Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2114: 2114 strange valley 2

Because I know the achievements of these people, I can’t help but feel a little embarrassed when I hear these people’s youth. But talent is very important, but it’s really not the upper limit of a person. These are the so-called genius teenagers. Some of them later embarked on the path of evil cultivation, or indulged in fame and fortune, and finally ruined themselves.

"Right, Zhang Xiaohan?" Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered this person. He was strongly touted by Zhang Daoshi, saying that he is the most talented and powerful second-generation disciple in today's magical world, but he did not leave any information in later generations, at least Ye Shaoyang. I have never heard of it, so I am even more curious.

Mao Xiaofang heard Zhang Xiaohan and stunned and said: "Zhang Xiaohan, he is the son of the heavenly election. Today is only in his twenties. The mana is unfathomable. At least it is already a place of the land, it is probably a fairy, even higher. However, although he is a disciple of Jiuhuashan, he is a master of all kinds of methods. The most important thing is that he is the first disciple of the spell circle hand-picked by the spell guild.

"Is the spell guild hand-picked?" Ye Shaoyang stunned as soon as he heard it. "Is this thing in the spell world?"

"Yes. The last Longhua meeting was initiated by the Spelling Guild. At the meeting, there was a potential second-generation disciple fighting. Finally, Zhang Xiaohan stood out and became the first. He was spotted by the spell guild and positioned the first disciple. They personally cultivated it. In a few years, he was the best in the world, but it was not a Buddhist martial art, but it was not entirely a martial art. It was taught by a spell guild. It was not the same as a human spell, but it was very strong. Therefore, Zhang Xiaohan’s real strength. It is much higher than his realm. Even among a generation of disciples, it is the first class."

Ye Shaoyang said nothing, after a long while, said: "How is he for people?"

"I am proud of myself, and my character is not pleasing. No one likes them except for a few people who have been chosen to accept the cultivation of the spell guild."

After a moment of pause, Mao Xiaofang went on to say: "But the magical world does not like him, not because of his character, but because of the rise of Zhang Xiaohan, which represents the success of the spell guild. In contrast, it seems that we are really in the world of magic. Not as good as a spell guild."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, this feeling, of course he can understand.

Mao Xiaofang sighed softly and said: "But ah, people are really strong, and people in this area have to take it, so the magical world has accepted the name of his first disciple, and where Zhang Xiaohan went, the general martial art will I have seen this person. To be honest, I really don't like this person. I want to lead the rise of the magical world and continue the glory. I feel that such a proud person is not suitable."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "The strong are generally proud."

Mao Xiaofang immediately said: "It is not the same. The strong should be proud, but for those who are not as good as him, at least not ridiculous, nor despised? He is the kind of person who completely despise the appearance of people, let such people lead the magic How can there be a future?"

Ye Shaoyang listened to him as such a description, the contrast also took a look at the wind, the road is also proud of the arrogance, but as Mao Xiaofang said, the road does not despise people who are weaker than him, just too lazy to reason, in fact, he is cold Good heart, there is a huge burden in the heart. As for this Zhang Xiaohan... Ye Shaoyang listened to Mao Xiaofang’s description and couldn’t help but think of a person:

Ling Yuxuan who died in his own hands. If you listen to the description, the characters of these two people are really quite like. Ling Yuxuan is also growing up in the name of a genius, the leader of the second generation of disciples, but compared to the strength of Zhang Xiaohan, it must be far worse.

Mao Xiaofang smiled at Ye Shaoyang: "I said so, you should not misunderstand that I am the strength of others. My own strength is clear. I will never catch up with others in my life, but I hope that I can have a genius in the future to defeat him. I really want to see what kind of expression he would be if he was defeated by someone else."

Suddenly thought of something, said to Ye Shaoyang: "For Shaoyangzi, you are one of the best geniuses in your time. If you recover from mana, do you think you are compared to Zhang Xiaohan, can you be his opponent?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "This is not a good thing. I don't know how strong he is and he hasn't played."

Mao Xiaofang laughed. "In fact, I hope that you can defeat him. We, people, have no hope. Unfortunately, your strength has not recovered, and you are bent on returning to your time. You can’t stay here for a long time. Otherwise, I am really I want to see it."

Ye Shaoyang smiled as a response. Of course, there is a strong mind, but... He said that he has always liked to fight against others, and he has no interest in fighting with the Master.

Since breaking through the realm of Lingxian, the only thing that can compete with him in the world is that Daoyuan is a real person. At that time, Ye Shaoyang himself listened to the floating, especially the emperor’s plaque, which made him have a kind of force. The ultimate feeling. However, it drifted for a while, then went to the Qing Dynasty, and met Lishan’s old mother, who knew her strength. In the face of those who explained Jinxian and Buddhism, it’s not worth mentioning, at least Not the top strong.

Not to mention the abnormality of Li Haoran. There are also the niece's son-in-law, Hou Qing... These are not what they can handle.

In the past, Ye Shaoyang still didn't feel anything. When it was on the Lingxian, it was quite good to install in the world and in the ghost domain. However, after the World War I, the whole world changed, and the cold jade became a reincarnation ghost boy. Take away, whether you want to save her or protect her in the future, you need to have more strength.

During the period after the crossing, Ye Shaoyang often thinks about this problem and feels that he is too weak. In the past, he did not have the ambition to pursue absolute strength. Now, he has it, but he regrets that it is counterproductive. Now he has only one or two percent left. strength……

Ye Shaoyang feels very weak.

After eating dry food on the mountain, the two kept talking until dark. After dark, the moon came out, and the moonlight tonight was not bad. From here, overlooking the valley, you can see the situation below.

The strong yin in the valley, the color turned deep, it looked dark.

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the moon and suddenly thought of one thing: Is the moon of this world the same as the moon of the era in which it was?

Naturally, there is no answer to this question.

The two sat on the top of the mountain for an hour, and in the valley below, there was a situation:

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