Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2099: The first 2099 of the Kazuo 2

"After the big house went to the cave, we came out in advance, in order to find an opportunity to wait for the zombie to appear, immediately kill him, do not want us to be a step late, let the big master suffer a poisonous hand"

Speaking of this, Xiao San sighed and made a sad expression.

The bandits who had been hiding in the stockade, I heard that after the zombies died, they all gathered together. It’s almost all here. After listening to Xiaosan’s words, I was so shocked that I couldn’t speak, and then I thought about the situation before. It’s about the same as he said.

One of the three juniors said: "This is the case. Just here, it was the zombie that Sanye had dealt with with his cousin, and he killed the zombie. Otherwise, you think about how the cottage would happen to come to a mage. Who else can you ask for?

Little three nodded: "My cousin is a high-ranking person. I don't want to deal with these heroes. After killing this zombie, I sent him out."

The bandits who were present heard him say this, and they also believed in eight points. A bandit frowned and said: "But when you rushed out of the big room, you obviously told people to catch the bride?"

Xiao San explained: "Of course, I wanted everyone to come together, hold on to the zombies, let my cousin deal with it, I didn't think the zombies were so powerful."

"Yes, that's it." The crowd came out of the crowd, a long gown, a folding fan, and a smile at the little three. "This matter, from beginning to end, Sanye was discussed with me, and said to the big When the family listened, the big master was fascinated by the zombies, and they angered us. We had to make plans for it. Thanks to the arrangement of the three masters in advance, the zombies were killed. Otherwise, our brothers in the cottage must die at least seven or eighty-eight."

The iron abacus is spoken, and the second master in the cottage, he said, everyone is naturally convinced.

Xiao San and the iron abacus looked at each other, the eyes of the two, only they understand what is going on.

Everyone looked down at the female body that was burned into a group of burnt ash in the pit. The body of the corpse before the thought of the corpse was still not cleaned on the dojo. All of them were cold in the back. The look of Xiaosan was also full of gratitude. And respect, if it wasn’t for him to plan ahead, it’s true that one of those bodies in the dojo is himself.

The people returned to the dojo together and counted the bodies, including the big master. Xiaosan temporarily stood up and told everyone to burn these bodies first, lest there be residual corpses and the like, affecting the living people. It is also because of this reason that they immediately became the masters of the big masters, took out those pipa instruments, and blew them. One time, buried directly in the woods, set up a tablet, and then everyone came to the Juyi Hall, ordered four fire basins to illuminate, and discuss the major events together.

The meeting was hosted by Xiaosan. He first expressed his memory of the big master, and then said: "As the saying goes, the country can't be without a day, the big master is not there, but the cottage is still there, not a day, no one is here today. We have to choose a new person to continue to lead the brothers to work, to eat spicy and spicy."

Everyone listened to him saying this, and turned around and looked at the iron abacus: the big master hangs up, the three homes hang before, the four King Kong died three, the location of this big master, naturally the iron abacus to sit.

Xiaosan said with a smile on the iron abacus: "Second brother, this is the top spot, you still have to sit."

When the iron abacus heard it, he immediately waved his hand and said: "If you can't make it, you will be able to sit in the second chair with the cultivation of the big master. But I am just planning to do it. At best, there are some small talents, but there is no strategy. As a military sergeant, I can't take the helm, but I am modest. This is the first spot, I can't sit."

Everyone listened to the iron abacus and said that he was not modest, so he looked for the target. Some people looked at Xiaosan, and others flew toward the grass in the four King Kong.

Most of the famous bandits, usually take a name, appear to be arrogant, this grass flying is such anonymity.

On the grass, I was a little eager to try. In the four King Kong, he was ranked fourth, young and fierce. He was a master who dared to fight and dare to kill. However, his character was too arrogant and arrogant, and his popularity in the mountains was not good. Such a big old man is waiting to see him, but the situation at the moment is that the other three King Kongs were killed by female bodies before, and the qualifications, in addition to the iron abacus, only the grass flying with this qualification.

Flying on the grass himself is also full of interest in the boss, looking at the iron abacus with a gaze.

The iron abacus looked at him and said: "It is not appropriate. I am not targeting the four diamonds. It is just that the four golds are rigid and rigid. It is easy to charge. In my opinion, Sanye is a good one. This time, I helped the cottage to get rid of the zombies and made great contributions. Before I arranged the aftermath, it was reasonable. It was a person who could do big things. I suggest that Sanye should take this first transaction. ”

"What! He only went up the mountain for a few days! I was the first to follow the big masters!"

On the grass, I jumped on the table and pointed at the nose of Xiaosan, and spit it up.

Xiao San did not say anything, sighed and said to the iron abacus: "Four King Kong is right, my days going up the mountain are short, I am afraid I can't convince the public. This is the best place for the four golds."

When the brothers listened to him, they suddenly stopped, and the top of the cottage, who wouldn’t want to sit? Moreover, almost all of the grass flies to him in front of him, but he can still bear it. These bandits are all old and rough. If you see this scene, even if you fly on the grass, your heart will start to lean toward the third. .

The iron abacus saw this scene and said: "Everyone raises their hand. This is the fairest thing. Now, the leather/life force is popular. In this way, support the small three-handed raiser, support the four diamonds, do not raise their hands, and finally look Who support more, let's get started."

After the iron abacus was finished, he raised his hand first.

A few of the youngest men, naturally raised their hands high.

Many bandits, you see me, I see you, some people, and raised their hands in silence.

There were more and more people on the grass watching the hands raised, jumping on the table and pointing out at the people who raised their hands, one by one, let them not raise their hands.

However, the more he did this, the more people raised his hands, until the end, no need to count, light more than half of the eyes. On the grass, I remember to blush and thick neck, slammed out the box gun, pointed at the third, and shouted: "You have to go up the mountain for a few days, what qualifications do you have as the boss!"

(End of this chapter)

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