Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2107: 2107 Young Daoyuan 1

Ye Shaoyang is a bit speechless. I can't wait to tell him about his situation in a hundred years, but I think, because there is no evidence, at most, let him feel that he has compiled better, can not help but scratch his head, suddenly think of something, take his own sword seven stars Longquan sword Come down and hand it to Daoyuan.

"Maoshan to Bao, Qixing Longquan sword! Look."

When Dao Yuanzhen heard it, he was eclipsed. After observing it, his face showed a shocked and sluggish look. Mao Xiaofang also looked at the side and felt the sigh of the seven-star Longquan sword. He said: "Good sword!"

"The soldiers of Jiu Duanguang." Daoyuan said, "It’s even better than the general nine-segment light."

"Yes, so this is the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword."

Dao Yuanzhen took the sword and gave it to him. He stared at his face for a while and said, "You are not afraid that I will **** your sword?"

"You are not that kind of person, or I will not come to you."

After listening to this, Daoyuan real people said, "The sword is a good sword, but I have never seen the Seven Star Longquan sword. I don't know if it is."

Ye Shaoyang was a bit speechless on the spot. He showed them the pieces of Maoshan that he carried with him, but it was only more doubtful about his origins.

"You have so many good instruments, your origins are absolutely unusual. Why do you pretend to be a Maoshan disciple?" Daoyuan is very puzzled.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't answer, his eyes swept away and found his sabre hanging around his waist. When he saw the scabbard, Ye Shaoyang was shocked. He suddenly remembered something and said to Daoyuan real person: "Song Wen Gu Ding ?"

Daoyuan real people stunned and nodded.

Ye Shaoyang said: "When is this sword, when is it on you?"

"I am a descendant of Zhang Tianshi of Longhushan. This sword is my family. When I was 13 years old, I entered the real-life card. This sword was handed over to me for preservation. Until now, I will not leave."

Ye Shaoyang patted his thigh and said: "Well, if you are 13 years old, even if you are my current age, then I will be two or three years old at most, that is, I can't have a chance to see this sword, I It’s also the first time I saw you. Right?”

Daoyuan really looked at him suspiciously, did not understand what he meant, but still honestly replied: "That is of course."

"Then you usually show this sword to others?"

"Nature will not. This is my sword, but it is not for people to appreciate, how can I just show it to people. What do you want to say?"

"I want to say, are some of the characteristics of your sword, is it that few people know?" Ye Shaoyang said, "If I say, I know this sword very well?"

"Impossible!" Daoyuan Zhenren denied it in one sentence. "This sword is the treasure of my family. I don't pass the surname. Even in Longhushan, there are no disciples who have seen the sword."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I have seen it, I know the characteristics of the blade!"

Daoyuan real person just wants to negate, Ye Shaoyang preemptively said: "The front end of this sword, counting from the sword edge, about one inch three, is inlaid with a suction stone, each time killing evil things, can absorb some repairs, Nourish the blade, enhance the spiritual power, and the gym is engraved with a dragon-shaped symbol, probably the first time its owner entered the Yunlong Gongsunsheng engraved"

Ye Shaoyang continued to recall some of the characteristics of the pine-grained ancient sword, and said it one after another. After that, he looked calmly at the Taoist real person.

Seeing the true expression of Daoyuan, Ye Shaoyang knows that he has not made a mistake, of course, it is impossible to make a mistake.

"Even if you are telling the truth, how do you know the secret of my pine-grained sword?"

Ye Shaoyang hesitated for a moment and felt that if he didn’t say anything, this pass could not be over, saying: "In my time, you gave me the pine-grained sword."

"Give it to you? How is it possible!" Daoyuan really jumped up.

"It's true. Otherwise you said how do I know the secret of this sword?"

Daoyuan real person said: "Why should I give it to you?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Because I have done it for you, you gave him to me. Of course, I still hope that I will use it and the seven-star Longquan sword to fight against the robbery."

"Heaven robbery, what day robbery?"

Ye Shaoyang stunned and thought for a moment: "What happened in the future, are you sure you want to know in advance?"

Daoyuan really hesitated and said: "Then I don't ask, but I still have doubts about your identity. Do you have anything else to prove?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. "Some things involve too many things going on in the future. I don't want to tell you."

"You said that the pine-grained sword is in your hand, where is it now?"

"Not on me, because I have the Seven Star Longquan sword, so I gave it to my wife. I said before, my daughter-in-law was arrested by the corpse, my purpose is to return to my own time, and then to save her. ”

Daoyuan Zhen Humanity: "Even if you are telling the truth, what is the use of you to find me? I have no way to let you go back."

"I don't know what to do with you, but you are the only person I know in this world. Oh, there are still some sinisters, but the yin does not let me go." I thought of the last experience of going down, thinking of Xiao Yiyun, Reluctantly sighed.

However, his remarks made what Daoyuan really remembered and said: "I have a way to verify that you are lying!"

"How to do?"

"I will take you to the sinister! Long hair, you have to work with me, help me to be a witness!"

Mao Xiaofang was nodded. In fact, even if Daoyuan did not ask for it, he also wanted to go along and witness that what Ye Shaoyang said was a huge impact on the world view for him.

After all, their era cannot be like the era in which Ye Shaoyang was a hundred years old. He has a certain understanding and acceptance of things going through time and space. People in this era, because of scientific occlusion, simply do not have this aspect at all. It is any imagination.

Ye Shaoyang had something to do with the yin in his backpack. He took out the altar of the yin. As a result, the real person of the road made him unnecessary, got up and walked to the front of the rock, and pressed one hand on the rock.

Ye Shaoyang saw the symbol of the five elements in the rock, like a circle. After the palm of the Taoist real person was attached, the five runes were activated, and a black mist appeared, spreading in the middle of the circle. Form a whirlpool of nothingness.

Ye Shaoyang saw at a glance that this is a space crack. There are many space cracks in the human world, there are artificial and space-running nodes. Through these space cracks, anyone can enter other spaces.

(End of this chapter)

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