Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2101: 2101 Zombie Road Chief 1

Ye Shaoyang didn't know about all this. After he went down the mountain, he went to the county town to eat a meal, and then he followed the map given by Chen San. At this time, he regretted putting the horse a little, and he didn't have to rush the body. It is necessary to walk barefoot and want to go back to the county to buy a horse. It has already gone too far. I feel that I have lost time and simply walked.

A few days later, Ye Shaoyang did not encounter any special things, and did not have to rush to the body, no need to take care of others, a person is very relaxed, a few days later, arrived at the end of the map: Pingnan County.

Then I found the Erdaoba Inn, and found an inquisition from the shopkeeper. I immediately asked about the whereabouts of Chen San and Cui Yun: the two opened two rooms here.

Under the leadership of Xiao Er, Ye Shaoyang knocked on the door of a room. The door opened was Cui Yun. At first glance, he saw Ye Shaoyang, stunned, and then directly plunged into his arms, almost crying.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart was also very touched. Let her check it up and down. It was confirmed that there was no problem. Cuiyun was relieved. After sitting down, they chatted for a while. Cuiyun said that they actually just arrived, only than Ye Shaoyang. One night earlier, early in the morning, Chen San went to the body, and Cui Yun was alone in the inn. Originally lost, I did not expect to give him hope so soon.

After chatting for a while, Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered one thing, took out the few gold bars that he had recovered from his pocket and gave it to Cuiyun. Cuiyun was another surprise. He asked him how he got it. Ye Shaoyang simply said it, Cuiyun didn't understand the things between men, and didn't ask much. He was completely intoxicated by the joy of the lost gold bars. Then help Ye Shaoyang to collect the gold bars, this time can not be lost.

The two chatted for a while, went out to eat together, strolled on the road, Ye Shaoyang also bought a good dress for Cuiyun, and sent a jade bracelet to her, Cuiyun is too expensive, originally not, but can not resist Ye Shaoyang Repeated requests, had to accept. I always blame Ye Shaoyang for spending more money along the way, but I still can’t help but look at it from time to time.

Back in the inn, Chen San has returned, and has learned about the arrival of Ye Shaoyang from the treasurer. After meeting, he said the situation first, then mentioned the suffering of the female body.

"This bitter master is a mage master, but it has been abolished. On this matter, I would like to introduce someone like you, let him make it clear, let me go, I just ordered him to go down to the restaurant and meet. ”

Ye Shaoyang was a little curious about his mysterious look, and went with him to Cuiyun.

"Today I am taking you to eat something new. It is said to be a thing in Sichuan. There are not many in the whole of Jiangxi Province. It is a couple who came to Sichuan to escape and come here. The locals do not like to eat. But I went to taste it last night, and the taste is really good. As long as you can eat spicy."

"What kind of ghost thing, Sichuan cuisine?" Ye Shaoyang first thought of this, but Chen San said not, and mysteriously not willing to tell him.

On the street came to a small store, Chen San said it was here, Ye Shaoyang stood under the signboard, staring at the words above, staying there and standing there, there is a dumbfounded feeling.

"That's it, the new way to eat in Sichuan, I also eat it for the first time last night. It tastes really good. Today is also a coincidence. You are here, Ye Tianshi, and Cui Yun girl, bring you insight today. experience!"

Ye Shaoyang looked at the four characters and twitched his mouth. These four words are: Chen Ji Hot Pot

The so-called new way to eat, the original is Sichuan hot pot

In this age, hot pot is still a novel way to eat. But if you think about it, let alone the Republic of China, even when you are young, the hot pot you eat is completely different from the later Sichuan hot pot.

According to Chen San, the method of eating this hot pot has not been spread in the local area. There are not many people eating, so there are not many guests. The three have a private room. After Chen’s order, he went out to pick him up. That friend.

Waiting for a while, hot pot on the meal, this age has not yet popularized electricity, there is no gas and the like, the use of carbon, the appearance of the dishes is not the same as a hundred years later, relatively simple, not so many tricks. Cuiyun heard that it was hot in the inside and it was very novel.

Ye Shaoyang’s words, in his own time, but did not eat hot pot, originally did not have much interest in the hot pot, but this time has not been eaten, there are shops in front of the store, there is a shop, really see the hot pot up, or some Appetite, suddenly thought that this era of hot pot is not popular, barbecue, crayfish, string, these things that were popular in the early 21st century, certainly not. If you really want to settle in this era, in fact, you don't have to do anything else. Just open a shop and sell it. It is estimated that you can also raise a family and even make a fortune.

The boss is telling them how to eat this hot pot, Cuiyun listened very interested. Ye Shaoyang had a chance to move. After the boss left, he asked Cui Yun: "Sister, do you have any ideals?"

"Ideal?" Cui Yun's novelty eyes were taken back from those dishes, and he looked at him inexplicably.

Ye Shaoyang thought that the word "ideal" was a bit strange to her. She scratched her head and said, "Is it, when you grow up, have you ever thought about what you want to do in the future? Is there any work you want to do? Bad?"

Cuiyun listened to him and said with a smile: "I am a woman's house, can do errands, then I want to marry a good family, live a stable life, do not think, actually made a widow"

Ye Shaoyang quickly interrupted the words and said: "Sister, don't say this, have you ever thought about it, don't plant the land, open a shop or something, you have done so well, have you ever thought about opening such a restaurant?"

Cuiyun thought for a moment and sighed: "Oh, talking about this, it is really. We have a restaurant in the town. At the beginning, my brother was farming, I gave a restaurant to help, and I worked for a while." The shop owner is a Zhejiangese, and the people are very good. It is also the three shops of the couple. I said that I will cook and teach me a lot of Zhejiang food."

Ye Shaoyang didn't hear the key points. He only grabbed the four words and repeated it and asked: "Three couples?"

"Yeah, the couple, there is a little sister, not a couple."

"Okay." Ye Shaoyang is ashamed. I thought that the men of the Republic of China are really happy. A restaurant can marry two wives. He almost went to the lascivious old Guo in an instant. In this era, he has so much money to search and search. Use it, get a Sangong Sixth Hospital, but think carefully, with Guo Dazhao's temper, can make him a small blame.

(End of this chapter)

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