Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2093: The 2093th road is narrow 1

The horse seemed to understand Ye Shaoyang's words, and he ran away with four hooves.

Ye Shaoyang found another horse looking at the one that escaped, patted its head and said, "Don't envy, come back and release it to you."

So Ye Shaoyang let the two bandits hurry in front of them, holding horses behind them, all the way down the mountain, two faces on the road, bitter face, begging Ye Shaoyang to let them go, even willing to give him a horse, after Ye Shaoyang kicked his buttocks, I will be more honest at the moment and I will not dare to say more.

Along the way, Ye Shaoyang asked them what he thought of. Later, he remembered the commander of the Sun. Although he did not know who he was, he was considered to have saved himself once. He thought of the time when the three masters heard the name of Sun’s commander. In this way, I immediately became interested in this grandson.

What Liu’s old man said before Ye Shaoyang was the situation before Sun’s commander was a bandit. He didn’t know much about what he was after the bandits. The two bandits that he caught, mentioning Sun’s commander, were also very admired. They told Ye Shaoyang a lot of anecdotes about Sun’s commander. The most powerful thing was how to change from a defeated army to a grasshopper. It is equal to starting from scratch, building a cottage in Baihua Mountain, and how to conquer the surrounding small and small cottages by force in the past ten years, becoming the largest bandit in Jiangxi.

However, he can become the general scoop of the three mountains and five lakes in Jiangxi. People are strong and strong, but they are not relying on this. After all, Jiangxi is so big. If there is disobedience in the distant places, Sun’s commander cannot transfer troops. Playing, after all, is a bandit, can not be rampant on the street in the market like the army.

The reason why Sun’s commander was regarded as the boss by all the bandits was mainly because he was fair and fair in doing things, and he would protect some weak forces. After some contradictions between the cottages, he would also come out to mediate and be impartial, so that both sides can Can't say anything. Over time, Sun’s prestige was on the rivers and lakes, and no one dared to obey.

Listening to the two bandits said so much about Sun Sin, in the heart of Ye Shaoyang, this bandit leader has deepened the legendary, and even produced a thought of wanting a piece of truth, of course, just think about it.

Twenty Mile Road, because it is down the mountain, it is also fast, but in many places there is no road, winding around, if no one leads the way, it is difficult to find the road.

Ye Shaoyang has a variety of strong notes along the way. In some places, it is easy to be confused. He casts a magical symbol. The charms are all painted with simple runes. As long as they are activated within twelve hours, they can be perceived within a few tens of meters. When you get there, it's better to use it as a road sign when it's available.

Under the urging of Ye Shaoyang's constant kicking of the butt, the three men only took two hours or so to go down the mountain and come to a big road. The two bandits said that it is not far from the county town. Ye Shaoyang thought that the two men would go to surrender. It is really not like the words tied to the past. So they loosened the two people. The two bandits have seen Ye Shaoyang’s means. And with a pistol hidden in his sleeve, I dare not play tricks.

Ye Shaoyang took the horse, pushed the two, and walked toward the county seat. After another half an hour, he went to the city gate. Soldiers were guarded under the city gate. All the passing people had to check the resident card before they were released.

Ye Shaoyang walked to the bottom of the city gate and was immediately stopped. He had to check the resident card.

"The comrades are not right, then, guys, these two people don't have a resident card. They are the bandits on the Erlong Mountain. They have come from the top."

The soldiers of this team who guarded the city listened to him and said that they immediately stupid: I have only heard that the bandits came to the county to do bad things, or did they first see the bandits who sent themselves to the door and surrendered?

"You are really bandits?" One of the guards' eyes widened and looked at Ye Shaoyang.

At this point, there is nothing to hide. There is nothing to say and fight for leniency. The two bandits have nodded and admitted that they are bandits, and they put their sleeves up and show them the tattoo on their right arm. On the arm, there is the image of two dragons.

"Sure enough, it is Erlong Mountain!"

This county town is close to Erlong Mountain. Although the county town is guarded by guards, the bandits do not dare to go straight into the city, but they often harass the surrounding villages. Sometimes they will touch the county to do some bad things, so the county is like this. The bandits hated them and knew their characteristics.

"But why do you come from the first sin?" The guards could not understand this abnormal behavior of the two bandits.

"They want to be good people, willing to account for crimes and the details of the mountains." Ye Shaoyang explained to them, the two quickly nodded.

A few guards are even more puzzled, but since they are sent to the door and surrendered, they can't be ignored, and it is a credit to catch the bandits. Now they are looking for people to send them to the county.

Ye Shaoyang looked at it and was very satisfied with the result. Unexpectedly, there were soldiers who even came up and wanted a piece of tie.

Ye Shaoyang had to explain that he was not a bandit, gave them an arm, and had his own resident card, saying that he met two bandits on the road. He heard that they wanted to surrender and just entered the city, so they came with them.

After the guards listened to his words, they simply didn't know what to say. This kind of thing was the first thing in their lives.

After Ye Shaoyang bid farewell to these guards, he took the horse into the city. Because the time was still early, since he came here, he simply strolled in the county town and had some spare money. So he bought some things and ate a bowl at noon. Shanxi noodles, the taste is much better than those sold in the franchise stores a hundred years later.

In the county town until the afternoon, Ye Shaoyang took the horse and left the county. According to the road that he had come before, he went all the way to the Erlong Mountain. Because he was worried about encountering the bandits, he put the horse in the middle of the road. Then he went to the mountains and went to the temple near the temple. When they saw the two men slamming down the mountain, Ye Shaoyang hid in the nearby woods and watched the two approached.

The two men complained about the two names while walking. Ye Shaoyang listened for a while and understood that they were complaining about the two bandits who had been forced to surrender themselves. Because they went down the mountain to purchase, they have not come back yet, and the big master is afraid of delaying the wedding at night. Therefore, two people were sent down the mountain.

Ye Shaoyang did not say anything to these two people. If they did what they did, they would not go back to the evening in the evening, and the big master would doubt it.

(End of this chapter)

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