Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2100: The 2100th initial Kazuo 3

With a bang, the gun rang, but it was not a small three, but a flight on the grass.

A young boy holding a rifle in his hand, the barrel still braved the smoke, just a shot directly hit the head of the grass flying, hit a blood hole in the eyebrow, directly killed.

"The second person said, the person who raised the most hands is the new big head. Four King Kong pointed at the big head with a gun. The sin is not tolerated. If I don't react quickly, Sanye may have been killed by him at this time! I am also a last resort. "The boy said with a gun."

Xiao San looked at the boy and looked at it with deep approval. But he immediately screamed and shouted: "The following is committed, even if you have a reason, you should not kill him. You guys will lock him up and turn back. Re-disposal!"

A few of the men went up and followed the boy and went out to the outside. The boy did not resist. While walking, he shouted: "Brothers, the three masters are suitable for the family. Follow him, everyone follows the three masters! Spicy!"

After the boy was taken away, the iron abacus stood up and folded a dozen fans. He said, "Well, the death of the four King Kong is also self-sufficient. Since the big master is elected, do it according to the rules."

Say yourself first and go to the big house.

After that, the bandits continued to squat down. Even the few irons flying on the grass had no way. The grass was flying dead. They didn’t have a backing. Even if they were reluctant, they had to accept the reality.

Xiaosan made a resignation and had to sit on the head of the tiger-skinned head that had been sitting on the ghost, and made some words that encouraged morale.

After that, there was a ritual of smashing the scorpion. The third was the new four King Kong. The two were their own men. The two were the veterans of the cottage. They were placed in front to make them psychologically balanced. People have the best relationship among the bandits, and they can speak to the public. They have been pressed by the four King Kongs before, and some are depressed. Now when the young trinity takes office, they promoted them to be the first two of the four King Kong. The two are also very happy. Naturally, Xiao San is more pleasing to the eye than before.

After the ceremony was finished, the banquet was reopened. Everyone went on to drink, and they continued to drink until dawn, before they went to rest.

According to the rules, Sanye should be living in the room where the ghosts see, but because of the zombies that last night, some suffocating, so Xiaosan still went back to his bedroom. Before returning to the house, he went to see him. The boy who was in the cell.

When the boy saw him coming, he immediately said, "When you are a big man."

"Jin Zu'an, there are no outsiders here, it's all our own brethren. You don't have to." Sanye squatted in the cell, greeted several people to sit down, and then took out a pack of cigarettes and gave them a pump.

These were the deserters who went up with him at the time. Under Wu’s men’s hands, Wu Yingchang became his men after he was killed. There were still a few others. When the battalion of the martial arts was killed, several of them were killed by him. There were still a few of them who died before the woman’s body.

Sanye took a cigarette and turned to look at a few people. He said, "My little three was going to be a bandit. The brothers still hesitated. Now it is better to go home than you to farm?"

Several people smoked cigarettes and laughed.

"Three Lords lifted!" Someone flattered.

The three masters waved their hands. "We are drinking blood, the brothers who are dying, and frankly I am not a good person, but I also need my brother who I trust, and my brothers are crawling from the dead. I The three words are placed here, as long as you iron the heart to follow me, say a little, rich and rich, don't forget! The vernacular is that there is a special little three of me to eat meat, never let you drink soup!"

Several people looked at each other, and there was a light shining in their eyes. They nodded and vowed to be absolutely loyal.

Sanye saw Jin Zu'an and said: "Jin Zu'an, you are doing very well today. I will never forget you in Sanye. You should eat a few meals a day. When the situation is completely stable, I will let you out!"

Jin Zuan nodded hard.

The work of a cigarette, Sanye told them a lot of heartfelt words, but also encouraged him. These few were originally loyal to him. Now this kind of loyalty is a step closer and full of prospects for the future.

Everyone went out of the cell together, and the three masters told them to patrol. I just became the boss tonight, afraid of something going wrong, and went back to the room to go to sleep.

When I first entered the house, I saw the iron abacus standing up from the seat, laughing and arching, saying: "Great home!"

Sanye laughed and patted his shoulder and sat down. He sat down oppositely and said, "There is no outsider here. To be honest, before in the woods, thank you for helping me."

The identity of the iron abacus is the second master. It is said that it is called the second master. However, because the Jianghu people are offering Guan Erye, the name "two lords" is absolutely useless. Plus the iron abacus is a scholar, so he called Mr. .

The iron abacus smiled and said: "The three masters are serious about this. I am also a philanthropist and I will find a way for myself."

Sanye smiled and said, "How do you know that I want to win this top spot?"

The iron abacus said: "From the first day of Sanye's going up the mountain, I will see it. Sanye is not a person who has been living for a long time. You are a wolf! If you see a ghost, you must win the position of the owner. If I follow Flying on the grass and waiting for people all the way, now I am afraid that it is also dead."

When Sanye listened to this, he was not angry. He asked: "You are the second master, and the big family is dead. You should make up for the second home. Why give me?"

The iron abacus shook his head and said: "I know my two sons. I didn't lie before. I can only be a military sergeant. I can't handle the rudder. I don't want to sell the goods on the grass, or I will be tired of me in the future."

Sanye said: "You said that I am a wolf, you are selling life to the wolf, are you not afraid that I have eaten you?"

The iron abacus looked at him and smiled. "The wolf does not eat companions."

"How do you know that I am using you as a companion?"

The iron abacus arched his hand and said: "Excuse me, Sanye, you are the life of Xiongxiong. For your own benefit, you can give up anything, but I will only be useful to you, but there is no threat. I am on board with you. You are at the helm, I am pulling the sail."

Sanye looked at him, smiled and nodded, and said four words: "It's like a tiger."

The two chatted for a while, and the iron abacus said: "Sanye, what are your plans?"


"This small place in Erlong Mountain can't raise a real dragon. With the wisdom of Sanye, it is impossible to just want to be a bandit leader. There must be a farther plan. In addition, this Erlong Mountain is too close to the county town. In the chaos of the war, the official government will not deal with us, and will come up one day in the future. Erlong Mountain is not a long-lasting texture."

Sanye nodded and said: "According to your opinion?"

The iron abacus smiled and began to talk, and the two made plans for the future.

Saved, forgot to send...

(End of this chapter)

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