Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2091: No. 2091 Lushan 2

Ye Shaoyang walked around the cottage and never found the opportunity to climb in. Although it was no problem to force it over, he did not know the situation in the cottage. He was afraid to cross the band and went to the bandits. These people had guns and they came up again. It’s troublesome.

Later, when I walked to a cliff, the fence was in front of the cliff. Ye Shaoyang glanced at it. This is a huge rock standing on the right side of the mountain, half empty, and below is the abyss.

It may be that the climbers could not climb, so the bandits felt that there was no need to build a fence on the rocks.

Ye Shaoyang seriously looked at it for a while, and decided that the rock could not climb directly, but the method was not without it. Going back to the woods, I found a number of long-shaped stones that piled under the fence and pushed it one or two meters high. Even if these stones were placed, normal people would like to turn over the fence from this height. Can't do it.

However, Ye Shaoyang is not a normal person. He has cultivated Maoshan body skills since he was a child. Although he can't fly away, he is much more sensitive than the average person.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Shaoyang stepped on the padded stone and then jumped hard. The man had climbed the fence and extended his head to look at the cottage. At first glance, he saw several bandits between the buildings. Wandering, guns hanging on his body, suddenly understand why the fence is not too fortified: there are people patrolling and whistling everywhere, and there is nothing to hide between the buildings, it is impossible to break into the ground without being discovered.

Fortunately, Ye Shaoyang is located on the far side of this fence, no one is guarding nearby, just as the terrain is high. Ye Shaoyang carefully climbs the fence, observes the situation in the cottage, and remembers the approximate location of those buildings.

In the middle of the cottage, there is one of the largest buildings. It is very long. It looks like a big tile house. It has a wide door. There is a cross on the hall. Because it is too far away, I can’t see what I’m writing. What kind of "juyi hall" and so on, with these bandit culture, certainly will not make any elegant name.

When Ye Shaoyang observed, the two doors opened, and a group of people came out from the inside, watching the dresses were bandits, with white cloth on their heads, four people carrying a coffin out, and two teams wearing long gowns on the side. Each hand carries a shackle, and when it goes out, it plays.

Needless to say, it must be for the funeral of the three heads. Ye Shaoyang is only curious as to how this talent is dying when he died, and where did the coffin come from, is it true that these bandits are afraid of the dead, and there are always coffins in the mountains?

Ye Shaoyang thought it was incredible.

At the end, there was a bandit of a tall horse, wearing a felt hat, a white cloth on his body, and surrounded by a group of bandits. Ye Shaoyang guessed that this was probably the big head of the bandit. Dadang’s side is followed by a white gown, dressed like a past scholar, but unfortunately too far away, no face can be seen.

This pedestrian carried the coffin and blew it to the back of the mountain. It is estimated that it was going to be buried.

The suspected big master, called two bandits, told a few words, and then the two walked toward the gate of the cottage.

Ye Shaoyang took the opportunity to move back and walked down the mountain to the gate. After waiting for a while, the two bandits came out, taking the horse and heading down the mountain.

Ye Shaoyang carefully walked through the woods from the woods, listening to the hooves, and followed all the way. When the temple was near the temple, the two bandits were riding on horses. Ye Shaoyang was stunned. It was estimated that the top roads were too steep and inconvenient to ride. Only took a walk.

When they rode away, everything was too late. Ye Shaoyang quickly flashed out of the woods and shouted: "Stop!"

The two bandits are sharing the experience and experience of visiting the kiln. When they talked about the excitement, they suddenly heard such a big drink and scared the big jump.

"What are you doing!" One person came back and turned over.

"This mountain is me. This tree is planted by me. If I want to live from here, I will buy a road to buy money. If I don't give money, I will cut it one by one, and I will kill it if I kill it!" Ye Shaoyang made a second mistake and took a child from a book. The lines that I saw when the bandits blocked the road moved out.

When they heard it, they glanced at each other and glanced at each other. They couldn’t help but laugh. One of them even gave a thumbs up to Ye Shaoyang. "Your brother is more than a cow, a cow! My brother, I have been a bandit for so long. I have always robbed others, or I ran into it for the first time!"

After that, the two men pulled out the box gun together. Just pointing at Ye Shaoyang, Ye Shaoyang raised his hand and shot two copper coins. He just hit the back of the two hands. The two hands were soft and the gun in his hand slipped automatically.

Ye Shaoyang stepped forward and kicked the two feet and kicked them out.

His ability to touch the money and hit the battle is not only able to deal with evil things, but also to fight people. Before he broke the temple, he took out the amulet given by Liu Laotou, but at the time he also prepared for both hands. Holding a copper coin, only because Cui Yun and Chen San were present, he did not dare to let go.

Ye Shaoyang picked up a box gun from the ground and took turns aiming at two bandits.

"Don't, good guys don't shoot, we give money!" The two bandits immediately squatted on the ground, posing with their hands, and the general kind of bandits were all bullying and hard, and they knew the time.

Ye Shaoyang was a little depressed on the spot. These two thieves really regarded themselves as the bandits like them.

"Do not want money, you come with me, ask you a few words! Take the horse!" Ye Shaoyang was afraid of encountering other bandits on the road, so he urged the two to lead the horse into the woods. The two saw Ye Shaoyang not killing, and hurriedly followed. past.

Entering the woods, after a while, Ye Shaoyang felt that the distance was almost safe. This allowed them to stop, kneeling under a tree by the road, holding their heads with both hands, pointing at the two men with guns and asking: "The first question, What is your boss who sent you down the mountain?"

"Yes... it’s going to buy red paper, red candle and the like for things like weddings..." said a bandit.

Ye Shaoyang heard a little embarrassed, "Do you have a happy event? Are you sure you are not wrong? Are you not doing funeral, how to change your happy event?"

Another bandit rushed and replied: "If you return to the uncle, you are going to have a funeral, and you will be sent to the top of the house. At night, we will be married to the lady, so we must do a happy event."

After Ye Shaoyang listened, he stunned for a while, and it was a bit dumbfounding. This big master is also enough, to do funeral during the day, to do happy things at night, it is really a loss for him to do it.

After Ye Shaoyang asked again, he determined the wife of their big master, that is, the shape of the person, not the expectation of the hanging three-headed family:

End of this chapter

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