted the route and the end point for Ye Shaoyang. "You follow the picture I gave you, go to Pingnan County, find a Erdaoba Inn, I am with Cuiyun sister, I live in this inn waiting for you."

Ye Shaoyang promised to go down and say goodbye to Cuiyun, and then urged them to go on the road.

Cuiyun smashed him a lot and gave him enough dry food. He followed Chen San in a step-by-step manner and drove the body away.

Ye Shaoyang watched them go far away. He thought about what to do in the woods. He wanted to disguise himself up the mountain, but he felt that it was not right. Think about it or sneak up the mountain and find a chance to solve the human form.

Ye Shaoyang returned to the previous road. At this time, several bandits had disappeared, and the body of the three-headed family was also taken away.

Ye Shaoyang was afraid of ambush, and did not dare to walk the mountain road, drilled into the woods on the edge, and went all the way to the mountain. When he walked to the top of the mountain, he could see the building on the top of the mountain. It was a wooden one. The fence, which is three or four meters high, encloses the entire hill. Behind the fence, some buildings are built according to the mountain. Many of them are wooden structures or simply bamboo buildings, which look like a stockade.

No wonder the old nest of the bandits is called the cottage. It is estimated that this is the case. Ye Shaoyang guesses that because the earthworms are generally on the top of the mountain, the materials are not good enough to go up the mountain, and because of their identity, they are not good at purchasing, so they have to take local materials. , use wood and other wood.

On the front of the cottage, on the **** of the mountain road, a large city gate is built condescending, of course, it is only big, because it is wooden, and there is no sense of majesty.

Above the gate, two bandits carrying guns stood on the whistle. Ye Shaoyang looked at the surrounding environment and entered it from the front. It will definitely be used as a gun target. However, Ye Shaoyang thinks about such a big mountain. It will definitely not drop water. There will always be places to go around, so the left side of the cottage Going around, I glanced at the gate of the cottage before leaving, and found a large white flower hanging on the gate. I wanted to pay homage to their three heads.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but smile. He lost his cottage and gave him a memorial. Eighty percent is the big master who thinks that he is desperate to bring back a beautiful woman to be a lady. It is very moving. Where does it come to bring a scourge? If the big master knows the truth, it is estimated. I want to dig him up and get rid of it, but there is no chance for this 80% of the masters.

(End of this chapter)

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