Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2111: 2111 three friends 2

I am actually not honest, but I don't know why my grandfather would feel that I am honest, that I can keep my loneliness, and once I can hold it, I will have a big chance in the future and pass this sword to me. ”

What he said was nothing, but Ye Shaoyang listened with amazement. He thought that the energy of Daoyuan’s real life was not in the tower of Linglong, but because he was sitting in the tower, he was isolated from the world, and he realized the truth and mana. Rapidly advanced, and later became a generation of masters, one of the strongest in the world

After the Tao Yuanzheng finished speaking, he thought of one thing and asked Ye Shaoyang: "Ye Tianshi"

Ye Shaoyang waved: "Don't call it old, you call me Shaoyang."

"Well, you can call my name, or you can call a big brother. My name is Zhang Daoyuan."

Ye Shaoyang's mouth was pumped, and he thought that his world's 100-year-old Daoyuan real person was full of silver hair. This "big brother" is really a bit unspoken, and there is always a feeling of chaos.

Mao Xiaofang also said: "It is said that you and I are so familiar, just call the name. You can call me a small party."

Although Xiaofang is a little disrespectful to his predecessors, Ye Shaoyang really thinks that the name is a bit of a mother, and she suddenly thought of the "fang" of the grass head.

"Right, big brother Daoyuan, what have you just said?"

Daoyuan sorted out his thoughts and said: "What I want to say is that since I am a hundred years later, I have given you the pine-grained sword. If this sword is on your body, plus mine, it is not Two identical swords, in that case, which one is true?"

Ye Shaoyang was on the spot. He has never considered this problem before.

"I think there should be no real problem. Both of them are true and should have the same power." Ye Shaoyang said after thinking about it.

Mao Xiaofang grabbed Ye Shaoyang’s shoulder and said: “We don’t say that the pine pattern is fixed, and Shaoyangzi, the instruments of Maoshan in your body are passed down from your time to your hands, that is to say”

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of something, his mouth wide open and he could not speak.

Mao Xiaofang continued: "That is to say, in this world, there is already a seven-star Longquan sword, and you brought another one."

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and nodded. Now on the Maoshan Mountain, there is naturally another Qixing Longquan sword, as well as Yinyang mirror and so on.

Ye Shaoyang licked his lips and said, "What about that? One is the future world. One belongs to the present world. It seems that there is no conflict?"

Daoyuan Zhenshi: "Seven-Star Longquan Sword is your treasure of Maoshan Town. It is only unique. In other words, if you put your hand on Maoshan and then pass it on, then you can't be two?"

Ye Shaoyang stunned.

Daoyuan real person went on to say: "I mean, there are some things that still say this Longquan sword. There is only one in history. If you pass two, then where does this extra one come from? What is it?"

Ye Shaoyang couldn't answer this question. Indeed, according to the story, the seven-star Longquan sword on Maoshan was the one that was actually passed down, but the real hand in his hand was also the real seven-star Longquan sword that was taken from the master. Naturally, Nor is it fake

Ye Shaoyang thought about it and finally relieved it. He said: "This problem seems to be not so complicated. Because it is not logical, if you follow the normal logic, don't say this sword, even I should not appear in it. Here, so let's not entangle this, as long as I can go back, everything will return to normal."

When they think about it, Ye Shaoyang is a person who is a hundred years later. He is ahead of them in scientific concepts. He still wants to understand this matter. With their thinking, even if they want to think about it for a lifetime, they simply don’t want to.

"Shaoyangzi, I think, do you want to go back to Maoshan, talk to Yunqiusheng or Fumingzi about your situation?" Mao Xiaofang proposed.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. This thought, in fact, he had thought about it for a long time, but he felt that there is no need to go there at the moment. Even if he showed his seven-star Longquan sword and other instruments to prove his identity, what could he do? Without Shan Haiyin, even if it is Maoshan, there is no way to send yourself back.

And Ye Shaoyang is really a little afraid to see the ancestors of Maoshan, or let them know everything about themselves and Qingyunzi, there will be a feeling of leaking open-air machine, Ye Shaoyang is also making up his mind, unless necessary, never go back to Maoshan.

"Right, I still have a few friends. It is very likely that I have also passed over like me. Is there any way to find them?" Ye Shaoyang remembered this and told the situation.

Both of them feel very embarrassed, Huaxia is so big, want to find a few people without clues, it is simply a needle in a haystack.

Mao Xiaofang suddenly remembered something and said: "Your few friends, since they are also masters, if they look for you, what do you think they will find you?"

Ye Shaoyang thought about it, shook his head and didn't have a clue.

Mao Xiaofang said: "I think that since they are in the magical world, they are not allowed to go to their own sect. They can send a placard to their sects. One is a Wutaishan disciple, and the other is a Lushan disciple. It is a big martial art. , also contact."

Daoyuan is humane: "Give me this matter. By the way, I will put your name out. Well, this is a bit of a hassle, as if I can't find a suitable reason."

The three men thought about each other. In the end, Mao Xiaofang suddenly remembered a way and patted Ye Shaoyang’s shoulder and said, "I have a way, I don’t know if you don’t know Shaoyang."

Ye Shaoyang said: "As long as there is a chance, there is nothing wrong with it, as long as you don't let me kill and set fire."

"Speaking of it, it’s really killing and setting fire!"

Ye Shaoyang was on the spot.

"Oh, what I mean is to issue a wanted order in the magical world. I said that you are a cult, doing bad things, and letting the various sects of the magical world pay attention to your whereabouts. This is the biggest reason, although the major sects will not care. Go find it, but your name will spread throughout the spell world. If your friend is also looking for you in the power of the spell, you will probably get your message and come to you."

Ye Shaoyang listened to his proposal and could not help but move.

Daoyuan real people said: "This method is a little too dangerous. It is easy to get angry. When there is a certain sect of the sect, it will be indiscriminate. If you want to go down with Shaoyang, don't you bother?"

(End of this chapter)

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