Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2112: 2112 strange valley 1

Mao Xiaofang said: "Without the portrait, just put the name out and try to pass it to his friend's ear. The rest of the people don't know who he is, and he doesn't know what he looks like. Even if he meets, he can't recognize it. Mainly less. As long as Yangzi does not despise the famous festival, it will be fine."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said: "I am a future world, and there are no famous festivals, as long as I can find my classmates."

Daoyuan real person took this matter on himself. Although he was retired in name and was disgusted, he said that he was also a descendant of Zhang Tianshi. In the magical world, he had the identity to distribute the Fa.

"Exactly, if I go down the mountain, I can't go down the mountain. I have to go and talk to my grandfather. By the way, let him agree to send me a placard. You tell me a place name. I will go to you when I get there."

The two promised to go down, and then they will leave to deal with the things of the night. Just about to leave the mountain, Daoyuan real people stopped Ye Shaoyang and asked him how to write about his crimes on the French placard.

Ye Shaoyang’s first thought was “*** 掳 ””, but after thinking about it, this is actually not a matter of the rule of law. It’s okay to report directly to the official. I don’t think there is any good crime for a long time, let him just keep one.

"Try to be as big as possible, so that it will cause vibration, and the scope of transmission is also wider." Mao Xiaofang reminded.

"I try to be as much as possible." Daoyuan really scratched his head, a thoughtful look.

After Ye Shaoyang went down the mountain, he took the horse that had been grazing at the foot of the mountain before, and then went straight to the place where Mao Xiaofang said.

"There are about a hundred miles, although the road is not very good, but it will be up to one or two days."

Speaking of what Mao Xiaofang thought of, he asked while riding a horse: "Yes, Shaoyangzi, in your time, what do people rely on in the field, riding or riding a car?"

"Do you know the car?" Ye Shaoyang was a little surprised. He came here on the road, but he didn't see a car.

"I have seen it in Shanghai and Peiping. But I haven’t run yet, I have seen the train, from Tianjin to Beijing." Mao Xiaofang said to himself, "It’s too much trouble, you have to repair the train, the route is fixed. Or riding is convenient."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "This is not a ventilator. I can tell you that in my time, there were trains all over the country. I thought of which city is convenient, and the train at that time was much faster than it is now. The speed can run hundreds of miles at a time."

Mao Xiaofang listened, and almost scared from the immediate fall. "I can't have it so fast, a few hundred miles an hour. From Beijing to Shanghai, is it a year?"

"If you can't have a day, it's a long time to take the train. If you fly, it will be two hours."

"Airplane?" Mao Xiaofang is very fresh about these two words.

Ye Shaoyang briefly talked about the knowledge of the aircraft. After listening to Mao Xiaofang, he was even more shocked. When Ye Shaoyang said that he could fly abroad by plane, Mao Xiaofang asked about the relationship between China and foreign countries in that era. Then he felt that he had some open-air planes and simply did not ask.

Along the way, Mao Xiaofang stalked Ye Shaoyang and said a lot of knowledge about science and technology and life after a hundred years. He listened to his heart and yeard, and wanted to experience it in person.

The two men rushed to the horse and first returned to Pingnan County. Ye Shaoyang found Cuiyun in the inn and told him that he was going to do something. Let her continue to wait here. Cuiyun saw him returning safely. He was very happy. Also feel free to let him go.

After leaving Ping'an County, the two men continued to ride on the southwest side of the horse. One day later, they entered the mountain and encountered a place where they could not ride through the horse. The two put the horse and walked over.

After entering the mountain, it is ridiculous everywhere. Occasionally, over a mountain peak, you will see some small villages. These villages in the mountains, the villagers rely on farming and hunting for a living, rarely go out, not like ten years later. Then migrant workers entered the city in large numbers. At least at this stage, these people living in the mountains are a kind of happiness. In addition to the bandits near the tribute, they are also free from the ravages of war and self-sufficiency.

The two walked all the way to the haunted valley that Mao Xiaofang said before, but did not go down immediately, but climbed a nearby mountain and looked into the valley.

The valley is one or two kilometers long, ten meters wide, east-west, standing on the top of the mountain. There is a grayish-white misty gas in the valley, which is filled in the valley.

"This is yin." Ye Shaoyang said, the yin is originally black, but if it is not thick enough, it will show this color in the daytime sunlight.

To cause pervasion, there must be evil spirits.

This is a proverb in the spell world, but it is only a few closed spaces. For example, some haunted old houses and the like, the air is not circulated. If a ghost makes a nest, it will gather yin and last for a long time. Scattered. Ordinary people can't see yin in the naked eye, but when they enter such a place, they will feel cold and uncomfortable at once.

However, the valley is well-connected and the atmosphere is smooth. The entire valley is filled with strong yin, which makes Ye Shaoyang feel incredible.

"There are only two possibilities." Ye Shaoyang said, "The first type, there is a source of yin in the valley, constantly emitting yin and keeping the concentration of yin in the valley. There is also a possibility that there is a valley in the valley. The invisible enchantment will cause it to be sealed in the valley and will not scatter."

Mao Xiaofang nodded and said: "I was in a hurry on the same day, it was night, and I didn't look at it at all. We can check it now."

Before going down the mountain, the two walked around the valley and found that it was a feng shui treasure: at the end of the valley, standing on three mountain points, dividing the valley into four, all the way downhill, taking the east The gas, from the peak of the past, these three peaks are like a tiger, with streams entangled below, such as the spirit snake.

This is a feng shui of the tiger clam dragon plate, but the stream is too small, not a big river, it is not a complete feng shui bureau, so it is only a snake rather than a dragon, otherwise it will become a dragon.

Despite this, this feng shui is too good to be good, and this is a feng shui of the Yin House. If the ancestors are buried in this valley, as long as the feng shui remains the same, the descendants will surely fly. It’s just that Ye Shaoyang doesn’t understand, so a good place to be feng shui, why is it covered by yin? Or is it that the rich yin in the valley has nothing to do with feng shui?

With this kind of question, the two went down to the valley, and their respective spells were tested for a long time, and they came to a frustrating conclusion: there was no enchantment in this valley. Then, there is only one explanation for the rich yin in this valley:

(End of this chapter)

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