Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2097: 2097 Ghost Bride 3

He used this blood in his palm to call the corpse, which can use blood gas to stimulate the viciousness of all zombies. In a metaphor, ordinary human blood is like a zombie. People who are hungry to the extreme see rice dumplings and the like. If there is no other food, they will naturally rush to gorge, but the human blood stimulated by the corpse is like a meat dish such as a sauce elbow and a pig ear, a zombie. See you, naturally, give up those who are not good, to chase Ye Shaoyang.

"It's you!" The female corpse stood in front of Ye Shaoyang and made a sound for the first time. The human form is not sensible, but after being possessed by female ghosts, it is now a ghost corpse. Of course, it is sensible, but female ghosts are also smothered by human form. Although they are intelligent, they are only I want to **** the blood blindly. I know that seeing Ye Shaoyang is exactly the feeling of the mage on his body. This is a short-lived waking up and recognizing him.

"It's me, my family's road is narrow, and the blood sucking is very comfortable."

Ye Shaoyang smiled coldly. At this time, there was already no one in the vicinity. Even Xiaosan and others did not know where to go. No one could see their own appearance and would not reveal the stuffing. Ye Shaoyang is more calm.

I also read the spell again, and inspired the blood of the rune to make the female body smell.

The female corpse's eyes immediately became embarrassed, and the mouth ran out of the water, and rushed toward Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang... turned and ran.

This scene made the bandits who were hiding in the distance stunned. Everyone ran away. He didn’t run, and he spent a long time on the woman’s body. He thought he really had the ability to deal with the woman’s body. The result actually ran. .

Under the chase of the speed of the female corpse, the average person can't have a chance to escape, but Ye Shaoyang casts a step in the sky and runs on the open space. The female corpse is chasing after him.

Ye Shaoyang ran all the way into the woods, and the female body chased it in. Ye Shaoyang ran to a place and suddenly stood still and looked back.

The female corpse stunned and was stunned by the **** smell. Without much thought, she flew directly.

Ye Shaoyang stood still and looked at her. When the female corpse rushed to her three or four meters away, she suddenly fell to the ground and fell.

It turned out that this is a trap designed by Ye Shaoyang, but it is not the one he dug, but the mao of the huts. However, this pit is a bit more likely because there are many people on the mountain, there are many people, there are many people who pull and pee, there are no sanitation workers to clean up the feces, so the cave that Ye Shaoyang found, below is empty, is the gap between the two rocks, the middle There are gaps, straight through the valley, if people fall, they will not fall into the valley, they will be sandwiched between two rocks.

When Ye Shaoyang saw this pit, he immediately counted his heart. At that time, while waiting, there was nothing to do. He found some grass from the vicinity and covered the pit. After making the mark, the female body was brought over... ...

Ye Shaoyang rushed over and saw that the upper body of the female corpse was stuck in the crack, and the teeth were clawing, looking at herself, and roaring in the mouth.

She is a ghost corpse. Although she is so powerful, she can't fly in the sky. In this situation, she is helpless.

Ye Shaoyang looked at her with a smile, carefully squatting on the ground, so as not to step on the shackles, and then pulled out the seven-star Longquan sword and cut it down against her head.

The female corpse waved her hands and grabbed the Qixing Longquan sword. She pulled it hard and almost pulled Ye Shaoyang down the pit. Fortunately, the Seven-Star Longquan Sword is the supreme **** of Jiu Duanguang. Even if there is no suffocating blessing, its own aura is not able to be touched by ordinary evils.

At the moment when her hands touched the blade, she immediately slammed a sigh of relief, and the female body screamed and immediately released her hands.

Ye Shaoyang stabbed a sword against his head. This sword stabbed the eyebrows and the female body screamed. But when Ye Shaoyang slammed it down, he pushed the body of the female body to the crack and pushed it a little. The sword of the Seven Star Longquan sword Not enough. In fact, I can also get there, just... Ye Shaoyang needs to climb a little below, and here is the pit, the pits are surrounded by cockroaches, it is easy to climb down, but it is bound to contaminate some dirty things...

Ye Shaoyang hesitated and looked at the cockroaches in the pit. He still couldn’t get enough. He shrugged at the roaring female body and said, “No way, I wanted to give you a good time...”

After that, I took out a packet of sulphur from my backpack, wrapped a glutinous rice, wrapped it in a large piece of sassafras paper, and then threw it down after being ignited. I was caught by the female corpse and scattered, but the fire and sulfur were scattered on the female body. When I met the corpse, I immediately burned a blazing flame. Ye Shaoyang drew another fire symbol and threw it in.

Because the female ghost has been combined with the human form, she can't get rid of it. When the body is completely burned and hernia is removed. When she can leave the body, she has already been burned by the fire.

"Ah... I will not let you go when I am a ghost." The female ghost felt the pain of her own soul burning and screamed.

The ghost is also the thing after the death of the man. She has never been to the yin, and has not accepted the culture of the yin. It has been in the world, and there is still a saying that people often say when they are alive. However, it is quite funny to hear from Ye Shaoyang. "You are already a ghost. If you can't be a ghost, you can only be fine, Sayanara!"

After Ye Shaoyang finished, he ran away.

Anyway, the female body is also mortal, there is no need to waste time here, or there will be a bandit will come over.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the open space. Someone had come over with a torch, so he quickly passed through the woods, turned over the fence, jumped down, and ran all the way back.

The human form is thus destroyed, there is no fight, and there is no danger. This is actually the principle of Ye Shaoyang: With his current mana, if he fights hard, he will have to work hard to win, but he will also face The dangers found by those bandits.

This incident also confirms the principle of the human master against the enemy: using all the things that can be used, try to save energy as much as possible, not to mention that Ye Shaoyang is the most likely to use these external factors to make the enemy.

In fact, it is really rare for Ye Shaoyang to really fight with each other. He himself knows that he is not a good person who is good at the wind, because the body is limited, and there is no such strength. If you really get to that step, you will be very disadvantaged.

"Wait!" Ye Shaoyang just jumped over the fence and jumped down. There was a sudden sound behind him. Ye Shaoyang was shocked. After looking at it, someone actually jumped out of the fence with himself. Look carefully, it’s not someone else, it’s the little three...

(End of this chapter)

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