Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2108: 2108 young Daoyuan 2

This is actually the favorite way for the Master to cross, because you don't have to leave the flesh, and after casting it, no spells will be delayed. For Masters such as Ye Shaoyang, the Master of the Masters can do it by himself, but the general disciples can't do it. Longhushan has such a space crack. If necessary, a large number of disciples can pass through the past.

After the space crack opened, Daoyuan real people jumped in first, then Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang also jumped in together.

After a short walk in the void, the three came to the vicinity of the capital city and went to the north gate.

"I will take you to see Cui Fujun, look at your life and death book, and everything will be known." Dao Yuanzhen did not say back.

"Cui Fujun will let you see?" Ye Shaoyang is a little better.

"I stated the stakes and tried it."

When I came to the city outside the door, both Daoyuan and Mao Xiaofang were Tianshi tablets. They showed the Tianshi card as Ye Shaoyang and smoothly entered the city.

Mao Xiaofang and Daoyuan real people are not the first to go yin, and the Yin soldiers who guard the gates of the capital city also know each other. They also talked a few words to each other. These sinister soldiers are only good for Ye Shaoyang.

Because there are not many people in the world, there are not many people who have come to the sinisters. These garrisons are familiar to them. Only Ye Shaozhen has never seen this, but since it is followed by these two, naturally there is no doubt. His identity is only a newly-received master.

After entering the city, the three went straight to the Temple of Heaven.

Ye Shaoyang was a little excited inside. He thought that if he saw Xiao Yiyun again, he must try to convince him again, but when he thought that Cui Fujun would not let himself come again when he expelled himself, he was worried. The emperor Jinkou Yuyan would never be Scare people. I haven’t come over for so long, I’m scolding this, and knowing that it’s coming is also white.

All the way to the Temple of Heaven, and saw the two acquaintances of the goalkeeper, Ye Shaoyang deliberately hide behind and do not face them.

Daoyuan real people handed the famous post with respect and respect, and requested to visit Cui Fujun.

Generally speaking, the Heavenly Master is not qualified to see Cui Fujun, but it is not enough, but the Tianzi Temple is responsible for the life and death of everyone in the world. In order to avoid suspicion, the human master should minimize contact with the Temple of Heaven, unless Really encountered something important, need to find Cui Fujun to confuse, had to ask for.

The ghost warrior who guarded the door also understood the rules. He sent a person to send in the letter. After a while, the man came out and let them go in.

Ye Shaoyang was caught in the room and walked through the door of the temple. After entering, he just breathed a sigh of relief. As a result, a black wind suddenly blown from the opposite side, and the three people were wrapped in it. For a time, nothing could be seen, only the wind continued to blow. I couldn’t stand it, I was blown up, and I was so dark, I couldn’t see anything, I didn’t know which direction I was flying.

The three people's flustered luck resisted, Ye Shaoyang needless to say, now the mana is not good, Daoyuan real person and Mao Xiaofang are heavenly masters, but in the face of this overbearing yin, it is also a mana.

In the swaying, Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt that his collar was caught, and then he hurried forward, his feet suddenly sinking and fell to the ground. The wind has dissipated, and Ye Shaoyang looks at it. It is a white man who is holding himself. Before he sees it, the white man flies to the back, one hand is holding one, and the Tao Yuan and Mao Xiaofang are also raised from the storm. come out.

Ye Shaoyang saw the appearance of the white man at a glance, and he couldn’t help but shouted: "Little white face!"

Xiao Yiyun's white face was immediately dark.

Daoyuan real person and Mao Xiaofang also knew Xiao Yiyun, and they greeted them and turned their heads. Several people were already in the wilderness outside the capital city.

"What happened just now, how did a gust of wind blow us here?" Both Daoyuan and Mao Xiaofang were shocked.

"That is the yin wind of the monarchs, he does not want to see you... so send you out." Xiao Yiyun took a look at Ye Shaoyang, "mainly because of him."

Daoyuan real person and Mao Xiaofang are even more shocked.

"How come you again, Fujun said, you are not allowed to step into the gloomy step again, this time for you as a mercy!" Xiao Yiyun looked at Ye Shaoyang, cold and cold.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said: "We are always brothers, you don't have to be like this to me?"

"Who is a brother with you, I don't know you at all!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "You are skeptical. Otherwise, you will not show up at all, nor will you tell me so much."

Xiao Yiyun was so robbed by him that he couldn’t speak, and he had to scream.

Tao Yuanzheng arched his hand to Xiao Yiyun and said: "Xiao Langjun, I came to Cui Tianzi this time, I want to see this Ye Tianshi's life and death book..."

Xiao Yiyun waved his hand and said: "Don't look!"

Daoyuan lived.

Xiao Yiyun sighed and looked around and said, "This is not a place to talk. Let me go with you to the world."

Then the three broke open the void and returned to the place where the dragon and the tiger were in the face of the real people, standing in the pavilion.

"Also ask Xiao Langjun to make it clear." Dao Yuanzhen was anxious to say.

Xiao Yiyun frowned and muttered: "I have secretly checked it before, life and death book... without his record."

Daoyuan real person and Mao Xiaofang suddenly looked dumbfounded and looked at each other.

"There is no record in the book of life and death..." Daoyuan said, "Unless the testimony is soaring, it is separated from the Three Realms and Six Ways, like those in the Qing Dynasty."

Xiao Yiyun took a look at Ye Shaoyang and said, "Do you see him like?"

The two were speechless.

"There is no other possibility..." Mao Xiaofang hesitated.

Ye Shaoyang looked at their expressions silently and said: "I said it earlier, you don't believe it. If it wasn't for me, why didn't Cui Fujun want to see me?"

Daoyuan real person looked up at Xiao Yiyun and said: "Xiao Langjun, he really is..."

"I don't know, I have never seen such a thing." Xiao Yiyun said so, stopping at the Taoist real person and Mao Xiaofang, but it is a kind of recognition.

What Ye Yaoyang just said, Xiao Yiyun turned to look at him and said silently: "You counted from a hundred years later, I only hope that you don't lie to me, don't use me."

Ye Shaoyang patted his shoulder and solemnly said: "Our relationship is the kind that can kill each other. This, I will never lie to you, but I don't need you to die for me. I have no friends here. I hope that you can help me, even if I have an idea."

Xiao Yiyun stared at him for a long time, touched his nose and said: "I will believe you for the time being."

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