Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2098: The first male of the 2098

Ye Shaoyang suddenly became nervous and set his posture. He planned to rush to kill him as soon as he raised his gun.

Only he is alone, even if there is a gun, Ye Shaoyang is confident that he is confidently killed.

However, Xiaosan did not pull the gun. In order to express his sincerity, he even walked over with both hands. Ye Shaoyang was a little confused and had to stand still.

"I will give you your money." Xiaosan said, putting his hand in his pocket, Ye Shaoyang immediately nervous, but Xiaosan did not touch the gun, but a cloth bag. After opening, there were a few yellow ones inside. bullion.

"The last time I grabbed your money, I will give it back to you." Xiao San threw the cloth bag to Ye Shaoyang and smiled and said: "Do not know each other."

He smiled very gently, and even made people feel like a spring breeze. If you didn't see him on the other side, Ye Shaoyang would almost be deceived by his kindness.

Being able to pretend to be such a smile is enough to prove that this city is extremely deep.

But giving money is always a good thing, and it is your own money. Ye Shaoyang put the gold bars away and asked, "What do you mean?"

Xiao San Baoquan said: "As soon as you deal with the female corpse, I hid it on the side and secretly saw it, so I chased it all the way... You are a mage."

"What's wrong?" Ye Shaoyang didn't want to say anything to him, but for a moment he couldn't figure out what he thought, so he had to wear it first.

Xiaosan smiled. "My brother is a mage, a disciple of Wutai Mountain, very powerful, so I believe in magic. I also saw it before, and then remembered the things that were in the temple before. How many of my men were killed?"

Ye Shaoyang gave a slight glimpse, Shen Sheng: "I want to take revenge?"

"Don't misunderstand, if I want to take revenge, I can put a cold gun behind you... I want to talk to you about a sale. Have you heard of Daqing Treasure?"

Daqing Treasure?

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. In his own time, he was away from the Qing Dynasty for more than 100 years. Even if there were any legends that had already vanished, he shook his head.

Xiaosan heard that he didn't know, and he was not surprised. He said, "You don't know, it's normal. There aren't many people who know this."

Ye Shaoyang asked: "Do you know?"

Xiaosan smiled and said: "If I don't know, I won't ask you." I looked at the fence and looked at it. Because it was night, I could still see the fire everywhere through the woods. Some people were playing around. go with.

"I don't have much time. To make a long story short, I need a mage who knows how to divide the acupoints to help me find out the location of the big ad, the treasure inside, the end of the emperor, if you can get it, anything can be done. ""

Ye Shaoyang looked at him with shock. "Are you serious?"

"Of course, how else would I catch up with you and say this."

"Is your brother not a mage, why are you looking for me?"

"My brother is dead. He went to the ancient tomb and found it, but he could not come out."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "Why don't you find someone else?"

"I used to think that with my strength, it is impossible to find a treasure. The most important thing is... I was not very interested in the treasure before, because... you have seen my strategy before, based on my ability, I want to It’s not hard to live a good life.”

Ye Shaoyang did not say, but the heart actually agrees. Even if he has a good life, this kind of person, if given him the opportunity, as long as he does not accidentally die in the middle, can be said to be absolutely a male figure.

Xiao San went on to say: "I didn't have ambition before, but now I have it. So I have an interest in the treasure, and you are the first Master I met. You have the strength. I killed a few of them in the blink of an eye. And it’s not soft...”

"If there is a chance at the time, I also want to kill you." Ye Shaoyang said coldly.

Xiao San grinned. "I will do my best. I am doing this, just to protect myself... I have no time to tell you, are you interested in cooperation, treasure, I can’t finish it alone, even if it’s 100 One of them is for you, and it’s enough for you to spend ten years."

Ye Shaoyang sneered and said: "If I refuse, do you want to kill me?"

"Ha ha!" Xiao San laughed, just looking at it, laughing very open and bold. "This is definitely not, cats have cat roads, dogs have dog roads, you and I are not taking a road, you can't kill each other." Xiaosan arched his hand. "You think about it slowly, you can come to me, tomorrow. I am the owner of Erlong Mountain, but I am staying here, but you want to find me, you can."

The owner of Erlong Mountain...

Ye Shaoyang thought that he had led several people to quietly touch the ghosts and see the sorrows. It was originally intended to take advantage of the wedding banquet. When everyone was drunk, they started politics/change, replacing the status of ghosts, but for people like him. In fact, when a Tujiazhai village owner is really just a starting point.

Ye Shaoyang was not interested in looking for him, so he didn't ask him how to contact him. What mobile phone number is like WeChat qq, of course, there is no such time. What he is thinking is, whether he wants to kill him...

This kind of heroic, once gaining momentum, will be very dangerous in the future, and there may be many people who will die for him. But... I seem to be a bit too wide, I am just a mage, and I have no power to decide the life and death of others.

Besides, this is not your own time. An outsider who is able to demote and demon in this world has already surpassed his duties. Other things, he really can't control it.

And everything is big or bad, everything is a life count. If this guy in front of him can really make a wave of storms in the world, it is also doomed, and for everyone after 100 years, this is the dust of history.

Still in the work of Ye Shaoyang's distraction, Xiao San has stepped on the stones piled up before Ye Shaoyang, and turned over to climb the fence. Xiao Yang smiled and smiled. "The next time I meet, my name is Sanye." After that, he jumped into the cottage.

Ye Shaoyang stood for a moment and turned and went down the mountain.

The matter here is over, he is going to do his own thing.

Xiao San passed through the woods and came to the sluice pit where the female corpse was buried before Ye Shaoyang. There have been a lot of bandits gathered nearby, and they are watching in the pit.

One of his men saw him coming over and immediately said: "Reporting Sanye, the zombie is dead."

"In my cousin's spell, of course, it is dead." Xiaosan smiled and looked at the people who looked at each other and said: "The previous things, I must have seen everyone, the Master, my cousin, is I invited it, because I saw it early in the morning, this bride is a dead man...that is, a zombie, but he said to the big master, but he does not believe... the temper of the big master, you also know, so I had to find my cousin. Come, my cousin is a Taoist, I let him ambush here.

(End of this chapter)

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