Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2096: 2096 Ghost Bride 2

Just listening to the "beep", the soldier's neck was immediately bitten, the female corpse was on his neck, sucking up the blood, and after drinking a few big mouths, bite out the big ribs behind the neck and chew in the mouth. move.

The soldier was still screaming and struggling at first, and soon fell to his own blood pool.

Several people around him were shocked by this sudden scene. They didn't react at all. At this time, until the soldiers fell down, they came back to each other and shouted and rushed out.

Xiaosan did not run, but his expression was firm and he shot the gun at the female body and suddenly made a shuttle bullet.

The bullet hit the body of the female corpse, and the female corpse squatted up, but when the bullets were finished, the female corpse had a few holes in the cheongsam, and there was no change. Let go of the corpse, turn her head, and look at the little three in the haze. , rushed toward him.

Xiaosan escaped the first time, turned around and ran out, and the female body immediately rushed over. She is now a ghost corpse, limited by the flesh. The ghosts of the previous offensive methods can not fully play out, can only grasp, bite this, but the speed of living people to be too fast.

Xiao San just rushed out and was caught by the female body, biting down his neck.

I'm dying……

When the hot air spit from the female corpse spit on his back neck, Xiao Sanxin produced this thought. However, when the female corpse bite down, a silver light suddenly appeared from his neck, and the female body screamed and was shocked from him. .

Xiao San turned his head and glanced at the female body that had been shaken. The expression of the female corpse was the same as him, and it was suddenly stunned. I don’t know what happened.

"Three masters go!" A soldier pulled a small three, and Xiaosan returned to God. He ran out and closed his door. He called several men to come over and hold the door together. He only heard the sound of the door knocking inside. The big man died in his life.

A little three turned around and saw a lot of bandits rushing toward this side, headed by the iron abacus and a few big King Kong, all sorrowful confidants.

Xiao San glanced at the glance and said to them: "The big master is killed by the bride inside, you are coming!"

Everyone was shocked, but did not stop and rushed to the door.


Xiao San snorted, and several soldiers let go of their hands together. The door slammed and was knocked open. Then, in full view, the female corpse rushed out.

Because of the spread of the cloak, plus the darkness, the female corpse could not see anything different. After going out, immediately rushed toward the opposite person.

There are four King Kongs in Erlong Mountain. At this moment, it is naturally rushing to the forefront. One of the big men does not know what is going on. He grabs the female body and pulls it hard. He wants to fall down the female body.

As a result, the female body was a bite to his wrist.

"Ah!" This big man was bitten by this mouth, and he screamed loudly. He hurt his hand and hit the head of the female body. When he hit the third, the female body suddenly looked up and bit him again. Fist, tearing a piece of skin straight from the arm.

The screaming man is not screaming.

"You are going to save the two Jin Gang, together!" Xiao San stood on the side and shouted.

A few people in the neighborhood have come back to the world. Together, some use fists, some use guns to go to the head of the niece, and the female corpse suddenly loosens the big man, fluttering into a person and biting under the neck.

And the big man, but he fell to the ground and twitched up. There was a small bandit who wanted to lift him up and sent him to heal. As a result, the big man was pumping for a while, and he actually died.

On the crowd of the bandits, someone gave a sigh of incomprehensible sigh, Ye Shaoyang.

When many of the bandits rushed over to the ghost-stricken room, he also caught up in the crowd. Now everyone's attention is on the mountain of the bride. He has changed his clothes and he will not be recognized.

The bride in front of her eyes has become a ghost corpse. The ghosts are in one, and the blood flowing in the body is full of suffocation. The ordinary person is bitten by her and will inevitably be invaded by the cockroaches. Naturally, it is not saved.

Now, if you rush to deal with this rigid female body, with the hand of the seven-star Longquan sword and other instruments, it is definitely not a problem, but then it is also exposed, I am afraid that the female body will be cleaned up, I will be The bandits were killed.

For the life of these bandits, it is definitely not worth it. Ye Shaoyang can only wait for an opportunity.

"Ghost, no, this is not a person!" When the fourth person was smashed into the face by a ghost, it was finally seen by someone who saw her mouth fangs and screamed.

At this time, some people took out the box gun and fired a few shots on the head of the ghost. The ghost body just shook his head, and even the blood did not flow out. He rushed toward the gun and rushed to the person who put the gun. Foraging his face.

More people took out their pistols and smashed the ghosts. The female corpses had no reaction other than convulsions.

Ye Shaoyang looked coldly behind, any zombie, there is a corpse guard, after all, is also the flesh, if it is a hundred years later pistol, such as the famous desert eagle, you can definitely smash the head of the ghost. Like all zombies, as long as the head is broken, it is impossible to control the body, and the corpse is dead and dead. But the pistol of this era is really too powerful, and it is certainly not enough to deal with this kind of human form.

The ghost corpse became more crazy when it was attacked by bullets. Because there are too many people, there are always goals to grasp, and in a short time, dozens of people have died under the mouth of female corpses.

However, Xiao San took a few of his own hands and kept watching in the vicinity, and did not go to death.

Ye Shaoyang stood on the periphery and thought of a way to deal with this ghost corpse, so he used his nails to cut his palm, used his own blood, and smeared a note in his palm, and then waited for an opportunity.

In the case that even the bullets could not kill the female corpse, many bandits also fully believed that she was not a human being, and that the bandits were constantly being bitten to death, and everyone had to retreat, but this ghost corpse was spurred by blood and madness everywhere. Chasing people to bite.

Being bitten will die immediately.

Although these bandits are usually fierce, they see their companions falling down one by one, fearing that they will become the next target, looking for places to avoid everywhere, some ran out of the stockade, some ran into the bedroom, and more ran. I entered the hall where I had eaten before, and then blocked the door together.

The vast open space, except for some secretly observed in the distance, basically ran out.

Ye Shaoyang saw the opportunity, and whistled a whistle against the ghost corpse, first attracted her attention, then meditated over the spell and put her hand to her.

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