Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2092: No. 2092 Lushan 3

When the big man saw the human form, he immediately got hooked with the soul. He liked it. The person was very smart. He was very happy when he was a big master. The big family immediately decided to marry her as Mrs.

Originally, according to the rules of the bandits, there was no sorrow, because people who died often, no matter who died, were buried directly, but the big master’s thoughts of the three masters died and sent back a beautiful and beautiful lady, thinking that they were loyal, this Only decided to mourn. But because he couldn't wait to get a hole in the house, he simply mourned and sent the body of the three masters.

Every festival on the mountain is to be celebrated, so I directly look for people to be dressed as Taoist priests, to blow and fight, and to mourn for the three masters, and the two guys in front of me are sending down the mountain to buy some weddings like red candle red paper and red hijab. The supplies come back, although there is nothing to be done in the bandits, but the big-headed family likes the shape of the person, wants to do it, and at the same time it is an opportunity to let the brothers have fun together.

After learning about these situations, Ye Shaoyang inquired about the situation on the mountain. He learned that there were two or three large and small bandits on the Erlong Mountain. There were three heads of the family. The third child was killed by himself. The boss called the ghost. He claimed to be the Shaolin Temple down the mountain. He had some martial arts. He came to the Erlong Mountain seven or eight years ago. At that time, he gathered some mantles and rogues. He opened the road to collect money, and later absorbed more and more people, giving the largest in Jiangxi. The commander Liu of the bandit gave him a big gift, so he opened the hall, and the mountain in the two dragons was king and he was robbed.

The territory of Jiangxi has not been peaceful, and the official has no time to fight against these bandits. Therefore, the bandits of Erlong Mountain have become more and more, and the forces have gradually grown. The teams of two or three hundred people are almost medium-sized in Jiangxi Province. It is.

The second master of the family was a former scholar who was a former scholar in the county. He was originally a **** shop in a nearby county town. Because he secretly detained the pawnshop, he was humiliated by the boss. Under the wrath, the Erlong Mountain became a bandit. Originally, it was a bandit. He is a weak scholar, when the bandits are not enough, but this gentleman is called the iron abacus, not only is it good to play, but everything is well organized and very stable, which is what these big old people lack.

After the iron abacus went up the mountain, he gave the ghosts a lot of good ideas. Every time the kidnapping was bought and sold, he made a lot of suggestions, so he was promoted to become the second master.

Ye Shaoyang heard this and thought about it. In their conversation, he had already heard that this ghost was a big old man. As for the time he would have, he would not look at it.

What he really cares about is the iron abacus. Countless times of experience tells him that it is this kind of person that is really difficult to deal with. So the two bandits in front of them inquired about the iron abacus.

These two bandits are now pinning their hands in his hands. There is no morality or morality. You are arguing that I will tell Ye Shaoyang about the situation and say a lot. Ye Shaoyang is most impressed by one thing:

This iron abacus has always hated the former family who humiliated him. When he gained a firm foothold on Erlong Mountain, he immediately sneaked a sneak peek and planned a kidnapping action. He tied the son of the former boss and asked the boss to give money. After getting the money, I still robbed the ticket...

Ye Shaoyang heard this, the fists clenched, and the thieves also had a bandit. He believed that there was, but the bandits of the two dragons were not, absolutely not!

After a long period of delay, Ye Shaoyang calmed down and inquired about the situation in some cottages. Then he began to ponder how to mix into the cottage. When he thought about it carefully, he still had to go up the mountain at night. This is not a hundred years later. There is no camera in the cottage. There are no searchlights and the like, and at that time, when the banquet is on the mountain, the defense will definitely relax, and they will wait until they get drunk, and most of them will do it.

Moreover, the shape of the human figure will not be shaped into bloodthirsty at night, and it will not be normal during the day.

After thoroughly asking about the situation in the cottage, Ye Shaoyang began to ponder how to do these two bandits. Don’t kill it. These two bandits are not good things. They have a lot of blood on their hands. Ye Shaoyang wants to kill directly, but I am just a mage, not qualified to exercise human laws. Second, the two guys also answered a lot of questions, so they killed, and they always did not go.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Shaoyang had an idea and said, "Let's do, I won't kill you, but you have to cooperate with me. How do you see it?"

Under the threat of a pistol, being alive is the greatest wish. If two people dare to say no, they nod their heads and say they must be obedient.

Let the two bandits take off their tops and tie their hands from behind. In order to tie them up, they pulled some rattan from the nearby trees and tied them together.

"Grandpa, you, are you doing this?" The two bandits did not dare to move, but could not help but ask.

"I don't want to kill you, so, I will hand you over to the police, and when you go to surrender, how do you see?" Ye Shaoyang said with a gun in his hand.

The two looked at him innocently.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Why, this is already treated as a preferential treatment, not happy?"

"That, what do you say... what tea, what hand?"

"Oh, my fault." Ye Shaoyang patted his head hard. "I forgot that you didn't have the word policeman in this era. It seems that you have not surrendered... I mean, I will send you to the official."

"Ah, Grandpa don't want it!" When they heard that they were going to send them to the office, they immediately squatted and squatted on the ground, begging Ye Shaoyang not to do this.

"Reassure, you are surrendering... I will say that you are repenting, and you don't want to be a bandit for the tiger. When you explain everything in Erlong Mountain, you can be guilty of sin, you will definitely not kill, and you are just 喽Hey, many crimes are not the main criminals. You can't promise it. I just broke down with you. The troubles in the province, what do you think?"

The two bandits were dumbfounded on the spot. They looked at each other and did not care. If they could save a life, they would be better than the dead ones. They had no choice but to nod.

This problem is solved. How to get down the mountain has become a troublesome thing: the two bandits have been **** and there is no way to ride. Ye Shaoyang asked how far they were from the nearest county town. The answer was more than 20 miles.

Ye Shaoyang thought, anyway, he had to go up the mountain in the dark, just walk down the mountain, and then ride up, 20 miles down the mountain road, absolutely come back.

So he solved a saddle and a halter and took a slap on the horse's buttocks and said, "Run, live in the mountains, see you made!"

End of this chapter

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